Digital Himalaya Project

13 Dec 2010
Dept of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
"A project to develop digital collection, storage and distribution strategies for multimedia anthropological information from the Himalayan region.
The Digital Himalaya project was designed by Alan Macfarlane and Mark Turin as a strategy for archiving and making available ethnographic materials from the Himalayan region. Based at the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Cambridge, the project was established in December 2000. From 2002 to 2005, the project moved to the Department of Anthropology at Cornell University and began its collaboration with the University of Virginia. As of 2009, Digital Himalaya is back in Cambridge. [...] All material on this site is available for non-commercial use under Creative Commons licence."
Site contents:
* Census of Nepal (2001);
* Christoph von Fuerer-Haimendorf film collection ([four videoclips] # Excerpts from an interview with Fuerer-Haimendorf, conducted in Cambridge by Professor Alan Macfarlane in 1987. # Excerpt from 'The Land of the Gurkhas,' filmed in Nepal by Fuerer-Haimendorf in 1957. # Excerpts from Fuerer-Haimendorf's Arunachal Pradesh footage fillmed in 1944 and 1945. # Excerpt from 'Among the Sherpas,' filmed in Nepal by Fuerer-Haimendorf in 1971);
* Films ("Digital Himalaya is presently expanding its online collections to include contemporary film and video. Our first such collections are trailers from the films 'The Angel of the Aboriginals', 'The Way of the Road', 'Returned: Child Soldiers of Nepal's Maoist Army', 'Journey from Zanskar', 'Shining Spirit Project', 'I Will Find You, Punam' and the 'Journey of a Red Fridge', and full viewing copies of the Lepcha film 'Tendong Lho Rum Faat', 'Glance of Genius: The Life and Work of B.H Hodgson', 'The Hidden Treasure of Bön', the Minhe Mangghuer Torch Festival, images from Danba, the Alama Ritual and the Wutu Collection.");
* Journals (Scanned copies of: # Ancient Nepal, # Adarsa, # The Bhutan Review, # Bulletin of Tibetology, # Center for Constitutional Dialogue, # Contributions to Nepalese Studies, # Carter Center, # Crisis Group, # European Bulletin of Himalayan Research, # Gochali, # Himal, # Himal Southasian, # Himalayan Journal of Sciences, # International IDEA, # Journal of Bhutan Studies, # Journal of Newar Studies, # Journal of the Tibet Society, # Kailash, # Martin Chautari Policy Briefs, # Midweek, # Mother Tongue Pipal Pustak, # Mulyankan, # Nation Weekly, # Nepalese Linguistics, # Nepali Aawaz, # Nepali Times, # Newsfront, # Occasional Papers in Sociology and Anthropology, # Ogmios, # Peace and Democracy in South Asia, # Purnima, # Read, # Regmi Research Series, # Revue d'Etudes Tibetaines, # Samaya, # Saptahik, # Sharada, # Shikshak);
* Maps (Himalayan Maps, Nepal Maps, Himalayan Atlas, Great Himalayan Trail Dolpo Map, Great Himalayan Trail Route Map of Nepal);
* Music ("Our first music and audio collections include songs from Laya, Bhutan; Thangmi songs from Nepal; Yari Aso's songs, the Mangghuer Folktale Literature, and songs from Gcig sgril County, from Qinghai Province; the Jizong and Minyak collections from Sichuan and songs from Tha Rgyas in Tibet.");
* Naga Videodisk ["ethnographic material about the Naga ethnic groups living in the Assam and Arunachal Pradesh districts of India and parts of Burma. Approximately 30 minutes of moving film, some sound, seven thousand black and white photographs, 1200 photographs of artefacts were made available. There were also over six thousand pages of text from published works and unpublished diaries, fieldnotes, tour diaries and other materials."];
