Researching World Christianity: [a database of] Doctoral Dissertations on Mission Since 1900

07 Dec 2010
Yale University Library & Yale Divinity School, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
"This database incorporates compilations of missions-related dissertations published in the July 1983, July 1993, and July 2003 issues of the International Bulletin of Missionary Research [], and has been expanded in its scope. First, it includes English-language doctoral dissertations without regard to country of origin. Secondly, rather than focusing narrowly on missions, it also includes dissertations dealing with Christianity outside the West. Excluded are dissertations about Christianity in Europe, Australasia, and North America, with the exception of aboriginal missions in those areas. Thirdly, it expands the chronological scope to include dissertations presented since 1900. Fourth, the earlier compilations were limited to 'research' doctorates, understood to include the Th.D. and the Ph.D.; the present compilation includes all doctoral level dissertations and theses that we could identify, including the D.Min. and D.Miss. Finally, we consulted many more sources to identify theses and dissertations than did the predecessor compilations, including websites and published bibliographies (a bibliography of sources consulted will be included with the database). As a result, the number of titles identified increased from 2,371 in its three predecessors to nearly 5,193. Updates to the database have increased the number of titles to 6,113 as of April 2010. The creation of this database was undertaken in collaboration with the International Bulletin of Missionary Research, and made possible by the support of the Overseas Ministries Study Center [], New Haven, Conn.."
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# MALAYSIA - details [Title, Author, Degree, Institution, Date, Abstract, DAI Number, Country of Origin, Subject 1, Subject 2, Subject 3, Subject 4] of the 21 located dissertations, including:
[1] A comparative study on religious tolerance in post-independence Malaysia and Nigeria, with special reference to Christian-Muslim relations. Basri, G. University of Aberdeen.
[2] A comparative study on the role of religious interest groups in the formulation of educational policies in the Philippines and Malaysia de la Cruz. Rica Melanie Perez. Rice University.
[3] Home-centered training of the Malaysia discipleship center leaders: A case study. George, M. Geevarughese. Dallas Theological Seminary.
[4] The impact of Christianity on power relationships and social exchanges: A case study of change among the Tagal Murut, Sabah, Malaysia. Harris, Annette Suzanne. Biola University.
[5] A History of the Protestant Christian Churches in West Malaysia and Singapore. Herron, Alan Craig. University of Otago.
[6] Contesting the Ideology of the Empire: Paul's Theological Politics in Romans, with Preliminary Implications for Chinese Christian Communities in Malaysia. Hii, Kong Hock. Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary.
[7] Claim the Call to Lead: Toward a Renewed Model of the District Superintendency in the Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference, Methodist Church in Malaysia. Lau, Hui Ming. Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary.
[8] A Proposed Theological Education by Extension Program for Malaysia. Lee, Amos Ying-pak. University of Chicago.
[9] The Development Of A Liberation Educational Model For The Witness Of The Christian Church In Peninsula Malaysia. Lee, Kok Pheng. Vanderbilt University.
[10] Persistence Amid Transition: The Views of Malay Students in America on Ethnic Identity and Religious Change in the Context of Malay History and Culture. Matanick, Philip Asbury. Theological Seminary.
[11] A Study of the Development of Malay Ethnicity in Modern Malaysia in Its Historical Context and Its Implications for the Church. Narayanaswamy, Paul. Monash University of Birmingham.
[12] The history of the Catholic Church in East Malaysia and Brunei (1880--1976). Rooney, J. University of London.
[13] The diffusion of Christianity among urban Chinese people in diaspora: The case of metropolitan Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. Stone, Wilbur Paul. Asbury Theological Seminary.
[14] Explaining the Crucifixion to Muslims, with Special Reference to Indonesia and Malaysia. Tan, Kim-Sai. Fuller Theological Seminary.
[15] Transformative Worship among the Salakos of Sarawak, Malaysia. Tan, Sooi Ling. Fuller Theological Seminary.
[16] A model of pastoral leadership development in a local church in Malaysia. Tang, Patrick Yeng-Sin, Dallas Theological Seminary.
[17] Diaspora Indians: Church Growth among Indians in West Malaysia. Thomas, Christdoss D. Fuller Theological Seminary.
[18] A Comparison of Tamil and Chinese Lutheran Churches in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Vierow, Duain William. Fuller Theological Seminary.
[19] A Missions Education Program Design for Chinese Christian Churches of Malaysia. Voon, Philip H. Western Conservative Baptist Seminary.
