- The on-line journal for the study and exhibition of the arts of Asia

20 Jan 2011, Santa Fe, NM, USA / Kathmandu, Nepal.
"Asian Arts, the on-line journal for the study and exhibition of the arts of Asia. [The site, est. early 1996, is an official Associate of the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library, - ed.]. is dedicated to all aspects of Asian art. It is our ambition to offer a forum for scholars, museums and commercial galleries. We display highlights of exhibitions in public and private institutions and galleries; present new discoveries by scholars and connoisseurs; and, by providing space for private galleries to present their works, offer the visitor a selection of fine Asian art worldwide. [...]
We welcome and encourage color photographs in material submitted for publication. We also welcome letters and requests for information from scholars visiting the site. [...] Please feel free to post letters on any subject; we particularly welcome enquiries with photos of objects you wish to have more information on. [...]
# Ian Alsop, editor; # Sameer Tuladhar, Production Manager; # Michael Farrell, Assistant editor, Business Manager; # Jane Casey Singer, advisor, Arts of Tibet; # Lobsang Lhalungpa, editor, Tibetan culture and language."
Site contents:
* Site Index;
* Message Board
(Incl.: ## Group of Chinese paintings - help w/ Period & ID - Tim - Jan 18, 2011; ## Iron chinese bowl - zevach - Jan 18, 2011; ## Help identifying artist - Scurvy - Jan 18, 2011; ## Chinese Four Seasons Jar - Help w/ period / style - Tim - Jan 16, 2011; # Re: Chinese Four Seasons Jar - Help w/ period / style - Bill H - Jan 18, 2011; ## Painting signed CHAT - Charles Lennon - Jan 15, 2011; # Re: Painting signed CHAT - Stan - Jan 16, 2011; ## Chinese Plate With Nonsense Mark - wendy - Jan 15, 2011; # Chinese Plate With Nonsense Mark - wendy - Jan 16, 2011; # Re: Chinese Plate With Nonsense Mark - Bill H - Jan 18, 2011; # Re: Chinese Plate With Nonsense Mark - Arjan - Jan 18, 2011; ## Antique Chinese painting on silk - Paul - Jan 15, 2011; # Antique Chinese painting on silk - rat - Jan 16, 2011; # Antique Chinese painting on silk - Paul - Jan 16, 2011; # Antique Chinese painting on silk - rat - Jan 18, 2011; ## Cloisonne Vase - Susan - Jan 15, 2011; ## Cloisonne Vase - Susan - Jan 15, 2011; # Re: Cloisonne Vase - Bill H - Jan 15, 2011; # Re: Re: Cloisonne Vase - Susan - Jan 15, 2011);
* Subscribe [Subscription to "periodic letters from informing you of major updates."];
* [Sites hosted by] Associations
(The British Museum Diploma in Asian Art; Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust; KU Department of Music; Tibet Heritage Fund; The Patan Museum; China Exploration: Research Society; The Shalu Association);
* [Notes by] Exhibitions
[by date, most recent first] (# Buddhist Sculptures in Tibet; # The Colours of Silence; # London: The Fall Season 2010; # Tradition Transformed: Tibetan Artists Respond; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2010; # Confucius: His Life and Legacy in Art; # New York: Asia Week 2010; # Tracing the Past, Drawing the Future: Master Ink Painters in 20th--Century China; # Emerald Cities: Arts of Siam & Burma, 1775--1950; # The Ring of Fire; # London: The Fall Season 2009; # Lungta -- The Windhorse; A Painting Exhibition by Maureen Drdak; # Lords of the Samurai; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2009; # Tibetan Visions: Contemporary Painting from Tibet; # The Dragon's Gift: The Sacred Arts of Bhutan; # New York: Asia Week 2009; # Marvels of the Malla Period: A Nepalese Renaissance 1200?1603; # London: The Fall Season 2008; # Power and Glory: Court Arts of China's Ming Dynasty; # From the Land of the Gods: Art of the Kathmandu Valley; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2008; # Condensation: Five Video Works by Chen Chieh--jen; # Erasing Borders 2008: Exhibition of