China Policy Institute (CPI)

24 Aug 2010
School of Contemporary Chinese Studies (SCCS), The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
"The China Policy Institute (CPI) is a think tank set up by the University of Nottingham to expand the knowledge and understanding of contemporary China in the UK, Europe and worldwide and to analyse its global impact and the critical challenges it faces in its rapid development. The China Policy Institute works with research centres in China and around the world to produce quality analysis on contemporary China on a broad range of topics in the fields of international relations, economics, business, politics, the environment and society. Our goal is to help build a more informed dialogue between China and the rest of the world. The CPI is the research institute for Nottingham's School of Contemporary Chinese Studies []."
Site contents:
* About the Institute (Honorary Patron, Advisory board, Sponsorship, Contact us, Find us);
1. China's economic transformation and its global impact: # The widening income gap between rich and poor and between Western China and the prosperous coastal regions, # Financial system reform, the development of China's capital markets and its banking system, # Barriers to economic growth and the impact of foreign competition, # Science, technology and education policy, # Understanding China today from the perspective of its economic history.
2. The impact of China's rise on its international relations: # China as an emerging superpower, # China's soft power and its image abroad, # Chinese views of the EU and the implications for the EU's China policy, # China's energy security, growing oil demand and sea lane protection, # China's major corporations and their investment overseas.
3. Chinese politics and civil society: # Political reform and democratisation, Chinese-style, # Local democratisation, governance, citizen empowerment, and regime legitimacy in China, # The development of Chinese civil society and its impact, # Interaction between political institutions and civil society in China, # The role of policy entrepreneurship in the reform process, # The role of non-formal education in the development of civil society organisations.
4. The development of Chinese enterprises: # China's large enterprise groups and the emergence of its big corporations, # Overseas investment by Chinese corporations and their international competitiveness, # The reform of state-owned enterprises and their organisational structure, # Labour relations, # Corporate social responsibility, # Investment overseas in the energy and resources sectors.
5. Sustainable Development: # China's environmental history, # The impact of climate change on China, # Mapping the Gobi desert and the geography of knowledge on the Silk Road, # China's energy security, # Farmer innovation systems on the loess plateau: ecosystem services and poverty alleviation, # Regional environmental regulations and pollution havens in China.
6. Chinese Migration: # The migration of hundreds of millions of people from the countryside to the towns and cities as China urbanises and industrialises, # Chinese migration abroad and issues facing Chinese migrants in Europe and the UK, # The impact of migration on the sending and receiving communities, # Chinese migrant entrepreneurs in Europe, # People smuggling and trafficking, and labour exploitation among Chinese migrants in the UK, # Health and safety among Chinese migrant workers, # The working conditions of Chinese seafarers worldwide.
7. The impact of ICT on Chinese politics, society and culture: # How has the internet changed China? # Social changes and state responses to the revolution in ICT, # The impact of the internet on news coverage, freedom of information and the use of internet as a public space, # The implications of ICT for the future of the one party-state., # China's global soft power projection and changing global information flows, # Internet literature, censorship, consumer culture, youth culture and gender);
* People look-up;
* China analysis (# China Analysis [in PDF format] 2010. 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, # China policy blog []);
* Publications [in PDF format] (# Policy papers 2006-2010 [incl. Issue 62 Economic Recession, Employment and Working Conditions of Chinese Migrant Workers in the UK - Bin WU, Lan GUO and Jackie SHEEHAN Issue 61 Western system versus Chinese system - Wei PAN Issue 60 Grain for Green Programme' in China: Policy making and implementation? - Can LIU and Bin WU; Issue 59 Chinese Economy 2009: Leading the World Economy Out of Crisis - Shujie YAO and Dan LUO],
# Discussion papers 2005-2010 [incl. Issue 65 An Investigation of OFDI Strategies in China's Private Businesses: 'Round-Tripping' or 'Onward-Journeying'? - Dylan SUTHERLAND, Issue 64 Generational Shift and Its Impacts on Regime Legitimacy in China - Zhengxu WANG, Issue 63 Dealing with the global crisis: China among protectionism and containment - Stefania PALADINI, Issue 62 Access Matters: The Little Man with the Big Stone -- A commodity chain analysis on the case of Chinese fir in P County, Hunan Province, China - Xiuli XU, Ting ZUO, Tianlai GOU, Gubo QI, Ribot JESSE],
# Commentaries & reports 2006-2010 [incl. Jul 13, 2010 Employment Conditions of Chinese Migrant Workers in the East Midlands: A pilot study in a context of economic recession, Jun 21, 2010 Who will be China's psychiatrists? Jun 8, 2010 Misunderstandings about Chinese Charity Practice, Jun 1, 2010 New global consensus on climate change needed, Prescott says];
* News & events (Latest news, Forthcoming events, Events archive).
Internet Archive ( [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Corporate info. / Study/ News.