* Rare Books and Manuscripts (over 50 documents and publications, in PDF format, incl: #Tibetan-English Folktales - Edited by Tshe dbang rdo rje, Allie Thomas, Kevin Stuart, dPal ldan bKra shis and 'Gyur med rgya mtsho (281 pages); # Tibetan-English-Tibetan Dictionary - By Huadan Zhaxi, Kevin Stuart, Rinchen Dorji, Gesang Norbu, Dorji Zhaxi, Rinchen Khar, Gongbu Caireng, and Sandra Benson, 2007.; # Where the gods are mountains: Three years among the people of the Himalayas - By Rene de Nebesky-Wojkowitz, Published 1957 by Reynal in New York. (280 pages); # The Women of Baragaon - By Sidney Schuler, The Status Of Women In Nepal Volume II, Part 5, 1981 (first printing) (185 pages));
* Thak Archive ["a multimedia archive of ethnographic records collected from 1969 to the present by Alan Macfarlane and Sarah Harrison in the Gurung village of Thak, located in central Nepal."];
* Thangmi Archive ['a collection of photographs, films, linguistic data, field notes, newspaper clippings, audio files, and other data about the Thangmi ethnic group of northeastern Nepal. Long overlooked by scholars, politicians, and development workers alike, the Thangmi remain one of the least known ethnic groups of Nepal."];
* Frederick Williamson ["Frederick Williamson was a British Political Officer stationed in Sikkim, Bhutan, and Tibet in the 1930s. He was also an ardent photographer. Between December 1930-August 1935, he and his wife, Margaret Williamson, shot approximately 1700 photographs throughout the Himalayan region.";
* Wutu Collection ["The wutu ritual is an exorcism ritual held during winter by the Monguor (Tu) people of Gnyan thog Village (Tongren County, Huangnan Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China). These eighteen short films, shot by Zhu Yonzhong in 1996 and edited by Gerald Roche, show the ritual process step-by-step."].
* Overview;
* Project team (Core Members, Advisory Board, Trustees);
* Publications [free online access] (# 'Digitizing and Distributing Visual Footage from the Himalayas', in Nepali Aawaz, 07 December, 2006; Volume 2, Number 19, p. 21., # 'A regional ethnographic archive in the digital age', in NOW! Daily, Gangtok, Sikkim, Wednesday, 01 November, 2006; Volume 5, Number 255, p. 2., # 'A regional ethnographic archive in the digital age (continued)', in NOW! Daily, Gangtok, Sikkim, Thursday, 02 November, 2006; Volume 5, Number 256, p. 2., # 'Digitizing and distributing visual footage from the Himalayas', in SnowLion Newsletter, Volume 17, No. 2, p. 23. # 'Digitizing and distributing visual resources from the Himalayas', in South Asia Newsletter: A Publication of Cornell University's South Asia Program, Spring 2003, # 'Returning Footage to the Himalayas' in Viewfinder, the magazine of the British Universities Film & Video Council (BUFVC), # Sara Shneiderman's account of returning to Lubra in Mustang with a DVD of Haimendorf's 1962 film of the village., # 'Haimendorf's laptop: An ethnographic archive in the digital age', in IIAS Newsletter, No. 26, November 2001, p. 20. # 'Digital Himalaya: An Ethnographic Archive in the Digital Age', in European Bulletin of Himalayan Research (EHBR), Issue 20-1, pp.136-141., # 'Digital Himalaya', in Interachive: Archival Practices and Sites in the Contemporary Art Field, Koeln: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter Koenig, pp. 359-361. [ISBN 3-88375-540-0]);
* Technologies (Design and Coding of the Digital Himalaya website, Slide and Negative Scanning, Video Tape, 8mm and 16mm film, Video and Audio Compression Online);
* Support;
* Register;
* Contact us;
* News;
* Links (Anthropology, Himalayan/Tibetan/Central Asian Area Studies, Digitisation of Cultural Resources).
Internet Archive:*/
Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Documents / Study / News / Links / Corporate Info.