Contemporary Indian Art of the Diaspora; # Drama and Desire: Japanese Paintings from the Floating World 1690--1850; # New York: Asia Week 2008; # Mukti Singh Thapa; # Waves on the Turquoise Lake: Contemporary Expressions of Tibetan Art; # London: The Fall Season 2007; # Wutaishan: Pilgrimage to Five Peak Mountain; # Lhasa Nights; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2007; # Awakenings: Zen Figure Painting in Medieval Japan; # Celebrating the Next Generation of Japanese Bamboo Artists; # Masters of Bamboo; # New York: Asia Week 2007; # Tibetan and Himalayan Portraits: Nomads of Tibet and Bhutan; # Chimera: Paintings and Drawings by Julie Rauer; # London: The Fall Season 2006; # Lhasa Train; # Tibet: Treasures from Tibetan Monasteries; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2006; # Warriors of the Himalayas: Rediscovering the Arms and Armor of Tibet; # New York: Asia Week 2006; # Myths and Rituals: Myth and ritualism in art from India to China; # London: The Fall Season 2005; # Edge of Desire: Recent Art in India; # Little Boy: The Arts of Japan's Exploding Subculture; # Cast for Eternity: Bronze Masterworks from India and the Himalayas; # Magic & Mystery in Taos; # Tibetan Portraits; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2005; # Providing For the Afterlife: ÔBrilliant Artifacts' From Shandong; # The Kingdom of Siam: The Art of Central Thailand; # New York: Asia Week 2005; # Morning in the Barkhor: Photographs of Tibet; # When Gold Blossoms: Indian Jewelry; # In the Realm of Gods and Kings: Arts of India; # Japanese Season in the Israel Museum; # Splendors of China's Forbidden City; # London: The Fall Season 2004; # Contemporary Painting from Tibet; # Kailas: Manasarovar & Tibet; # Sanyu: l'ecriture du corps; # Sadhus: The Great Renouncers; # Paradise Now? Contemporary Art From the Pacific; # New York: Asia Week 2004; # Goryeo Dynasty: Korea's Age of Enlightenment, 918 to 1392; # -- New Perspectives from India; # London: The Fall Season 2003; # Focus: Asia -- a collection of 19th century photographs; # Tibet: Treasures from the Roof of the World; # Quiet Beauty; # Recent Works by Zao Wou--Ki at Marlborough New York; # New York: Asia Week 2003; # Window of the Sacred World: Marcel Nies; # Lay Figures, Divine Images: Renzo Freschi; # London: The Fall Season 2002; # Tibet: Mountains and Valleys, Castles and Tents; # Court to Caravan: Chinese Tomb Sculptures; # Tang Haywen: Paths of Ink; # New York: Asia Week 2002; # Desire and Devotion; # Netsuke: from the Toledo Museum; # Khumb Mela 2001; # London: the fall season 2001; # China:One Hundred Treasures; # The Legacy of Absence; # Taoism and The Arts of China; # The Theyyams of Malabar; # South Asian Diaspora in North America; # Peace of Mind -- Marcel Nies; # Behind The Himalayas -- Robert Powell; # Hirado Porcelain of Japan; # Family Ties in Asian Textiles; # Paintings of Ladakh: Simon Pierse; # Sacred Visions: Early Paintings from Central Tibet; # Maitres De L'Encre: masters of ink; # The Sculptural Heritage of Tibet; # An exhibition of Tibetan Calligraphy; # Chang Dai--chien in California; # Earth Door, Sky Door -- Robert Powell; # Survival of the Spirit -- Nancy J. Johnson; # Himalayan Visions -- Philip Sugden; # Treasures of the Chinese Scholar; # Tibet: Tradition and Change; # The Patan Museum; # Janakpur Women's Development Center; # Kathmandu Portfolio + 1.; # The Tharu of the Tarai; # The Splendors of Imperial China; # Guardians of the Sacred Word; # Kathmandu Valley Paintings -- Robert Powell; # Mustang -- Thomas Laird & R. Powell; # Sculpture from a Sacred Realm; # Lhasa Barkhor -- Amina Tirana; # Lao Textiles Revisited -- Carol Cassidy; # Mongolia: The Legacy of Chinggis Khan; # Heavens' Embroidered Cloths; # Early Tibetan Mandalas);
* [Papers hosted by] Articles