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 30
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at

24 Aug 2010
School of Contemporary Chinese Studies (SCCS), The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
"The China Policy Institute (CPI) is a think tank set up by the University of Nottingham to expand the knowledge and understanding of contemporary China in the UK, Europe and worldwide and to analyse its global impact and the critical challenges it faces in its rapid development. The China Policy Institute works with research centres in China and around the world to produce quality analysis on contemporary China on a broad range of topics in the fields of international relations, economics, business, politics, the environment and society. Our goal is to help build a more informed dialogue between China and the rest of the world. The CPI is the research institute for Nottingham's School of Contemporary Chinese Studies []."
Site contents:
* About the Institute (Honorary Patron, Advisory board, Sponsorship, Contact us, Find us);
1. China's economic transformation and its global impact: # The widening income gap between rich and poor and between Western China and the prosperous coastal regions, # Financial system reform, the development of China's capital markets and its banking system, # Barriers to economic growth and the impact of foreign competition, # Science, technology and education policy, # Understanding China today from the perspective of its economic history.
2. The impact of China's rise on its international relations: # China as an emerging superpower, # China's soft power and its image abroad, # Chinese views of the EU and the implications for the EU's China policy, # China's energy security, growing oil demand and sea lane protection, # China's major corporations and their investment overseas.
3. Chinese politics and civil society: # Political reform and democratisation, Chinese-style, # Local democratisation, governance, citizen empowerment, and regime legitimacy in China, # The development of Chinese civil society and its impact, # Interaction between political institutions and civil society in China, # The role of policy entrepreneurship in the reform process, # The role of non-formal education in the development of civil society organisations.
4. The development of Chinese enterprises: # China's large enterprise groups and the emergence of its big corporations, # Overseas investment by Chinese corporations and their international competitiveness, # The reform of state-owned enterprises and their organisational structure, # Labour relations, # Corporate social responsibility, # Investment overseas in the energy and resources sectors.
5. Sustainable Development: # China's environmental history, # The impact of climate change on China, # Mapping the Gobi desert and the geography of knowledge on the Silk Road, # China's energy security, # Farmer innovation systems on the loess plateau: ecosystem services and poverty alleviation, # Regional environmental regulations and pollution havens in China.
6. Chinese Migration: # The migration of hundreds of millions of people from the countryside to the towns and cities as China urbanises and industrialises, # Chinese migration abroad and issues facing Chinese migrants in Europe and the UK, # The impact of migration on the sending and receiving communities, # Chinese migrant entrepreneurs in Europe, # People smuggling and trafficking, and labour exploitation among Chinese migrants in the UK, # Health and safety among Chinese migrant workers, # The working conditions of Chinese seafarers worldwide.
7. The impact of ICT on Chinese politics, society and culture: # How has the internet changed China? # Social changes and state responses to the revolution in ICT, # The impact of the internet on news coverage, freedom of information and the use of internet as a public space, # The implications of ICT for the future of the one party-state., # China's global soft power projection and changing global information flows, # Internet literature, censorship, consumer culture, youth culture and gender);
* People look-up;
* China analysis (# China Analysis [in PDF format] 2010. 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, # China policy blog []);
* Publications [in PDF format] (# Policy papers 2006-2010 [incl. Issue 62 Economic Recession, Employment and Working Conditions of Chinese Migrant Workers in the UK - Bin WU, Lan GUO and Jackie SHEEHAN Issue 61 Western system versus Chinese system - Wei PAN Issue 60 Grain for Green Programme' in China: Policy making and implementation? - Can LIU and Bin WU; Issue 59 Chinese Economy 2009: Leading the World Economy Out of Crisis - Shujie YAO and Dan LUO],
# Discussion papers 2005-2010 [incl. Issue 65 An Investigation of OFDI Strategies in China's Private Businesses: 'Round-Tripping' or 'Onward-Journeying'? - Dylan SUTHERLAND, Issue 64 Generational Shift and Its Impacts on Regime Legitimacy in China - Zhengxu WANG, Issue 63 Dealing with the global crisis: China among protectionism and containment - Stefania PALADINI, Issue 62 Access Matters: The Little Man with the Big Stone -- A commodity chain analysis on the case of Chinese fir in P County, Hunan Province, China - Xiuli XU, Ting ZUO, Tianlai GOU, Gubo QI, Ribot JESSE],
# Commentaries & reports 2006-2010 [incl. Jul 13, 2010 Employment Conditions of Chinese Migrant Workers in the East Midlands: A pilot study in a context of economic recession, Jun 21, 2010 Who will be China's psychiatrists? Jun 8, 2010 Misunderstandings about Chinese Charity Practice, Jun 1, 2010 New global consensus on climate change needed, Prescott says];
* News & events (Latest news, Forthcoming events, Events archive).
Internet Archive ( [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Corporate info. / Study/ News.
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 30
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at
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