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at

13 Dec 2010
Dept of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
"A project to develop digital collection, storage and distribution strategies for multimedia anthropological information from the Himalayan region.
The Digital Himalaya project was designed by Alan Macfarlane and Mark Turin as a strategy for archiving and making available ethnographic materials from the Himalayan region. Based at the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Cambridge, the project was established in December 2000. From 2002 to 2005, the project moved to the Department of Anthropology at Cornell University and began its collaboration with the University of Virginia. As of 2009, Digital Himalaya is back in Cambridge. [...] All material on this site is available for non-commercial use under Creative Commons licence."
Site contents:
* Census of Nepal (2001);
* Christoph von Fuerer-Haimendorf film collection ([four videoclips] # Excerpts from an interview with Fuerer-Haimendorf, conducted in Cambridge by Professor Alan Macfarlane in 1987. # Excerpt from 'The Land of the Gurkhas,' filmed in Nepal by Fuerer-Haimendorf in 1957. # Excerpts from Fuerer-Haimendorf's Arunachal Pradesh footage fillmed in 1944 and 1945. # Excerpt from 'Among the Sherpas,' filmed in Nepal by Fuerer-Haimendorf in 1971);
* Films ("Digital Himalaya is presently expanding its online collections to include contemporary film and video. Our first such collections are trailers from the films 'The Angel of the Aboriginals', 'The Way of the Road', 'Returned: Child Soldiers of Nepal's Maoist Army', 'Journey from Zanskar', 'Shining Spirit Project', 'I Will Find You, Punam' and the 'Journey of a Red Fridge', and full viewing copies of the Lepcha film 'Tendong Lho Rum Faat', 'Glance of Genius: The Life and Work of B.H Hodgson', 'The Hidden Treasure of Bön', the Minhe Mangghuer Torch Festival, images from Danba, the Alama Ritual and the Wutu Collection.");
* Journals (Scanned copies of: # Ancient Nepal, # Adarsa, # The Bhutan Review, # Bulletin of Tibetology, # Center for Constitutional Dialogue, # Contributions to Nepalese Studies, # Carter Center, # Crisis Group, # European Bulletin of Himalayan Research, # Gochali, # Himal, # Himal Southasian, # Himalayan Journal of Sciences, # International IDEA, # Journal of Bhutan Studies, # Journal of Newar Studies, # Journal of the Tibet Society, # Kailash, # Martin Chautari Policy Briefs, # Midweek, # Mother Tongue Pipal Pustak, # Mulyankan, # Nation Weekly, # Nepalese Linguistics, # Nepali Aawaz, # Nepali Times, # Newsfront, # Occasional Papers in Sociology and Anthropology, # Ogmios, # Peace and Democracy in South Asia, # Purnima, # Read, # Regmi Research Series, # Revue d'Etudes Tibetaines, # Samaya, # Saptahik, # Sharada, # Shikshak);
* Maps (Himalayan Maps, Nepal Maps, Himalayan Atlas, Great Himalayan Trail Dolpo Map, Great Himalayan Trail Route Map of Nepal);
* Music ("Our first music and audio collections include songs from Laya, Bhutan; Thangmi songs from Nepal; Yari Aso's songs, the Mangghuer Folktale Literature, and songs from Gcig sgril County, from Qinghai Province; the Jizong and Minyak collections from Sichuan and songs from Tha Rgyas in Tibet.");
* Naga Videodisk ["ethnographic material about the Naga ethnic groups living in the Assam and Arunachal Pradesh districts of India and parts of Burma. Approximately 30 minutes of moving film, some sound, seven thousand black and white photographs, 1200 photographs of artefacts were made available. There were also over six thousand pages of text from published works and unpublished diaries, fieldnotes, tour diaries and other materials."];