(# Allinger, Eva: Manuscript from the Yarlung Museum; # Alsop, Ian: Licchavi Caityas of Nepal; # Alsop, Ian: Phagpa Lokes'vara of the Potala; # Alsop, Ian: The Metal Sculpture of the Khasa Mallas; # Bagchee, S: M.F. Husain; # Baker, I.A: a hidden temple in Tibet; # Bartholomew, T.T: Art of Mongolia; # Batton, S.S: Conservation of a Buddhist Manuscript; # Bell, J: Baiya Monastery; # Bellezza, J.V: Archaelogical discoveries; # Bellezza, J.V: The Ancient Rock Art of Upper Tibet; # Bellezza, J.V: Thogchags; # Bellezza, John V.: Changthang Circuit Expedition; # Bellezza, John V.: Metal and Stone Vestiges; # Bharne, V. & Shimomura, I.: Wood and Transience; # Boyer, M & Terrier, J.M.: Thangka Restoration and Conservation; # Bunker, Emma C.: Tantric Hinduism in Khmer Culture; # Burkert, C., Gleason, T.: The Tibet Artisan Initiative; # Cesarone, B.: Pata-Chitras of Orissa; # Church, M. and Wiebenga, M., : A four-fold Vairocana in the Rinchen Zangpo tradition; # Coburn, B: A New Ceiling for the Roof of the World; # Cole, Thomas: A Voyage to Kanchipuram; # Conservation and Digitisation of Rolled Palm Leaf Manuscripts in Nepal; # Davies, Stevan: The Miniature Paintings of Mongolian Buddhism; # Deekshithar, Raja: Indra's Ratha in Melakkadambur, a Chola Masterpiece; # Deekshithar, Raja: Mysterious Pavilion 2, The wonder continues; # Deekshithar, Raja: Mysterious Pavilion: Document in stone of astronomical events; # Deekshithar, Raja: Nageshvara Nataraja; 885; # Deekshithar, Raja: Sphinxes in Indian Art and Tradition; # Dr Ghysels, Marc: CT Scans in Art Work Appraisal; # Drdak, Maureen: The Lungta Collaborative: The Living Blessings of Lo; # Fast, Adrienne: Exaggerated Enmity in Early Modern Indonesian Painting; # Gach, Gary: Hidden Meanings: Symbolism in Chinese Art; # Ganguly, Waltraud: Snake earrings of India; # Guta, Thomas L.: Snowlions Dancing on Clouds; # Guta, Thomas L.: The Weavers of Tradition; # Hagmuller, G.: Darkness and Light; # Hanbury-Tenison, William: A Rarity in Chinese Contemporary Art; # Heimsath, Kabir M.: Untitled Identities: Contemporary Art in Lhasa; # Heitmann, Annette L.: A note on a disputed Khmer sculpture; # Heller, Amy.: The Silver Jug of the Lhasa Jokhang; # Heller, Amy: The Lhasa gtsug lag khang: Observations on the Ancient wood Carvings; # Heller, Amy: Tracing the Reception and Adaptation of Foreign esthetic elements in Tibetan sculpture; # Henss, Michael: Tibet -- Monasteries Open Their Treasure Rooms; # Hoffman, Eric J.: Chinese Thumb Rings: From Battlefield to Jewelry Box; # Hoffman, Eric J.: Old Chinese Jades: Real or Fake?; # Houseal, J.: Vanishing Dances of Ladakh; # Kerin, Melissa: Reflections on Amy Heller's Early Himalayan Art; # Kirkpatrick, J: Ricksha Art; # Knirck-Bumke, Krista: Stripes and Patterns; # Knirck-Bumke, Krista: Victorious Durga; # Landsberg, S: An Indian Musical Instrument Maker; # Lequindre, C. & Petit, M.: Shamans, Ancestors and Donors: A look at tribal arts and cultures in old Asia; # Li, J: Images of Earth & Water; # Li, J: Tsakli; # Logan, P: Tibetan Art & Architecture; # Malla, Kamal P.: The Repousse Images from Pharping ; # Markel, S: Correlating Paintings of Indian Decorative Objects; # Markel, Stephen: Mughal Jades - A Technical and Sculptural Perspective; # McCue, G.: Tashi Kabum; # Minissale, G: The Synthesis of European and Mughal Art; # Murray, T: Masks of the Himalayas; # Pal, Pratapaditya: A Painted Book Cover from Ancient Kashmir; # Pannier, Francois: Soma, Offertory and Elixir; # Paniker, Ana: Oriental Sacred Art and the Art of Collecting in the West; # Pritzker, T: An Early stone fragment; # Rauer, Julie: Fathomless Skin; # Rauer, Julie: Klee's Mandalas; # Rauer, Julie: Organic Avatar; # Rauer, Julie: The Last Feast of Lady Dai; # Rauer, Julie: Through the Jalis; # Refojo, Karla: West meets East: Making a Murti in Kathmandu; # Rubin, N.A: Ghosts, Demons and Spirits in Japanese Lore; # Rubin, N.A: Whiff of Luxury; # Sardar, H: Trance-Dancers of the Goddess Durga; # Shimkhada, Deepak: