Crossroads - Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World [New E-journal]

11 Jan 2011
Ostasien Verlag, Grossheirath-Gossenberg, Germany.
Supplied note:
"The online and print journal 'Crossroads - Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World' [est. 2010, ISSN: 2190-8796 - ed.] is designed as an international forum for contributions related to the history of exchange relations in the East Asian world. With an abstract to every article in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. - dz."
"The 'East Asian World' in this context comprises geographically speaking the regions of China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan (core region) and their neighbours or regions that were considered their 'peripheries' (such as for example Mongolia, Tibet, Vietnam etc.), including relevant predecessors (such as the Ryukyus, Bohai or Manchuria). Exchange relations and interaction with countries and regions beyond this East Asian world, like India, Russia and all the countries on the Eurasian continent, continental and insular Southeast Asia, regions around the Persian Gulf and generally the macro-region of what is designated as the 'Oriental world' - in contrast to 'Occidental Europe' - as well as interaction with for example the American or African continent are also part of the focus, as long as there existed important and/or sustainable contacts to the mentioned regions in East Asia. East Asia is thus treated as an entity made up of different countries and regions with similarities, but also with distinctive differences, concentrating on their interconnectedness and exchange relations, while emphasizing its relations to the macro-regions of Asia, Eurasia and the Orient, but also cross-Pacific interchange. The focus of contributions are both continental (overland) and maritime (overseas) exchange relations of bilateral and multilateral interaction structures. With regard to contents, major emphasis will be placed on the transfer of science and technologies, cultural aspects in their widest interpretation, religions, commodity and product exchange, trade, as well as migration and the organisation of functioning networks.
[...] Readers can choose between payment per article or annual subscription. If you want to subscribe to the Crossroads journal, please refer to the 'Subscriptions' section. If you want to submit an article, please read the 'Policies' and the 'Submission' sections first and then register."
Site contents:
* About the Journal (# People - Contact, Editorial Team, # Policies - Focus and Scope, Section Policies, Peer Review Process, Subscriptions, Author Self-Archiving, Delayed Open Access, # Submissions - Online Submissions, Author Guidelines, Copyright Notice, Privacy Statement, # Other - Journal Sponsorship, Site Map, About this Publishing System);
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* Current Issue [Open access TOCs and Abstracts. Subscription access to the PDF files with the full text and illustrations] Vol 1, 2010 (Articles: # Crossroads -- An Introduction - Angela Schottenhammer; # The Treaty of Shanyuan ? -- Then and Now: Reflections 1000 Years Later - Christian SCHWARZ-SCHILLING; # From Chen Cheng to Ma Wensheng: Changing Chinese Visions of Central Asia - Morris ROSSABI; # Song China and the multi-state and commercial world of East Asia - John CHAFFEE; # Some Glosses on the Sea Straits of Asia: Geography, Functions, Typology - Roderich PTAK; # A Buddhist Woodblock-printed Map and Geographic Knowledge in 13th Century China - Hyunhee PARK; # 'Brokers' and 'Guild' (huiguan) Organizations in China's Maritime Trade with her Eastern Neighbours during the Ming and Qing Dynasties - Angela SCHOTTENHAMMER; # Some Observations on Cash Metals from the Ryukyus 1664--1874 - Qing WANG);
* Archives of the Past Issues;
* Announcements.
Link reported by: Deike Zimmann (
Internet Archive ( [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at

11 Jan 2011
Ostasien Verlag, Grossheirath-Gossenberg, Germany.
Supplied note:
"The online and print journal 'Crossroads - Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World' [est. 2010, ISSN: 2190-8796 - ed.] is designed as an international forum for contributions related to the history of exchange relations in the East Asian world. With an abstract to every article in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. - dz."
"The 'East Asian World' in this context comprises geographically speaking the regions of China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan (core region) and their neighbours or regions that were considered their 'peripheries' (such as for example Mongolia, Tibet, Vietnam etc.), including relevant predecessors (such as the Ryukyus, Bohai or Manchuria). Exchange relations and interaction with countries and regions beyond this East Asian world, like India, Russia and all the countries on the Eurasian continent, continental and insular Southeast Asia, regions around the Persian Gulf and generally the macro-region of what is designated as the 'Oriental world' - in contrast to 'Occidental Europe' - as well as interaction with for example the American or African continent are also part of the focus, as long as there existed important and/or sustainable contacts to the mentioned regions in East Asia. East Asia is thus treated as an entity made up of different countries and regions with similarities, but also with distinctive differences, concentrating on their interconnectedness and exchange relations, while emphasizing its relations to the macro-regions of Asia, Eurasia and the Orient, but also cross-Pacific interchange. The focus of contributions are both continental (overland) and maritime (overseas) exchange relations of bilateral and multilateral interaction structures. With regard to contents, major emphasis will be placed on the transfer of science and technologies, cultural aspects in their widest interpretation, religions, commodity and product exchange, trade, as well as migration and the organisation of functioning networks.
[...] Readers can choose between payment per article or annual subscription. If you want to subscribe to the Crossroads journal, please refer to the 'Subscriptions' section. If you want to submit an article, please read the 'Policies' and the 'Submission' sections first and then register."
Site contents:
* About the Journal (# People - Contact, Editorial Team, # Policies - Focus and Scope, Section Policies, Peer Review Process, Subscriptions, Author Self-Archiving, Delayed Open Access, # Submissions - Online Submissions, Author Guidelines, Copyright Notice, Privacy Statement, # Other - Journal Sponsorship, Site Map, About this Publishing System);
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* Search (All, Authors, Title, Abstract, Index terms, Full Text);
* Browse (By Issue, By Author, By Title);
* Current Issue [Open access TOCs and Abstracts. Subscription access to the PDF files with the full text and illustrations] Vol 1, 2010 (Articles: # Crossroads -- An Introduction - Angela Schottenhammer; # The Treaty of Shanyuan ? -- Then and Now: Reflections 1000 Years Later - Christian SCHWARZ-SCHILLING; # From Chen Cheng to Ma Wensheng: Changing Chinese Visions of Central Asia - Morris ROSSABI; # Song China and the multi-state and commercial world of East Asia - John CHAFFEE; # Some Glosses on the Sea Straits of Asia: Geography, Functions, Typology - Roderich PTAK; # A Buddhist Woodblock-printed Map and Geographic Knowledge in 13th Century China - Hyunhee PARK; # 'Brokers' and 'Guild' (huiguan) Organizations in China's Maritime Trade with her Eastern Neighbours during the Ming and Qing Dynasties - Angela SCHOTTENHAMMER; # Some Observations on Cash Metals from the Ryukyus 1664--1874 - Qing WANG);
* Archives of the Past Issues;
* Announcements.
Link reported by: Deike Zimmann (
Internet Archive ( [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at
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