Centre for Asian Business (CAB)

17 Aug 2010
International Graduate School of Business, Division of Business, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia
"The Centre for Asian Business is a community of leading academics in the fields of Business, Commerce, Law, Management and Marketing dedicated to producing high-quality research on Asian business, and broadening the Australian understanding of Asian business practices. The Centre seeks, through our research and events, to not only make an important contribution to Australia's understanding of Asian business, but to assist businesses, particularly Australian companies, in their Asian ventures by providing them with high-quality, in-depth research, and facilitating a range of networking and educational events in order to encourage the development of regional collaborative partnerships. Officially established on 1 January 2010, the Centre is located within the International Graduate School of Business (IGSB). Research teams and members are, however, drawn from all schools within UniSA's Division of Business, including the Schools of Commerce, Law, Management, and Marketing, as well as the IGSB. We believe this cross disciplinary approach and diverse research expertise form a major strength of the Centre, and will ensure its relevance and importance to both academia and industry."
Site contents:
* Research Groups (International Trade, Finance and Investment; Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Enterprises; Globalisation and Asian Capitalism; Cross Cultural Management; International Marketing and Management; International Accounting Regulation, Valuation and Assurance);
* Current Research (# Internationalization of Indian Firms: Applying the Gandhi Philosophy, # CSR Strategy and Firm Performance, # The Effect of Government Alternative Policies on the Ethicality of Business Decisions in China, # Using Balanced Scorecard to Increase the Success Rate of Innovation Alliances: A Comparative Study in Australia and China, # Comparison of Protection of Commercial Secrets and Undisclosed Information in China and Australia - the Commercial Secret or the Dragon Secret, # The Impact of Foreign Multinational Corporations in South Korea: Evolution, Dynamics and Contradictions, # Market Orientation in the Shanghai Automotive Industry and its relationship with business performance, # Causes and channel of conflict in the Chinese telecommunication Industry under Conditions of Rapid Expansion, # Managing Foreign Acquisitions: Exploring the Influence of Administrative Heritage, # The Influence of Ethnic Food Experience on Country Perceptions and Tourism, # A Social Distinctiveness Perspective of Brand Preference Among Migrants, # I Don't Like You, But I Like Your Products: The Conflicting Relationships Among Consumer Animosity, Materialism and Ethnocentrism, # Cost of Carbon Regularity Compliance: A Comparison of How it will Affect Various Industries, Sectors and Countries, # Financial Reporting Demands in South East Asia: The Harmonisation of Accounting Rules and its Implications to ASEAN, # Development of Valuation Standards in South East Asia: The Current State of Play, # Full Cost Accounting as a Tool for Sustainable Development in Solid Waste Management: A Case Study for the Kuching Municipality, Malaysia);
* Staff of the Centre;
* Events and Collaborations (Current Events, Past Events);
* Research Publications (Books, Journals, Book Chapters and Other Edited Volumes);
* Postgraduate Research Students;
* Contract Research & Related Services;
* Contact the Centre;
* International Graduate School of Business (About the School, Programs, Academic Expertise, Prospective students, Career services, Alumni, Business relationships, Internationalisation, Podcasts, Research, What's new, Contact IGSB, Division of Business);
* Search.
URL http://www.unisa.edu.au/asianbusiness
Internet Archive (web.archive.org) [it is not clear whether, at the time of this abstract, the www.unisa.edu.au/asianbusiness site was archived]
Link reported by: Erin Leggat (erin.leggat--at--unisa.edu.au)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Corporate Info.
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 100
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

17 Aug 2010
International Graduate School of Business, Division of Business, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia
"The Centre for Asian Business is a community of leading academics in the fields of Business, Commerce, Law, Management and Marketing dedicated to producing high-quality research on Asian business, and broadening the Australian understanding of Asian business practices. The Centre seeks, through our research and events, to not only make an important contribution to Australia's understanding of Asian business, but to assist businesses, particularly Australian companies, in their Asian ventures by providing them with high-quality, in-depth research, and facilitating a range of networking and educational events in order to encourage the development of regional collaborative partnerships. Officially established on 1 January 2010, the Centre is located within the International Graduate School of Business (IGSB). Research teams and members are, however, drawn from all schools within UniSA's Division of Business, including the Schools of Commerce, Law, Management, and Marketing, as well as the IGSB. We believe this cross disciplinary approach and diverse research expertise form a major strength of the Centre, and will ensure its relevance and importance to both academia and industry."
Site contents:
* Research Groups (International Trade, Finance and Investment; Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Enterprises; Globalisation and Asian Capitalism; Cross Cultural Management; International Marketing and Management; International Accounting Regulation, Valuation and Assurance);
* Current Research (# Internationalization of Indian Firms: Applying the Gandhi Philosophy, # CSR Strategy and Firm Performance, # The Effect of Government Alternative Policies on the Ethicality of Business Decisions in China, # Using Balanced Scorecard to Increase the Success Rate of Innovation Alliances: A Comparative Study in Australia and China, # Comparison of Protection of Commercial Secrets and Undisclosed Information in China and Australia - the Commercial Secret or the Dragon Secret, # The Impact of Foreign Multinational Corporations in South Korea: Evolution, Dynamics and Contradictions, # Market Orientation in the Shanghai Automotive Industry and its relationship with business performance, # Causes and channel of conflict in the Chinese telecommunication Industry under Conditions of Rapid Expansion, # Managing Foreign Acquisitions: Exploring the Influence of Administrative Heritage, # The Influence of Ethnic Food Experience on Country Perceptions and Tourism, # A Social Distinctiveness Perspective of Brand Preference Among Migrants, # I Don't Like You, But I Like Your Products: The Conflicting Relationships Among Consumer Animosity, Materialism and Ethnocentrism, # Cost of Carbon Regularity Compliance: A Comparison of How it will Affect Various Industries, Sectors and Countries, # Financial Reporting Demands in South East Asia: The Harmonisation of Accounting Rules and its Implications to ASEAN, # Development of Valuation Standards in South East Asia: The Current State of Play, # Full Cost Accounting as a Tool for Sustainable Development in Solid Waste Management: A Case Study for the Kuching Municipality, Malaysia);
* Staff of the Centre;
* Events and Collaborations (Current Events, Past Events);
* Research Publications (Books, Journals, Book Chapters and Other Edited Volumes);
* Postgraduate Research Students;
* Contract Research & Related Services;
* Contact the Centre;
* International Graduate School of Business (About the School, Programs, Academic Expertise, Prospective students, Career services, Alumni, Business relationships, Internationalisation, Podcasts, Research, What's new, Contact IGSB, Division of Business);
* Search.
URL http://www.unisa.edu.au/asianbusiness
Internet Archive (web.archive.org) [it is not clear whether, at the time of this abstract, the www.unisa.edu.au/asianbusiness site was archived]
Link reported by: Erin Leggat (erin.leggat--at--unisa.edu.au)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Corporate Info.
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 100
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com
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