The Future of Nepal's 'Living' Goddess: Is Her Death Necessary?; # Shrotriya, Alok and Xue-ying, Zhou: A Visit to the Artistic treasures of Maiji Mountain caves; # Singer, J.C: a Taglung Lama; # Singer, J.C: Early Portrait Painting in Tibet; # Singer, James: Contemporary Japanese Ceramics; # Slusser, Mary S. & Giambrone, James. A: Kuber Singh Shakya ; # Slusser, Mary S.: Conservation Notes on Some Nepalese Paintings; # Slusser, Mary S.: Seeing, Rather Than Looking At, Nepalese Art: The Figural Struts; # Slusser, Mary S.: Steaming Down the Mekong; # Slusser, Mary S.: The Lhasa gTsug lag khang ('Jokhang'); # Smith, R: Wangden Meditation Weaving; # Stiles, D.: Ivory Carving in Myanmar; # Stiles, Daniel: Ivory Carving in Thailand; # Tamot, K & Alsop, I: an AD 185 sculpture; # Temple, T & Nguyen, L: Giant Thangkas; # Theophile, E.: The 'Art' of Conservation; # Tracing the History of a Mughal Album Page in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art; # Vajracharya, Gautama V.: Elements of Newar Buddhist Art; # Vajracharya, Gautama V.: The Creatures of the Rain Rivers, Cloud Lakes; # Vora, Swapna: Amisha Mehta: Rainbow Girl; # Vora, Swapna: Amitava: Days and seasons of the self; # Vora, Swapna: Anish Kapoor: Stone Fire, Black Flame; # Vora, Swapna: Anti matter? Kausik M's universe; # Vora, Swapna: Antonio Puri and The Tenth Door; # Vora, Swapna: Ayesha Durrani: The girl next door; # Vora, Swapna: Caught in crosshairs: Pakistan's Muhammad Zeeshan; # Vora, Swapna: Chiru Chakravarty: Every day, judgment day; # Vora, Swapna: Conversations with Raza at eighty five; # Vora, Swapna: Found in translation, an interpreter of human maladies; # Vora, Swapna: Jayashree Chakravarty: Herstory: Palimpsests of the maps of memory; # Vora, Swapna: Kanwal Dhaliwal: Immigration; # Vora, Swapna: Mahendra Mistry: Once upon a time; # Vora, Swapna: MF Husain: In some of his own words; # Vora, Swapna: Natvar Bhavsar's cosmos; # Vora, Swapna: Om Soorya: Random Mirrors; # Vora, Swapna: Once we were one; # Vora, Swapna: Padmanabh Bendre; # Vora, Swapna: Padmaputra Ashok Shah: Saraswati's son; # Vora, Swapna: Prasanta Sahu: Pushing the envelope; # Vora, Swapna: Prema Murthy: Weaving the Web; # Vora, Swapna: Raza's runes: Visions of the self; # Vora, Swapna: Shelly Jyoti and Mithila: The joy of decoration; # Vora, Swapna: Tenzin Rigdol's mandala: Particles of prayers; # Vora, Swapna: The Baldly Beautiful 108 Dabbas of Bose Krishnamachari; # Vora, Swapna: Unclaimed Territories; # von Schroeder, U. & Karsten, J.G.: The Silver Jug of the Lhasa Jokhang: a Reply; # WAAC: Tibetan Thankas; # Wegner, G.M: KU Department of Music; # Weldon, David: On recent attributions to Aniko; # Worcester, Ted: Auspicious Carpets: A Tibetan View of Aesthetics);
* [Sites hosted by] Galleries
(A.B.C. Art of Bessie Chen; Acala Gallery; Alexander Goetz; Alexis Renard; ArGa Inc.; Arnold H. Lieberman; Art Tibet; Arthur Leeper Asian Arts; Arts du Monde; Asian Art Gallery; Astamangala; Au Lion Des Neiges;; BachmannEckenstein | Japanese Art; Black Pearl Antiques and Fine Arts, LLC; Brandt Asian Art Gallery; Carlo Cristi; Carlos Cruanas; Carlton Rochell Asian Art; Christophe Hioco; Christophe Hioco; Conan Lang Arts of Asia; Coyote's Paw Gallery; Cynthia Shaver; Dan Cook/RudiSouth Inc.; Eastern Discoveries Antiques; Eleanor Abraham Asian Art; Ethnoarte; Francesca Galloway; Galerie Le Toit Du Monde; Gandhara; Gedun Choephel Artists' Guild; Gerald McGregor Asian Art; Greentea Design; Himala Gallery; Himalaya Typical Art; Himalayan Antiques; Indian Heritage; Indigo Gallery; Indonesian Textile Arts; J.H. Terry Gallery; Jazmin Asian Arts; Jeremy Knowles; Jewel of the Lotus; Joel Cooner Gallery; John Eskenazi Ltd.; Joseph G. Gerena Fine Art; Joyce Gallery Ltd.; Kesi Silks; Leiko Coyle Asian Art; Lotus Asian Art & Antiques; Marcel Nies; Mark Powley; Marlborough Gallery; Mehmet Hassan; Michael Backman Ltd.; Michel