* Rare Books and Manuscripts (over 50 documents and publications, in PDF format, incl: #Tibetan-English Folktales - Edited by Tshe dbang rdo rje, Allie Thomas, Kevin Stuart, dPal ldan bKra shis and 'Gyur med rgya mtsho (281 pages); # Tibetan-English-Tibetan Dictionary - By Huadan Zhaxi, Kevin Stuart, Rinchen Dorji, Gesang Norbu, Dorji Zhaxi, Rinchen Khar, Gongbu Caireng, and Sandra Benson, 2007.; # Where the gods are mountains: Three years among the people of the Himalayas - By Rene de Nebesky-Wojkowitz, Published 1957 by Reynal in New York. (280 pages); # The Women of Baragaon - By Sidney Schuler, The Status Of Women In Nepal Volume II, Part 5, 1981 (first printing) (185 pages));
* Thak Archive ["a multimedia archive of ethnographic records collected from 1969 to the present by Alan Macfarlane and Sarah Harrison in the Gurung village of Thak, located in central Nepal."];
* Thangmi Archive ['a collection of photographs, films, linguistic data, field notes, newspaper clippings, audio files, and other data about the Thangmi ethnic group of northeastern Nepal. Long overlooked by scholars, politicians, and development workers alike, the Thangmi remain one of the least known ethnic groups of Nepal."];
* Frederick Williamson ["Frederick Williamson was a British Political Officer stationed in Sikkim, Bhutan, and Tibet in the 1930s. He was also an ardent photographer. Between December 1930-August 1935, he and his wife, Margaret Williamson, shot approximately 1700 photographs throughout the Himalayan region.";
* Wutu Collection ["The wutu ritual is an exorcism ritual held during winter by the Monguor (Tu) people of Gnyan thog Village (Tongren County, Huangnan Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China). These eighteen short films, shot by Zhu Yonzhong in 1996 and edited by Gerald Roche, show the ritual process step-by-step."].
* Overview;
* Project team (Core Members, Advisory Board, Trustees);
* Publications [free online access] (# 'Digitizing and Distributing Visual Footage from the Himalayas', in Nepali Aawaz, 07 December, 2006; Volume 2, Number 19, p. 21., # 'A regional ethnographic archive in the digital age', in NOW! Daily, Gangtok, Sikkim, Wednesday, 01 November, 2006; Volume 5, Number 255, p. 2., # 'A regional ethnographic archive in the digital age (continued)', in NOW! Daily, Gangtok, Sikkim, Thursday, 02 November, 2006; Volume 5, Number 256, p. 2., # 'Digitizing and distributing visual footage from the Himalayas', in SnowLion Newsletter, Volume 17, No. 2, p. 23. # 'Digitizing and distributing visual resources from the Himalayas', in South Asia Newsletter: A Publication of Cornell University's South Asia Program, Spring 2003, # 'Returning Footage to the Himalayas' in Viewfinder, the magazine of the British Universities Film & Video Council (BUFVC), # Sara Shneiderman's account of returning to Lubra in Mustang with a DVD of Haimendorf's 1962 film of the village., # 'Haimendorf's laptop: An ethnographic archive in the digital age', in IIAS Newsletter, No. 26, November 2001, p. 20. # 'Digital Himalaya: An Ethnographic Archive in the Digital Age', in European Bulletin of Himalayan Research (EHBR), Issue 20-1, pp.136-141., # 'Digital Himalaya', in Interachive: Archival Practices and Sites in the Contemporary Art Field, Koeln: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter Koenig, pp. 359-361. [ISBN 3-88375-540-0]);
* Technologies (Design and Coding of the Digital Himalaya website, Slide and Negative Scanning, Video Tape, 8mm and 16mm film, Video and Audio Compression Online);
* Support;
* Register;
* Contact us;
* News;
* Links (Anthropology, Himalayan/Tibetan/Central Asian Area Studies, Digitisation of Cultural Resources).
Internet Archive:*/
Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Documents / Study / News / Links / Corporate Info.
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at
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