Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society

25 Oct 2010
Cambridge Journals Online, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
"The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society [ISSN: 1356-1863 EISSN: 1474-0591 - ed.] has been published by the Society since 1834 and is distinguished not only by its longevity but also by its consistency in providing a forum for scholarly articles of the highest quality on South Asia, the Middle East (togther with North Africa and Ethiopia), Central Asia, East Asia and South-East Asia. It publishes articles on history, archaeology, literature, language, religion and art, and reviews of books in these fields."
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"To access this issue visit [the URL below]: Tables of contents and article abstracts are free to all on Cambridge Journals Online. Access to the full text is available to users whose institutions subscribe. - mw."
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25 Oct 2010
Cambridge Journals Online, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
"The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society [ISSN: 1356-1863 EISSN: 1474-0591 - ed.] has been published by the Society since 1834 and is distinguished not only by its longevity but also by its consistency in providing a forum for scholarly articles of the highest quality on South Asia, the Middle East (togther with North Africa and Ethiopia), Central Asia, East Asia and South-East Asia. It publishes articles on history, archaeology, literature, language, religion and art, and reviews of books in these fields."
Supplied note:
"To access this issue visit [the URL below]: Tables of contents and article abstracts are free to all on Cambridge Journals Online. Access to the full text is available to users whose institutions subscribe. - mw."
Site contents:
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* Journal information (Editorial Board, Book Review Info, Instructions for Contributors,Transfer of Copyright, A&I Services, Advertising Information, Author Index);
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* Related Journals (# Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, # Modern Asian Studies, # The Journal of Asian Studies, # Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, # The International Journal of Asian Studies, # Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, # International Journal of Middle East Studies, # The Journal of African History);
* Related Links (link to Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland);
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* Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society - Archive of volumes from 1827-1931;
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Link reported by: Martine Walsh (, forwarded by
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* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful
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Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at
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