Halter; Millner Manolatos; Myrna Myers; Nancy Wiener; Nicholas Pitcher Oriental Art; Noah's Ark; Oliver Forge and Brendan Lynch Ltd.; Peaceful Wind; Precious Treasure; PWContemporary; Renzo Freschi; Robyn Turner Gallery; Rossi & Rossi; Rupert Smith Textiles; Shen's Gallery; Silk Road Collection; Simon Ray; Soo Tze Oriental Antiques; Susan Ollemans; TAI Gallery; Teresa Coleman Fine Arts Ltd.; The Endless Knot Asian Art; The Sweet Tea House; The Textile Art Collection; Theresa McCullough; Thomas Murray; Throckmorton Fine Art; Tibetan Relics; Under the Bo; Uzbek Craft; Wei Asian Arts; Xanadu Gallery);
* Forum;
* Calendar of events;
* Links (Asia Culture (313 links), Asia General (228), Bhutan (4), Burma (12), Central Asia (16), China (233), Himalayas (16), India (131), Indonesia (37), Japan (83), Korea (10), Middle East (37), Mongolia (6), Nepal (54), S Asia General (14), SE Asia (68), Sikkim (3), Thailand (40), Tibet (75), Vietnam (35));
* Books [in association with, &]
* About;
* Search [Incl. search tips].
Internet Archive*/
Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Online Guide / Study / News
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at

20 Jan 2011, Santa Fe, NM, USA / Kathmandu, Nepal.
"Asian Arts, the on-line journal for the study and exhibition of the arts of Asia. [The site, est. early 1996, is an official Associate of the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library, - ed.]. is dedicated to all aspects of Asian art. It is our ambition to offer a forum for scholars, museums and commercial galleries. We display highlights of exhibitions in public and private institutions and galleries; present new discoveries by scholars and connoisseurs; and, by providing space for private galleries to present their works, offer the visitor a selection of fine Asian art worldwide. [...]
We welcome and encourage color photographs in material submitted for publication. We also welcome letters and requests for information from scholars visiting the site. [...] Please feel free to post letters on any subject; we particularly welcome enquiries with photos of objects you wish to have more information on. [...]
# Ian Alsop, editor; # Sameer Tuladhar, Production Manager; # Michael Farrell, Assistant editor, Business Manager; # Jane Casey Singer, advisor, Arts of Tibet; # Lobsang Lhalungpa, editor, Tibetan culture and language."
Site contents:
* Site Index;
* Message Board
(Incl.: ## Group of Chinese paintings - help w/ Period & ID - Tim - Jan 18, 2011; ## Iron chinese bowl - zevach - Jan 18, 2011; ## Help identifying artist - Scurvy - Jan 18, 2011; ## Chinese Four Seasons Jar - Help w/ period / style - Tim - Jan 16, 2011; # Re: Chinese Four Seasons Jar - Help w/ period / style - Bill H - Jan 18, 2011; ## Painting signed CHAT - Charles Lennon - Jan 15, 2011; # Re: Painting signed CHAT - Stan - Jan 16, 2011; ## Chinese Plate With Nonsense Mark - wendy - Jan 15, 2011; # Chinese Plate With Nonsense Mark - wendy - Jan 16, 2011; # Re: Chinese Plate With Nonsense Mark - Bill H - Jan 18, 2011; # Re: Chinese Plate With Nonsense Mark - Arjan - Jan 18, 2011; ## Antique Chinese painting on silk - Paul - Jan 15, 2011; # Antique Chinese painting on silk - rat - Jan 16, 2011; # Antique Chinese painting on silk - Paul - Jan 16, 2011; # Antique Chinese painting on silk - rat - Jan 18, 2011; ## Cloisonne Vase - Susan - Jan 15, 2011; ## Cloisonne Vase - Susan - Jan 15, 2011; # Re: Cloisonne Vase - Bill H - Jan 15, 2011; # Re: Re: Cloisonne Vase - Susan - Jan 15, 2011);
* Subscribe [Subscription to "periodic letters from informing you of major updates."];
* [Sites hosted by] Associations
(The British Museum Diploma in Asian Art; Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust; KU Department of Music; Tibet Heritage Fund; The Patan Museum; China Exploration: Research Society; The Shalu Association);
* [Notes by] Exhibitions
