The Virtual Encyclopaedia of Portuguese Expansion / A Enciclopedia Virtual da Expansao Portuguesa

03 Jun 2009
Centro de Historia de Alem-Mar (CHAM), Universidade Nova de Lisboa & Universidade dos Acores [Azores], Portugal
"The Virtual Encyclopaedia of Portuguese Expansion is a project developed by the Centre for Overseas History, an interuniversity research unit of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon and the University of the Azores. The project makes available multimedia contents of a scientific, educational, and cultural nature on the history of the discoveries and the Portuguese expansion.
The Virtual Encyclopaedia of Portuguese Expansion is meant for a broad audience both within and outside Portugal, including secondary school students, university students and researchers, social communication professionals, and all those interested in the history of the discoveries and the Portuguese expansion.
The Virtual Encyclopaedia of Portuguese Expansion offers articles, images, maps, chronologies, and genealogies of a condensed nature, but endowed with great scientific authority and reliability. It is continually being expanded and updated. The materials are produced by professors and researchers from the academia and validated by a scientific committee composed of the most renowned national and foreign historians. The project covers a vast geographical area which extends from the Azores to Japan, and a period of time from the beginning of the 15th century to the end of the 18th century.
The bilingual [PT/EN - ed.] nature of the Virtual Encyclopaedia of Portuguese Expansion makes it an indispensable means for the international dissemination of the history and historiography of the Portuguese presence around the world (though, for technical reasons, the online availability of English-language translations might not keep pace with the Portuguese entries, and vice versa). The national character of the Portuguese expansive enterprise is emphasized, along with its integration into a wider European context and its importance for a new emerging European consciousness which is now suspended between criticism and apology for the process of Western expansion."
Site contents [as of early June 2009 - ed.]:
* Anthroponyms (Abreu, Luis de - Adami, Joao Mateus - Adao de Hizen [...] - Vieira, Sebastiao - Vilela, Gaspar - Zola, Joao Baptista)
* Arts (Azamor, frescos da Tomada de - Carpets, Spain - Tapetes, Turkey - Carpets, Turkey "Bellini" - Carpets, Turkey "Holbein" - Carpets, Turkey "Lotto" - Carpets, Turkey "Ushak" - Chinoiserie - Indo-Portuguese, art - Saint, Francis Xavier, Tomb - Sino-Portuguese, art - Wire rods of gold paper)
* Literature (Almanach Perpetuum - Antonil, Padre Andre Joao - Aristotelianism in Natural Philosophy - Barbosa, Duarte de - Barros, Joao de - Castanheda, Fernao Lopes de - Correia, Gaspar - Frois, Luis - Gois, Damiao de - Lagoa, 4.o Visconde de - Ptolemy's Geography: Graphic Syntax and Projections);
* Politics (AlcAcovas-Toledo, Treaty of - Convention of Goa - Daikan - Diplomacy in the Restoration Period - General Captaincy of Azores - Portugal and Italian Cities (14th-16th Centuries) - Portuguese-British Treaty - Portuguese-English Bilateral Relations - Treaty of Westminster);
* Products (Elephants - Glue - Tea - Tobacco);
* Religion;
* Themes and Facts (Almanacs - Astronomical Navigation - Astronomical Tables - Balestilha - Books of Route - Cartography - Compass - Dutch blockades of Goa - Equador - Height East-West - Height Navigation - India Fleet of 1500 - India Run - Itineraries - Log-books - Loxodromic line - Incindent of Madre Deus - Mocambique, Prazos da Coroa de - Mozambique, Dutch sieges of - Naus, Ribeira das - Nautical Guides - Navy Books - Portolano - Portuguese Nautical Science - Quadrant - Regiment - Rules of Evora - Rules of Munique - Rules of the South Cruise - Secret of Secrets - Shipboard Books - Treaty of Sphere - Zenith Distance - 'Genoese World Map' drawn in 1457);
