Donald B. Wagner (dbwagner) on Scribd [= Miscellaneous documents on traditional Chinese iron-production techniques and science]

21 Sep 2010, USA.
Supplied note:
"[... There is also] the various random stuff that people put on scribd, facebook, youtube, etc. [...] On my own scribd page I have put scans of a number of things that I need to refer to in teaching and/or web publications: [see the URl below - ed.]. [Please also note that] "takamiyama100" has the full index to Du shi fangyu jiyao, the most important reference work on Chinese historical geography: - dbw."
[Dr Donald B. Wagner has published extensively in the history of science and technology in China. He is/was, among other duties, an Associate Editor of 'Ancient East Asia' website ( from 2001; Senior Research Fellow, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, 2001-2003; Associate Senior Research Fellow, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, from 2003; and an Honorary Associate, Needham Research Institute, Cambridge, from 2003. His web site (with a complete list of publications) is at - ed.]
Site contents:
* Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I Planches 101--200, Figures 141--279 Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I--II Pekin: Centre d'Etudes Sinologiques, Universite de Paris, 1... Reads:111 Uploaded:04/29/2010
* Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) II Planches 1--100, Figures 1--138 Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I--II Pekin: Centre d'Etudes Sinologiques, Universite de Paris, 1... Reads:79 Uploaded:04/05/2010
* Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) II Table Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I--II Pekin: Centre d'Etudes Sinologiques, Universite de Paris, 1... Reads:131 Uploaded:04/04/2010
* Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I Avant-propos, Table Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I--II Pekin: Centre d'Etudes Sinologiques, Universite de Paris, 1... Reads:106 Uploaded:04/04/2010
* Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I Planches 1--100, Figures 1--140 Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I--II Pekin: Centre d'Etudes Sinologiques, Universite de Paris, 1... Reads:83 Uploaded:04/04/2010
* Jigu suanjing, by Nam Pyong-Gil (1820--1869) Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Nam Pyong-Gil's edition of the Tang mathematical classic Jigu suanjing, by Wang Xiaotong (7th cent. AD)?B Reads:81 Uploaded:03/06/2010
* Light Reading on Asia - some suggestions Uploaded by: dbwagner -- A bibliography of interesting books, compiled by Norman G. Owen, University of Hong Kong, 1997. Reads:1,044 Uploaded:12/17/2009
* Pinel, Read, and Wright: Composition and microstructure of ancient iron castings Uploaded by: dbwagner -- American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Publication no. 882, 1938. By Maurice L. Pinel, Thomas... Reads:284 Uploaded:12/01/2009
* Otto Johannsen: Eine Anleitung zum Eisenguss vom Jahre 1454 (Ein beitrag zur Geschichte des Eisens) Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Otto Johannsen's article in Stahl und Eisen, 10 August 1910, pp. 1373-1376. The article concerns a German manuscript da... Reads:662 Uploaded:07/29/2009
* Report on samples of steel from the Needham Research Institute, Cambridge, by Alan Williams, 2005 Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Metallographic examination of samples of steel made by the traditional Chinese Su-gang co-fusion steelmaking method. Colle... Reads:202 Uploaded:04/14/2009
* Experiments to reconstruct the ancient Chinese co-fusion steelmaking method, by P. Whitaker, 1956 Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Low Carbon Strips Heated in a Carbon-Monoxide Atmosphere and Forge Welded at Temperatures of 950¡C. to 1000¡C. Strips W... Reads:164 Uploaded:04/14/2009
* Metallographic examinations of Chinese cast iron artefacts by the BCIRA [The British Cast Iron Research Association - ed.], 1957 Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Report on the microstructures of specimens of iron taken from Chinese castings in the Royal Ontario Museum for analysis at... Reads:189 Uploaded:04/14/2009
* All China Makes Iron and Steel, Peking 1959 Uploaded by: dbwagner -- China's Great Leap Forward in iron and steel, 1958-59, with many good photographs of both large ironworks and the controve... Reads:300 Uploaded:12/12/2008
* The coal and mineral resources of Shansi province, China Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Nystroem, Erik T. The coal and mineral resources of Shansi province, China, analytically examined. Stockholm 1912. Reads:608 Uploaded:06/30/2008
Internet Archive ( [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
Link reported by: Donald B. Wagner (
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Documents / Study
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 30
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at

21 Sep 2010, USA.
Supplied note:
"[... There is also] the various random stuff that people put on scribd, facebook, youtube, etc. [...] On my own scribd page I have put scans of a number of things that I need to refer to in teaching and/or web publications: [see the URl below - ed.]. [Please also note that] "takamiyama100" has the full index to Du shi fangyu jiyao, the most important reference work on Chinese historical geography: - dbw."