[by date, most recent first] (# Buddhist Sculptures in Tibet; # The Colours of Silence; # London: The Fall Season 2010; # Tradition Transformed: Tibetan Artists Respond; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2010; # Confucius: His Life and Legacy in Art; # New York: Asia Week 2010; # Tracing the Past, Drawing the Future: Master Ink Painters in 20th--Century China; # Emerald Cities: Arts of Siam & Burma, 1775--1950; # The Ring of Fire; # London: The Fall Season 2009; # Lungta -- The Windhorse; A Painting Exhibition by Maureen Drdak; # Lords of the Samurai; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2009; # Tibetan Visions: Contemporary Painting from Tibet; # The Dragon's Gift: The Sacred Arts of Bhutan; # New York: Asia Week 2009; # Marvels of the Malla Period: A Nepalese Renaissance 1200?1603; # London: The Fall Season 2008; # Power and Glory: Court Arts of China's Ming Dynasty; # From the Land of the Gods: Art of the Kathmandu Valley; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2008; # Condensation: Five Video Works by Chen Chieh--jen; # Erasing Borders 2008: Exhibition of Contemporary Indian Art of the Diaspora; # Drama and Desire: Japanese Paintings from the Floating World 1690--1850; # New York: Asia Week 2008; # Mukti Singh Thapa; # Waves on the Turquoise Lake: Contemporary Expressions of Tibetan Art; # London: The Fall Season 2007; # Wutaishan: Pilgrimage to Five Peak Mountain; # Lhasa Nights; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2007; # Awakenings: Zen Figure Painting in Medieval Japan; # Celebrating the Next Generation of Japanese Bamboo Artists; # Masters of Bamboo; # New York: Asia Week 2007; # Tibetan and Himalayan Portraits: Nomads of Tibet and Bhutan; # Chimera: Paintings and Drawings by Julie Rauer; # London: The Fall Season 2006; # Lhasa Train; # Tibet: Treasures from Tibetan Monasteries; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2006; # Warriors of the Himalayas: Rediscovering the Arms and Armor of Tibet; # New York: Asia Week 2006; # Myths and Rituals: Myth and ritualism in art from India to China; # London: The Fall Season 2005; # Edge of Desire: Recent Art in India; # Little Boy: The Arts of Japan's Exploding Subculture; # Cast for Eternity: Bronze Masterworks from India and the Himalayas; # Magic & Mystery in Taos; # Tibetan Portraits; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2005; # Providing For the Afterlife: ÔBrilliant Artifacts' From Shandong; # The Kingdom of Siam: The Art of Central Thailand; # New York: Asia Week 2005; # Morning in the Barkhor: Photographs of Tibet; # When Gold Blossoms: Indian Jewelry; # In the Realm of Gods and Kings: Arts of India; # Japanese Season in the Israel Museum; # Splendors of China's Forbidden City; # London: The Fall Season 2004; # Contemporary Painting from Tibet; # Kailas: Manasarovar & Tibet; # Sanyu: l'ecriture du corps; # Sadhus: The Great Renouncers; # Paradise Now? Contemporary Art From the Pacific; # New York: Asia Week 2004; # Goryeo Dynasty: Korea's Age of Enlightenment, 918 to 1392; # -- New Perspectives from India; # London: The Fall Season 2003; # Focus: Asia -- a collection of 19th century photographs; # Tibet: Treasures from the Roof of the World; # Quiet Beauty; # Recent Works by Zao Wou--Ki at Marlborough New York; # New York: Asia Week 2003; # Window of the Sacred World: Marcel Nies; # Lay Figures, Divine Images: Renzo Freschi; # London: The Fall Season 2002; # Tibet: Mountains and Valleys, Castles and Tents; # Court to Caravan: Chinese Tomb Sculptures; # Tang Haywen: Paths of Ink; # New York: Asia Week 2002; # Desire and Devotion; # Netsuke: from the Toledo Museum; # Khumb Mela 2001; # London: the fall season 2001; # China:One Hundred Treasures; # The Legacy of Absence; # Taoism and The Arts of China; # The Theyyams of Malabar; # South Asian Diaspora in North America; # Peace of Mind -- Marcel Nies; # Behind The Himalayas -- Robert