* Toponyms (Georeferencing - Achem - Adem - Agadir - Santa Cruz do Cabo de Gue - AlcAcer Ceguer - AlcAcer-Quibir - Angra do Heroismo - Ano Bom island - Arguim - Arzila - Ayuthia - Azamor - Bacaim - Baia CabrAlia - Barcelor - Beijing - Belem do ParA - Benguela - Bissau - Brazil - Cacheu - Calicute - Cananor - Cantao - Cape of Good Hope - Ceuta - Ceylon - Chaul - Chicova - Colombo, city of - Coulao - Damao - Dili - Diu - Fernando Po island - Fort Cochin - Fukuda - Funchal - Goa - Hirado - Horta - Ielala, Rocks - Kagoshima - Kupang - Kyoto - Lagos - Lisbon - Luanda - Macau - Madeira - Malacca - Manaus - Mangalor - Mariana - Mascate - Mazagao - Meliapor - Melinde - Mogi, city of - Monbasa - Mocambique island - Mumbai - Nagasaki, city of - Natal - Oita - Omura - Onor - Ormus - Osaka - Ouro Preto - Pegu - Pernambuco - Pernambuco - Ponta Delgada - Praia (Azores) - Praia (Cape Verde) - Prince island - Quelimane - Quiloa - Ribeira Grande (Cape Verde) - Rio de Janeiro - Rios de Sena - Sacramento (Uruguai) - Safi - Sagres - Saint Helena, island - Salvador (Bahia) - Sao Jorge da Mina - Sao Luis do Maranhao - Sao Nicolau, ilha de - Sao Paulo - S. Tome island - Sena - Shimabara - Sion - Socotra island - Sofala - Tangier - Tete - Tokyo - Yokoseura, city of - Zumbo);
* Bibliographies;
* Chronology (British Presence in Asia - Exploration of the Atlantic - Portuguese presence in Morocco and the Mediterranean);
* Currencies/Weights/Measures;
* Genealogies;
* Lists (Achem: Sultans - AlcAcer Ceguer: Captains and Governors - Angamale: Bishops - Angola: Bishops - Angra: Bishops - Arguim: Captains and Governors - Asilah: Captains and Governors - Azemmour: Captains and Governors - Azores: General Captains - Bahia: Bishops - Brazil: Captains - Brazil: Governors and Vice-Roys - Cabo Verde: Bishops - Ceuta: Bishops - Ceuta: Captains and Governors - China: Vice-Provincials - China: Mission Superiors - Cochin: Bishops - Congo: Bishops - Cranganore: Bishops - CuiabA (Prelazia): Bishops - Ethiopia: Bishops - Flores and Corvo: Donatary Captains - Funchal: Bishops - Goa: Bishops, Archbishpos and Patriarchs - Goa: Provincials and Vice-provincials - Goias (Prelazia): Bishops - Capitaes e Governadores de Mocambique - Graciosa: Donatary Captains - India Fleets of the Reign of Filipe I - India Fleets of the Reign of Afonso VI - India Fleets of the Reign of D.HenriqueI - India Fleets of the Reign of Filipe II - India Fleets of the Reign of Filipe III - India Fleets of the Reign of Joao III - India Fleets of the Reign of Joao IV - India Fleets of the Reign of Joao V - India Fleets of the Reign of Jose I - India Fleets of the Reign of Manuel I - India Fleets of the Reign of Pedro II - India Fleets of the Reign of Sebastiao I - India Provinces: Visitors - India Run: Captains and Capitaes-Mor - India: Governors and Vice-roys - Japan and China: Visitors - Japan: Bishops - Japan: Provincials and Vice-Provincials - Japan: Mission Superiors - Macao: Bishops - Macau: Governors and General Captains - Madeira (Funchal) island: Donatary Captains - Madeira (Machico) island: Donatary Captains - Madeira island: General Captains - Malabar:Provincials and Vice-Provincials - Malacca: Bishops - Malacca: Captains - Maranhao: Vice-Provincials - Maranhao: Bishops - Mariana: Bishops - Mazagan: Captains and Governors - Meliapor: Bishops - Mogador: Captains and Governors - Morocco: Bishops - Mozambique (Prelazia): Bishops - Nanjing: Bishops - Olinda: Bishops - Pacem: Sultans - ParA: Bishops - Peking: Bishops - Philippines: Governors - Pico and Faial islands: Donatary Captains - Rio Janeiro: Bishops - Safi: Captains and Governors - Samudera: Sultans - Santa Cruz do Cabo de Gue (Agadir): Captains and Governors - Sta. Maria and S. Miguel: Donatary Captains - Santa Maria island: Donatary Captains - S. Miguel island: Donatary Captains - S. Paulo: Bishops - S.Tome e Principe island: Donatary Captains - S. Tome: Bishops - Society of Jesus: Generals - Solor: Governors - Solor: Major Captains - Tangier: Bishops - Tangier: Captains and Governors - Terceira and S. Jorge: Donatary Captains - Terceira (Praia) island: Donatary Captains - Timor: Governors - Timor: Major Captains);
* Search (Free Search - Search alphabetically - Thematic Search - Auxiliary);
* Contacts;
* Credits (President of the Executive Board, Scientific Coordination, Executive Board, Scientific Committee, Support).