[20] The Church in West Malaysia and Singapore: A Study of the Catholic Church in West Malaysia and Singapore Regarding her Situation as an Indigenous Church. Williams, Kenneth M. Catholic University of Louvain.
[21] Church Structure Issues in Asian Ecumenical Thought: With Particular Reference to Malaysia and Singapore. Yap, Kim Hao. Boston University.
# KOREA - details of the 143 located dissertations, including:
[1] The Anglican Church's missionary work in Korea 1890--1910 as revealed in its missionary magazine 'Morning Calm' Ahn, J.M. University of Wales.
[2] Pioneer American women missionaries to Korea, 1884--1907. Ahn, Katherine Hyunjoo Lee. Fuller Theological Seminary.
Ê [3] Toward Witness-Oriented Worship in the Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK). An, Seung Oh Paul. Fuller Theological Seminary.
[4] The agricultural-rural problems in Korea and some proposals for their solution in the light of the Church's social teaching. Bai, Dominicus M. Pontificia Universita Urbaniana.
[5] A Historical Study of the Role of Pioneer Korean Christians in Beginning the Indigenous Presbyterian Church and in Bible Translation, 1876--1912. Bang, Dong Sub. Reformed Theological Seminary.
# JAPAN - details of the 89 located dissertations, including:
[1] An Elucidation of Soren Kierkegaard's Categories of Communication and Their Application to the Communication of Christian Existence in Japan. Adams, Evyn Merrill. Drew University.
[2] A Record of the Activities of the Lutheran Evangelical Association of Finland in Japan, 1900--1946. Aho, Ilma Ruth. University of California, Berkeley.
[3] Social Evangel as Nationalism: A Study of the Salvation Army in Japan, 1895--1940. Baggs, Albert Edward. State University of New York at Buffalo.
[4] Between idolatry and infidelity: The Christian missionary in Japan, 1874--1912: A case study of cross-cultural encounter with special reference to the activities of British missionaries in Japan. Ballhatchet, H.J. University of London.
[5] Education in early Meiji Japan, 1868--1890. Bonnallie, Dorothy A. Claremont Graduate University.
Internet Archive ( [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (
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* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at

07 Dec 2010
Yale University Library & Yale Divinity School, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
"This database incorporates compilations of missions-related dissertations published in the July 1983, July 1993, and July 2003 issues of the International Bulletin of Missionary Research [], and has been expanded in its scope. First, it includes English-language doctoral dissertations without regard to country of origin. Secondly, rather than focusing narrowly on missions, it also includes dissertations dealing with Christianity outside the West. Excluded are dissertations about Christianity in Europe, Australasia, and North America, with the exception of aboriginal missions in those areas. Thirdly, it expands the chronological scope to include dissertations presented since 1900. Fourth, the earlier compilations were limited to 'research' doctorates, understood to include the Th.D. and the Ph.D.; the present compilation includes all doctoral level dissertations and theses that we could identify, including the D.Min. and D.Miss. Finally, we consulted many more sources to identify theses and dissertations than did the predecessor compilations, including websites and published bibliographies (a bibliography of sources consulted will be included with the database). As a result, the number of titles identified increased from 2,371 in its three predecessors to nearly 5,193. Updates to the database have increased the number of titles to 6,113 as of April 2010. The creation of this database was undertaken in collaboration with the International Bulletin of Missionary Research, and made possible by the support of the Overseas Ministries Study Center [], New Haven, Conn.."
Site contents:
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* Send comments to Catalog Librarian, Yale Divinity School.
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[examples of keyword searches]
# MALAYSIA - details [Title, Author, Degree, Institution, Date, Abstract, DAI Number, Country of Origin, Subject 1, Subject 2, Subject 3, Subject 4] of the 21 located dissertations, including:
[1] A comparative study on religious tolerance in post-independence Malaysia and Nigeria, with special reference to Christian-Muslim relations. Basri, G. University of Aberdeen.
[2] A comparative study on the role of religious interest groups in the formulation of educational policies in the Philippines and Malaysia de la Cruz. Rica Melanie Perez. Rice University.
[3] Home-centered training of the Malaysia discipleship center leaders: A case study. George, M. Geevarughese. Dallas Theological Seminary.
[4] The impact of Christianity on power relationships and social exchanges: A case study of change among the Tagal Murut, Sabah, Malaysia. Harris, Annette Suzanne. Biola University.