Powell; # Hirado Porcelain of Japan; # Family Ties in Asian Textiles; # Paintings of Ladakh: Simon Pierse; # Sacred Visions: Early Paintings from Central Tibet; # Maitres De L'Encre: masters of ink; # The Sculptural Heritage of Tibet; # An exhibition of Tibetan Calligraphy; # Chang Dai--chien in California; # Earth Door, Sky Door -- Robert Powell; # Survival of the Spirit -- Nancy J. Johnson; # Himalayan Visions -- Philip Sugden; # Treasures of the Chinese Scholar; # Tibet: Tradition and Change; # The Patan Museum; # Janakpur Women's Development Center; # Kathmandu Portfolio + 1.; # The Tharu of the Tarai; # The Splendors of Imperial China; # Guardians of the Sacred Word; # Kathmandu Valley Paintings -- Robert Powell; # Mustang -- Thomas Laird & R. Powell; # Sculpture from a Sacred Realm; # Lhasa Barkhor -- Amina Tirana; # Lao Textiles Revisited -- Carol Cassidy; # Mongolia: The Legacy of Chinggis Khan; # Heavens' Embroidered Cloths; # Early Tibetan Mandalas);
* [Papers hosted by] Articles
(# Allinger, Eva: Manuscript from the Yarlung Museum; # Alsop, Ian: Licchavi Caityas of Nepal; # Alsop, Ian: Phagpa Lokes'vara of the Potala; # Alsop, Ian: The Metal Sculpture of the Khasa Mallas; # Bagchee, S: M.F. Husain; # Baker, I.A: a hidden temple in Tibet; # Bartholomew, T.T: Art of Mongolia; # Batton, S.S: Conservation of a Buddhist Manuscript; # Bell, J: Baiya Monastery; # Bellezza, J.V: Archaelogical discoveries; # Bellezza, J.V: The Ancient Rock Art of Upper Tibet; # Bellezza, J.V: Thogchags; # Bellezza, John V.: Changthang Circuit Expedition; # Bellezza, John V.: Metal and Stone Vestiges; # Bharne, V. & Shimomura, I.: Wood and Transience; # Boyer, M & Terrier, J.M.: Thangka Restoration and Conservation; # Bunker, Emma C.: Tantric Hinduism in Khmer Culture; # Burkert, C., Gleason, T.: The Tibet Artisan Initiative; # Cesarone, B.: Pata-Chitras of Orissa; # Church, M. and Wiebenga, M., : A four-fold Vairocana in the Rinchen Zangpo tradition; # Coburn, B: A New Ceiling for the Roof of the World; # Cole, Thomas: A Voyage to Kanchipuram; # Conservation and Digitisation of Rolled Palm Leaf Manuscripts in Nepal; # Davies, Stevan: The Miniature Paintings of Mongolian Buddhism; # Deekshithar, Raja: Indra's Ratha in Melakkadambur, a Chola Masterpiece; # Deekshithar, Raja: Mysterious Pavilion 2, The wonder continues; # Deekshithar, Raja: Mysterious Pavilion: Document in stone of astronomical events; # Deekshithar, Raja: Nageshvara Nataraja; 885; # Deekshithar, Raja: Sphinxes in Indian Art and Tradition; # Dr Ghysels, Marc: CT Scans in Art Work Appraisal; # Drdak, Maureen: The Lungta Collaborative: The Living Blessings of Lo; # Fast, Adrienne: Exaggerated Enmity in Early Modern Indonesian Painting; # Gach, Gary: Hidden Meanings: Symbolism in Chinese Art; # Ganguly, Waltraud: Snake earrings of India; # Guta, Thomas L.: Snowlions Dancing on Clouds; # Guta, Thomas L.: The Weavers of Tradition; # Hagmuller, G.: Darkness and Light; # Hanbury-Tenison, William: A Rarity in Chinese Contemporary Art; # Heimsath, Kabir M.: Untitled Identities: Contemporary Art in Lhasa; # Heitmann, Annette L.: A note on a disputed Khmer sculpture; # Heller, Amy.: The Silver Jug of the Lhasa Jokhang; # Heller, Amy: The Lhasa gtsug lag khang: Observations on the Ancient wood Carvings; # Heller, Amy: Tracing the Reception and Adaptation of Foreign esthetic elements in Tibetan sculpture; # Henss, Michael: Tibet -- Monasteries Open Their Treasure Rooms; # Hoffman, Eric J.: Chinese Thumb Rings: From Battlefield to Jewelry Box; # Hoffman, Eric J.: Old Chinese Jades: Real or Fake?; # Houseal, J.: Vanishing Dances of Ladakh; # Kerin, Melissa: Reflections on Amy Heller's Early Himalayan Art; # Kirkpatrick, J: Ricksha Art; # Knirck-Bumke, Krista: Stripes and Patterns; # Knirck-Bumke, Krista: Victorious Durga; # Landsberg, S: An Indian Musical Instrument Maker; # Lequindre, C. & Petit, M.: