Inventory of the South Asian Pamphlets Collection, 1920-2005

22 Nov 2010
Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.
Supplied note:
"Announcement of a new archival Asian Studies resource at Duke University Libraries:
The results of a collaborative five-year effort to provide title-level access to a collection of over 7,500 hard-to-find 20th century South Asian pamphlets is now available in the form of a detailed online finding aid at Duke University. For more details, see [the URL below]
Staff of the South Asian Studies in the International Area Studies Department of Perkins Library and from the Special Collections Library at Duke created title-level descriptions for the South Asian Pamphlets Collection, which spans the years 1920-2005. Each entry includes title, author, date, and other notes. Access to the pamphlets themselves is through the Special Collections Library reading room, or through remote services such as scanning. Please contact a reference archivist for details.
The bulk of the material dates from the 1950s to the 1990s, with only a few items from the 1920s-1940s. The publications were received by Duke University's Perkins Library over four decades, roughly from 1960-1990, through the Library of Congress South Asia Cooperative Acquisition Program (SACAP), formerly called the "PL-480 Program," and are arranged according to their country of publication: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The pamphlets are all published in the English language. The largest group houses publications from India (177 boxes), followed by Pakistan (58 boxes), Bangladesh (15 boxes), and Nepal (8 boxes). For the smallest groupings of Afghanistan and Sri Lanka, the pamphlets are organized alphabetically by title without any further subdivisions. For the larger country series, the pamphlets are arranged by topical headings, in alphabetical order, and within, alphabetically by title. Each country series is followed by a more detailed description of its contents; each topical division is also followed by a description which includes the number of boxes and number of items in that subdivision.
While the majority of the pamphlets were published by organizations and agencies and do not list individual authors' names, there are also pamphlets with individual authors listed. Topical divisions common to the larger country series include but are not limited to Agriculture, Arts, Economic Development, Education, Industry and Commerce, International Relations, Politics and Government, Religion and Philosophy, Rural Development, Tourism, and Women. Many of the publications across the entire collection discuss ethnic and political conflict, as well as the effects of wars, poverty, and mass education, and issues regarding Islam and other religious traditions. Particular countries may have unique topical headings. In the case of India, each major Indian political party has its own subdivision under the larger Political Parties series; there is also a section for biographical works, and one for works on libraries and museums, and a division was also established to house pamphlets related to Kashmir. [...] - pm."
Site contents:
* Descriptive Summary (Repository, Creator, Title, Language of Material, Extent);
* Administrative Information (Access Restrictions, Copyright Notice, Preferred Citation, Provenance, Processing Information);
* Collection Overview;
* Subject Headings ["These are searchable subject entries for each country division in this collection. Performing a search on these subjects in the Duke University Libraries online catalog will bring up other related research materials."];
* Detailed Description of Collection [Details of: # Afghanistan Pamphlets, 1970s-1993 (2 boxes), # Bangladesh Pamphlets, 1957-2002 (15 boxes), # India Pamphlets, 1920-2005, bulk 1960-1990 (177 boxes), # Nepal Pamphlets, 1960s-1998 (8 boxes), # Pakistan Pamphlets, 1948-2005, bulk 1960s-1990s (58 boxes), # Sri Lanka Pamphlets, 1950-1988 (1 box)].
* Search the website.
Internet Archive ( [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
Link reported by: Paula Mangiafico (
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness of the online resource [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at

22 Nov 2010
Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.
Supplied note:
"Announcement of a new archival Asian Studies resource at Duke University Libraries:
The results of a collaborative five-year effort to provide title-level access to a collection of over 7,500 hard-to-find 20th century South Asian pamphlets is now available in the form of a detailed online finding aid at Duke University. For more details, see [the URL below]
Staff of the South Asian Studies in the International Area Studies Department of Perkins Library and from the Special Collections Library at Duke created title-level descriptions for the South Asian Pamphlets Collection, which spans the years 1920-2005. Each entry includes title, author, date, and other notes. Access to the pamphlets themselves is through the Special Collections Library reading room, or through remote services such as scanning. Please contact a reference archivist for details.
The bulk of the material dates from the 1950s to the 1990s, with only a few items from the 1920s-1940s. The publications were received by Duke University's Perkins Library over four decades, roughly from 1960-1990, through the Library of Congress South Asia Cooperative Acquisition Program (SACAP), formerly called the "PL-480 Program," and are arranged according to their country of publication: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The pamphlets are all published in the English language. The largest group houses publications from India (177 boxes), followed by Pakistan (58 boxes), Bangladesh (15 boxes), and Nepal (8 boxes). For the smallest groupings of Afghanistan and Sri Lanka, the pamphlets are organized alphabetically by title without any further subdivisions. For the larger country series, the pamphlets are arranged by topical headings, in alphabetical order, and within, alphabetically by title. Each country series is followed by a more detailed description of its contents; each topical division is also followed by a description which includes the number of boxes and number of items in that subdivision.
While the majority of the pamphlets were published by organizations and agencies and do not list individual authors' names, there are also pamphlets with individual authors listed. Topical divisions common to the larger country series include but are not limited to Agriculture, Arts, Economic Development, Education, Industry and Commerce, International Relations, Politics and Government, Religion and Philosophy, Rural Development, Tourism, and Women. Many of the publications across the entire collection discuss ethnic and political conflict, as well as the effects of wars, poverty, and mass education, and issues regarding Islam and other religious traditions. Particular countries may have unique topical headings. In the case of India, each major Indian political party has its own subdivision under the larger Political Parties series; there is also a section for biographical works, and one for works on libraries and museums, and a division was also established to house pamphlets related to Kashmir. [...] - pm."
Site contents:
* Descriptive Summary (Repository, Creator, Title, Language of Material, Extent);
* Administrative Information (Access Restrictions, Copyright Notice, Preferred Citation, Provenance, Processing Information);
* Collection Overview;
* Subject Headings ["These are searchable subject entries for each country division in this collection. Performing a search on these subjects in the Duke University Libraries online catalog will bring up other related research materials."];
* Detailed Description of Collection [Details of: # Afghanistan Pamphlets, 1970s-1993 (2 boxes), # Bangladesh Pamphlets, 1957-2002 (15 boxes), # India Pamphlets, 1920-2005, bulk 1960-1990 (177 boxes), # Nepal Pamphlets, 1960s-1998 (8 boxes), # Pakistan Pamphlets, 1948-2005, bulk 1960s-1990s (58 boxes), # Sri Lanka Pamphlets, 1950-1988 (1 box)].
* Search the website.
Internet Archive ( [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
Link reported by: Paula Mangiafico (
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness of the online resource [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at
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