Japan Air Raids.org - A Bilingual Historical Archive

13 Dec 2010
www.japanairraids.org, Staten Island, NY, USA.
"New website announcement: japanairraids.org . We are pleased to announce the launching of a new website, japanairraids.org, a bilingual digital archive dedicated to the international dissemination of information about the United States Army Air Force air raids against Japan. While in its infancy, the website features air raid survivor interviews, primary documents produced by the U.S. and Japanese governments, photographs, moving images, and sound recordings. We encourage educators to inform students about the website, which can act as a one-stop shop for them to conduct original research. Given our wish to significantly expand the offering of primary documents and survivor interviews, we welcome any suggestions for funding possibilities. - ck."
"This site is an ongoing project to build a digital archive dedicated to the international dissemination of information about the World War II air raids against Japan. Thanks to the many Japanese citizens who over the last forty years have labored to preserve records regarding the raids and analyze the destruction of urban Japan (and the concurrent suffering and social upheaval that occurred in the final months of the Asia-Pacific War), the history of the air raids has taken root in Japan in a variety of ways. Numerous books and articles have been published, air raid resource centers and peace museums have been built, and members of research associations continue to carry out important research individually as well as hold annual meetings and conferences."
Site contents:
* English Document Archive ((# United States Strategic Bombing Survey (USSBS) Reports, # Impact, # XX / XXI Bomber Command, # Bombardment Group Mission Reports, Statistics, and Narratives, # Crew Manuals - B29, # Periodic Reports, Recommendations, and Analysis, # Monthly Reports, # Super-For, # Mission Accomplished, # Miscellaneous, # LeMay Papers, # National Archives, AAF RG18 Finding Aid, # Strategy, Research, Analysis, # Published Survivor Accounts, # Materials Regarding the Treatment of Captured Bomber Crews, # Personal Contributions, # Edward May Collection, # Incendiary Weapons, # Air Intelligence Reports, # Tactical Mission Reports);
* Japanese Document Archive (# Japanese Book Covers and Links, # Inoue Collection, # Record of Air Raids on Area of Eastern District Army During the Great Asian War, # The Weekly Photographic Bulletin);
* Photographs (# AAF Photographs (Aerial, Aerial (2), B-29 Crews, Charts, Doolittle Raid, Hiroshima, Marianas, Nagasaki, Postwar, Surrender), # Dugway Proving Grounds, # Magazine and Report Covers, # Cartoons);
* Audio/Video Content (# 'The Fighting AAF' Radio Broadcasts, # AAF Moving Images (Silent Footage, With Audio), # Newsreels, # Documentary and Propaganda Films);
* Research and Analysis (incl. the full text of: 'Place, Public Memory, And the Tokyo Air Raids' by Cary Karacas, The Geographical Review 100 (4) : 521--537, October 2010);
* Survivor Voices (# Michiko Kiyo-oka (Nov 28, 2010), # Shigemasa Toda (Nov 28, 2010), # Mari Kaneda (Nov 3, 2010), # Katsumoto Saotome (Oct 26, 2010), # Masaharu Ohtake (Oct 8, 2010)) ;
* 10 March 1945 [The Great Tokyo Air Raid];
* Timeline;
* Links (Museums, Peace Centers and Archives, Regional Associations, Lawsuits, Other);
* News;
* About Us / Join Us;
* Search.
URL http://www.japanairraids.org/
Internet Archive (web.archive.org) [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
Link reported by: Cary Karacas (cary.karacas--at--csi.cuny.edu), forwarded by h-asia--at--h-net.msu.edu
* Resource type [news/comments - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Documents / Online Guide / Study
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

13 Dec 2010
www.japanairraids.org, Staten Island, NY, USA.
"New website announcement: japanairraids.org . We are pleased to announce the launching of a new website, japanairraids.org, a bilingual digital archive dedicated to the international dissemination of information about the United States Army Air Force air raids against Japan. While in its infancy, the website features air raid survivor interviews, primary documents produced by the U.S. and Japanese governments, photographs, moving images, and sound recordings. We encourage educators to inform students about the website, which can act as a one-stop shop for them to conduct original research. Given our wish to significantly expand the offering of primary documents and survivor interviews, we welcome any suggestions for funding possibilities. - ck."
"This site is an ongoing project to build a digital archive dedicated to the international dissemination of information about the World War II air raids against Japan. Thanks to the many Japanese citizens who over the last forty years have labored to preserve records regarding the raids and analyze the destruction of urban Japan (and the concurrent suffering and social upheaval that occurred in the final months of the Asia-Pacific War), the history of the air raids has taken root in Japan in a variety of ways. Numerous books and articles have been published, air raid resource centers and peace museums have been built, and members of research associations continue to carry out important research individually as well as hold annual meetings and conferences."
Site contents:
* English Document Archive ((# United States Strategic Bombing Survey (USSBS) Reports, # Impact, # XX / XXI Bomber Command, # Bombardment Group Mission Reports, Statistics, and Narratives, # Crew Manuals - B29, # Periodic Reports, Recommendations, and Analysis, # Monthly Reports, # Super-For, # Mission Accomplished, # Miscellaneous, # LeMay Papers, # National Archives, AAF RG18 Finding Aid, # Strategy, Research, Analysis, # Published Survivor Accounts, # Materials Regarding the Treatment of Captured Bomber Crews, # Personal Contributions, # Edward May Collection, # Incendiary Weapons, # Air Intelligence Reports, # Tactical Mission Reports);
* Japanese Document Archive (# Japanese Book Covers and Links, # Inoue Collection, # Record of Air Raids on Area of Eastern District Army During the Great Asian War, # The Weekly Photographic Bulletin);
* Photographs (# AAF Photographs (Aerial, Aerial (2), B-29 Crews, Charts, Doolittle Raid, Hiroshima, Marianas, Nagasaki, Postwar, Surrender), # Dugway Proving Grounds, # Magazine and Report Covers, # Cartoons);
* Audio/Video Content (# 'The Fighting AAF' Radio Broadcasts, # AAF Moving Images (Silent Footage, With Audio), # Newsreels, # Documentary and Propaganda Films);
* Research and Analysis (incl. the full text of: 'Place, Public Memory, And the Tokyo Air Raids' by Cary Karacas, The Geographical Review 100 (4) : 521--537, October 2010);
* Survivor Voices (# Michiko Kiyo-oka (Nov 28, 2010), # Shigemasa Toda (Nov 28, 2010), # Mari Kaneda (Nov 3, 2010), # Katsumoto Saotome (Oct 26, 2010), # Masaharu Ohtake (Oct 8, 2010)) ;
* 10 March 1945 [The Great Tokyo Air Raid];
* Timeline;
* Links (Museums, Peace Centers and Archives, Regional Associations, Lawsuits, Other);
* News;
* About Us / Join Us;
* Search.
URL http://www.japanairraids.org/
Internet Archive (web.archive.org) [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
Link reported by: Cary Karacas (cary.karacas--at--csi.cuny.edu), forwarded by h-asia--at--h-net.msu.edu
* Resource type [news/comments - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Documents / Online Guide / Study
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com
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