Shamans, Ancestors and Donors: A look at tribal arts and cultures in old Asia; # Li, J: Images of Earth & Water; # Li, J: Tsakli; # Logan, P: Tibetan Art & Architecture; # Malla, Kamal P.: The Repousse Images from Pharping ; # Markel, S: Correlating Paintings of Indian Decorative Objects; # Markel, Stephen: Mughal Jades - A Technical and Sculptural Perspective; # McCue, G.: Tashi Kabum; # Minissale, G: The Synthesis of European and Mughal Art; # Murray, T: Masks of the Himalayas; # Pal, Pratapaditya: A Painted Book Cover from Ancient Kashmir; # Pannier, Francois: Soma, Offertory and Elixir; # Paniker, Ana: Oriental Sacred Art and the Art of Collecting in the West; # Pritzker, T: An Early stone fragment; # Rauer, Julie: Fathomless Skin; # Rauer, Julie: Klee's Mandalas; # Rauer, Julie: Organic Avatar; # Rauer, Julie: The Last Feast of Lady Dai; # Rauer, Julie: Through the Jalis; # Refojo, Karla: West meets East: Making a Murti in Kathmandu; # Rubin, N.A: Ghosts, Demons and Spirits in Japanese Lore; # Rubin, N.A: Whiff of Luxury; # Sardar, H: Trance-Dancers of the Goddess Durga; # Shimkhada, Deepak: The Future of Nepal's 'Living' Goddess: Is Her Death Necessary?; # Shrotriya, Alok and Xue-ying, Zhou: A Visit to the Artistic treasures of Maiji Mountain caves; # Singer, J.C: a Taglung Lama; # Singer, J.C: Early Portrait Painting in Tibet; # Singer, James: Contemporary Japanese Ceramics; # Slusser, Mary S. & Giambrone, James. A: Kuber Singh Shakya ; # Slusser, Mary S.: Conservation Notes on Some Nepalese Paintings; # Slusser, Mary S.: Seeing, Rather Than Looking At, Nepalese Art: The Figural Struts; # Slusser, Mary S.: Steaming Down the Mekong; # Slusser, Mary S.: The Lhasa gTsug lag khang ('Jokhang'); # Smith, R: Wangden Meditation Weaving; # Stiles, D.: Ivory Carving in Myanmar; # Stiles, Daniel: Ivory Carving in Thailand; # Tamot, K & Alsop, I: an AD 185 sculpture; # Temple, T & Nguyen, L: Giant Thangkas; # Theophile, E.: The 'Art' of Conservation; # Tracing the History of a Mughal Album Page in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art; # Vajracharya, Gautama V.: Elements of Newar Buddhist Art; # Vajracharya, Gautama V.: The Creatures of the Rain Rivers, Cloud Lakes; # Vora, Swapna: Amisha Mehta: Rainbow Girl; # Vora, Swapna: Amitava: Days and seasons of the self; # Vora, Swapna: Anish Kapoor: Stone Fire, Black Flame; # Vora, Swapna: Anti matter? Kausik M's universe; # Vora, Swapna: Antonio Puri and The Tenth Door; # Vora, Swapna: Ayesha Durrani: The girl next door; # Vora, Swapna: Caught in crosshairs: Pakistan's Muhammad Zeeshan; # Vora, Swapna: Chiru Chakravarty: Every day, judgment day; # Vora, Swapna: Conversations with Raza at eighty five; # Vora, Swapna: Found in translation, an interpreter of human maladies; # Vora, Swapna: Jayashree Chakravarty: Herstory: Palimpsests of the maps of memory; # Vora, Swapna: Kanwal Dhaliwal: Immigration; # Vora, Swapna: Mahendra Mistry: Once upon a time; # Vora, Swapna: MF Husain: In some of his own words; # Vora, Swapna: Natvar Bhavsar's cosmos; # Vora, Swapna: Om Soorya: Random Mirrors; # Vora, Swapna: Once we were one; # Vora, Swapna: Padmanabh Bendre; # Vora, Swapna: Padmaputra Ashok Shah: Saraswati's son; # Vora, Swapna: Prasanta Sahu: Pushing the envelope; # Vora, Swapna: Prema Murthy: Weaving the Web; # Vora, Swapna: Raza's runes: Visions of the self; # Vora, Swapna: Shelly Jyoti and Mithila: The joy of decoration; # Vora, Swapna: Tenzin Rigdol's mandala: Particles of prayers; # Vora, Swapna: The Baldly Beautiful 108 Dabbas of Bose Krishnamachari; # Vora, Swapna: Unclaimed Territories; # von Schroeder, U. & Karsten, J.G.: The Silver Jug of the Lhasa Jokhang: a Reply; # WAAC: Tibetan Thankas; # Wegner, G.M: KU Department of Music; # Weldon, David: On recent attributions to Aniko; # Worcester, Ted: Auspicious Carpets: A Tibetan View of Aesthetics);
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