[5] A History of the Protestant Christian Churches in West Malaysia and Singapore. Herron, Alan Craig. University of Otago.
[6] Contesting the Ideology of the Empire: Paul's Theological Politics in Romans, with Preliminary Implications for Chinese Christian Communities in Malaysia. Hii, Kong Hock. Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary.
[7] Claim the Call to Lead: Toward a Renewed Model of the District Superintendency in the Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference, Methodist Church in Malaysia. Lau, Hui Ming. Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary.
[8] A Proposed Theological Education by Extension Program for Malaysia. Lee, Amos Ying-pak. University of Chicago.
[9] The Development Of A Liberation Educational Model For The Witness Of The Christian Church In Peninsula Malaysia. Lee, Kok Pheng. Vanderbilt University.
[10] Persistence Amid Transition: The Views of Malay Students in America on Ethnic Identity and Religious Change in the Context of Malay History and Culture. Matanick, Philip Asbury. Theological Seminary.
[11] A Study of the Development of Malay Ethnicity in Modern Malaysia in Its Historical Context and Its Implications for the Church. Narayanaswamy, Paul. Monash University of Birmingham.
[12] The history of the Catholic Church in East Malaysia and Brunei (1880--1976). Rooney, J. University of London.
[13] The diffusion of Christianity among urban Chinese people in diaspora: The case of metropolitan Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. Stone, Wilbur Paul. Asbury Theological Seminary.
[14] Explaining the Crucifixion to Muslims, with Special Reference to Indonesia and Malaysia. Tan, Kim-Sai. Fuller Theological Seminary.
[15] Transformative Worship among the Salakos of Sarawak, Malaysia. Tan, Sooi Ling. Fuller Theological Seminary.
[16] A model of pastoral leadership development in a local church in Malaysia. Tang, Patrick Yeng-Sin, Dallas Theological Seminary.
[17] Diaspora Indians: Church Growth among Indians in West Malaysia. Thomas, Christdoss D. Fuller Theological Seminary.
[18] A Comparison of Tamil and Chinese Lutheran Churches in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Vierow, Duain William. Fuller Theological Seminary.
[19] A Missions Education Program Design for Chinese Christian Churches of Malaysia. Voon, Philip H. Western Conservative Baptist Seminary.
[20] The Church in West Malaysia and Singapore: A Study of the Catholic Church in West Malaysia and Singapore Regarding her Situation as an Indigenous Church. Williams, Kenneth M. Catholic University of Louvain.
[21] Church Structure Issues in Asian Ecumenical Thought: With Particular Reference to Malaysia and Singapore. Yap, Kim Hao. Boston University.
# KOREA - details of the 143 located dissertations, including:
[1] The Anglican Church's missionary work in Korea 1890--1910 as revealed in its missionary magazine 'Morning Calm' Ahn, J.M. University of Wales.
[2] Pioneer American women missionaries to Korea, 1884--1907. Ahn, Katherine Hyunjoo Lee. Fuller Theological Seminary.
Ê [3] Toward Witness-Oriented Worship in the Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK). An, Seung Oh Paul. Fuller Theological Seminary.
[4] The agricultural-rural problems in Korea and some proposals for their solution in the light of the Church's social teaching. Bai, Dominicus M. Pontificia Universita Urbaniana.
[5] A Historical Study of the Role of Pioneer Korean Christians in Beginning the Indigenous Presbyterian Church and in Bible Translation, 1876--1912. Bang, Dong Sub. Reformed Theological Seminary.
# JAPAN - details of the 89 located dissertations, including:
[1] An Elucidation of Soren Kierkegaard's Categories of Communication and Their Application to the Communication of Christian Existence in Japan. Adams, Evyn Merrill. Drew University.
[2] A Record of the Activities of the Lutheran Evangelical Association of Finland in Japan, 1900--1946. Aho, Ilma Ruth. University of California, Berkeley.
[3] Social Evangel as Nationalism: A Study of the Salvation Army in Japan, 1895--1940. Baggs, Albert Edward. State University of New York at Buffalo.
[4] Between idolatry and infidelity: The Christian missionary in Japan, 1874--1912: A case study of cross-cultural encounter with special reference to the activities of British missionaries in Japan. Ballhatchet, H.J. University of London.
[5] Education in early Meiji Japan, 1868--1890. Bonnallie, Dorothy A. Claremont Graduate University.
Internet Archive ( [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (
* Resource type [news/comments - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at
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