Link reported by:
Andre Monteiro (, forwarded by and J. B. Owens (, forwarded by
Internet Archive ( [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000 - under 300 - under 100 - under 30]:
under 30
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at

03 Jun 2009
Centro de Historia de Alem-Mar (CHAM), Universidade Nova de Lisboa & Universidade dos Acores [Azores], Portugal
"The Virtual Encyclopaedia of Portuguese Expansion is a project developed by the Centre for Overseas History, an interuniversity research unit of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon and the University of the Azores. The project makes available multimedia contents of a scientific, educational, and cultural nature on the history of the discoveries and the Portuguese expansion.
The Virtual Encyclopaedia of Portuguese Expansion is meant for a broad audience both within and outside Portugal, including secondary school students, university students and researchers, social communication professionals, and all those interested in the history of the discoveries and the Portuguese expansion.
The Virtual Encyclopaedia of Portuguese Expansion offers articles, images, maps, chronologies, and genealogies of a condensed nature, but endowed with great scientific authority and reliability. It is continually being expanded and updated. The materials are produced by professors and researchers from the academia and validated by a scientific committee composed of the most renowned national and foreign historians. The project covers a vast geographical area which extends from the Azores to Japan, and a period of time from the beginning of the 15th century to the end of the 18th century.
The bilingual [PT/EN - ed.] nature of the Virtual Encyclopaedia of Portuguese Expansion makes it an indispensable means for the international dissemination of the history and historiography of the Portuguese presence around the world (though, for technical reasons, the online availability of English-language translations might not keep pace with the Portuguese entries, and vice versa). The national character of the Portuguese expansive enterprise is emphasized, along with its integration into a wider European context and its importance for a new emerging European consciousness which is now suspended between criticism and apology for the process of Western expansion."
Site contents [as of early June 2009 - ed.]:
* Anthroponyms (Abreu, Luis de - Adami, Joao Mateus - Adao de Hizen [...] - Vieira, Sebastiao - Vilela, Gaspar - Zola, Joao Baptista)
* Arts (Azamor, frescos da Tomada de - Carpets, Spain - Tapetes, Turkey - Carpets, Turkey "Bellini" - Carpets, Turkey "Holbein" - Carpets, Turkey "Lotto" - Carpets, Turkey "Ushak" - Chinoiserie - Indo-Portuguese, art - Saint, Francis Xavier, Tomb - Sino-Portuguese, art - Wire rods of gold paper)
* Literature (Almanach Perpetuum - Antonil, Padre Andre Joao - Aristotelianism in Natural Philosophy - Barbosa, Duarte de - Barros, Joao de - Castanheda, Fernao Lopes de - Correia, Gaspar - Frois, Luis - Gois, Damiao de - Lagoa, 4.o Visconde de - Ptolemy's Geography: Graphic Syntax and Projections);
* Politics (AlcAcovas-Toledo, Treaty of - Convention of Goa - Daikan - Diplomacy in the Restoration Period - General Captaincy of Azores - Portugal and Italian Cities (14th-16th Centuries) - Portuguese-British Treaty - Portuguese-English Bilateral Relations - Treaty of Westminster);
* Products (Elephants - Glue - Tea - Tobacco);
* Religion;
* Themes and Facts (Almanacs - Astronomical Navigation - Astronomical Tables - Balestilha - Books of Route - Cartography - Compass - Dutch blockades of Goa - Equador - Height East-West - Height Navigation - India Fleet of 1500 - India Run - Itineraries - Log-books - Loxodromic line - Incindent of Madre Deus - Mocambique, Prazos da Coroa de - Mozambique, Dutch sieges of - Naus, Ribeira das - Nautical Guides - Navy Books - Portolano - Portuguese Nautical Science - Quadrant - Regiment - Rules of Evora - Rules of Munique - Rules of the South Cruise - Secret of Secrets - Shipboard Books - Treaty of Sphere - Zenith Distance - 'Genoese World Map' drawn in 1457);