[Dr Donald B. Wagner has published extensively in the history of science and technology in China. He is/was, among other duties, an Associate Editor of 'Ancient East Asia' website ( from 2001; Senior Research Fellow, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, 2001-2003; Associate Senior Research Fellow, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, from 2003; and an Honorary Associate, Needham Research Institute, Cambridge, from 2003. His web site (with a complete list of publications) is at - ed.]
Site contents:
* Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I Planches 101--200, Figures 141--279 Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I--II Pekin: Centre d'Etudes Sinologiques, Universite de Paris, 1... Reads:111 Uploaded:04/29/2010
* Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) II Planches 1--100, Figures 1--138 Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I--II Pekin: Centre d'Etudes Sinologiques, Universite de Paris, 1... Reads:79 Uploaded:04/05/2010
* Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) II Table Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I--II Pekin: Centre d'Etudes Sinologiques, Universite de Paris, 1... Reads:131 Uploaded:04/04/2010
* Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I Avant-propos, Table Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I--II Pekin: Centre d'Etudes Sinologiques, Universite de Paris, 1... Reads:106 Uploaded:04/04/2010
* Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I Planches 1--100, Figures 1--140 Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Corpus des pierres sculptees Han (Estampages) I--II Pekin: Centre d'Etudes Sinologiques, Universite de Paris, 1... Reads:83 Uploaded:04/04/2010
* Jigu suanjing, by Nam Pyong-Gil (1820--1869) Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Nam Pyong-Gil's edition of the Tang mathematical classic Jigu suanjing, by Wang Xiaotong (7th cent. AD)?B Reads:81 Uploaded:03/06/2010
* Light Reading on Asia - some suggestions Uploaded by: dbwagner -- A bibliography of interesting books, compiled by Norman G. Owen, University of Hong Kong, 1997. Reads:1,044 Uploaded:12/17/2009
* Pinel, Read, and Wright: Composition and microstructure of ancient iron castings Uploaded by: dbwagner -- American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Publication no. 882, 1938. By Maurice L. Pinel, Thomas... Reads:284 Uploaded:12/01/2009
* Otto Johannsen: Eine Anleitung zum Eisenguss vom Jahre 1454 (Ein beitrag zur Geschichte des Eisens) Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Otto Johannsen's article in Stahl und Eisen, 10 August 1910, pp. 1373-1376. The article concerns a German manuscript da... Reads:662 Uploaded:07/29/2009
* Report on samples of steel from the Needham Research Institute, Cambridge, by Alan Williams, 2005 Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Metallographic examination of samples of steel made by the traditional Chinese Su-gang co-fusion steelmaking method. Colle... Reads:202 Uploaded:04/14/2009
* Experiments to reconstruct the ancient Chinese co-fusion steelmaking method, by P. Whitaker, 1956 Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Low Carbon Strips Heated in a Carbon-Monoxide Atmosphere and Forge Welded at Temperatures of 950¡C. to 1000¡C. Strips W... Reads:164 Uploaded:04/14/2009
* Metallographic examinations of Chinese cast iron artefacts by the BCIRA [The British Cast Iron Research Association - ed.], 1957 Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Report on the microstructures of specimens of iron taken from Chinese castings in the Royal Ontario Museum for analysis at... Reads:189 Uploaded:04/14/2009
* All China Makes Iron and Steel, Peking 1959 Uploaded by: dbwagner -- China's Great Leap Forward in iron and steel, 1958-59, with many good photographs of both large ironworks and the controve... Reads:300 Uploaded:12/12/2008
* The coal and mineral resources of Shansi province, China Uploaded by: dbwagner -- Nystroem, Erik T. The coal and mineral resources of Shansi province, China, analytically examined. Stockholm 1912. Reads:608 Uploaded:06/30/2008
Internet Archive ( [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
Link reported by: Donald B. Wagner (
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Documents / Study
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 30
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at
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