* Toponyms (Georeferencing - Achem - Adem - Agadir - Santa Cruz do Cabo de Gue - AlcAcer Ceguer - AlcAcer-Quibir - Angra do Heroismo - Ano Bom island - Arguim - Arzila - Ayuthia - Azamor - Bacaim - Baia CabrAlia - Barcelor - Beijing - Belem do ParA - Benguela - Bissau - Brazil - Cacheu - Calicute - Cananor - Cantao - Cape of Good Hope - Ceuta - Ceylon - Chaul - Chicova - Colombo, city of - Coulao - Damao - Dili - Diu - Fernando Po island - Fort Cochin - Fukuda - Funchal - Goa - Hirado - Horta - Ielala, Rocks - Kagoshima - Kupang - Kyoto - Lagos - Lisbon - Luanda - Macau - Madeira - Malacca - Manaus - Mangalor - Mariana - Mascate - Mazagao - Meliapor - Melinde - Mogi, city of - Monbasa - Mocambique island - Mumbai - Nagasaki, city of - Natal - Oita - Omura - Onor - Ormus - Osaka - Ouro Preto - Pegu - Pernambuco - Pernambuco - Ponta Delgada - Praia (Azores) - Praia (Cape Verde) - Prince island - Quelimane - Quiloa - Ribeira Grande (Cape Verde) - Rio de Janeiro - Rios de Sena - Sacramento (Uruguai) - Safi - Sagres - Saint Helena, island - Salvador (Bahia) - Sao Jorge da Mina - Sao Luis do Maranhao - Sao Nicolau, ilha de - Sao Paulo - S. Tome island - Sena - Shimabara - Sion - Socotra island - Sofala - Tangier - Tete - Tokyo - Yokoseura, city of - Zumbo);
* Bibliographies;
* Chronology (British Presence in Asia - Exploration of the Atlantic - Portuguese presence in Morocco and the Mediterranean);
* Currencies/Weights/Measures;
* Genealogies;
* Lists (Achem: Sultans - AlcAcer Ceguer: Captains and Governors - Angamale: Bishops - Angola: Bishops - Angra: Bishops - Arguim: Captains and Governors - Asilah: Captains and Governors - Azemmour: Captains and Governors - Azores: General Captains - Bahia: Bishops - Brazil: Captains - Brazil: Governors and Vice-Roys - Cabo Verde: Bishops - Ceuta: Bishops - Ceuta: Captains and Governors - China: Vice-Provincials - China: Mission Superiors - Cochin: Bishops - Congo: Bishops - Cranganore: Bishops - CuiabA (Prelazia): Bishops - Ethiopia: Bishops - Flores and Corvo: Donatary Captains - Funchal: Bishops - Goa: Bishops, Archbishpos and Patriarchs - Goa: Provincials and Vice-provincials - Goias (Prelazia): Bishops - Capitaes e Governadores de Mocambique - Graciosa: Donatary Captains - India Fleets of the Reign of Filipe I - India Fleets of the Reign of Afonso VI - India Fleets of the Reign of D.HenriqueI - India Fleets of the Reign of Filipe II - India Fleets of the Reign of Filipe III - India Fleets of the Reign of Joao III - India Fleets of the Reign of Joao IV - India Fleets of the Reign of Joao V - India Fleets of the Reign of Jose I - India Fleets of the Reign of Manuel I - India Fleets of the Reign of Pedro II - India Fleets of the Reign of Sebastiao I - India Provinces: Visitors - India Run: Captains and Capitaes-Mor - India: Governors and Vice-roys - Japan and China: Visitors - Japan: Bishops - Japan: Provincials and Vice-Provincials - Japan: Mission Superiors - Macao: Bishops - Macau: Governors and General Captains - Madeira (Funchal) island: Donatary Captains - Madeira (Machico) island: Donatary Captains - Madeira island: General Captains - Malabar:Provincials and Vice-Provincials - Malacca: Bishops - Malacca: Captains - Maranhao: Vice-Provincials - Maranhao: Bishops - Mariana: Bishops - Mazagan: Captains and Governors - Meliapor: Bishops - Mogador: Captains and Governors - Morocco: Bishops - Mozambique (Prelazia): Bishops - Nanjing: Bishops - Olinda: Bishops - Pacem: Sultans - ParA: Bishops - Peking: Bishops - Philippines: Governors - Pico and Faial islands: Donatary Captains - Rio Janeiro: Bishops - Safi: Captains and Governors - Samudera: Sultans - Santa Cruz do Cabo de Gue (Agadir): Captains and Governors - Sta. Maria and S. Miguel: Donatary Captains - Santa Maria island: Donatary Captains - S. Miguel island: Donatary Captains - S. Paulo: Bishops - S.Tome e Principe island: Donatary Captains - S. Tome: Bishops - Society of Jesus: Generals - Solor: Governors - Solor: Major Captains - Tangier: Bishops - Tangier: Captains and Governors - Terceira and S. Jorge: Donatary Captains - Terceira (Praia) island: Donatary Captains - Timor: Governors - Timor: Major Captains);
* Search (Free Search - Search alphabetically - Thematic Search - Auxiliary);
* Contacts;
* Credits (President of the Executive Board, Scientific Coordination, Executive Board, Scientific Committee, Support).
Link reported by:
Andre Monteiro (, forwarded by and J. B. Owens (, forwarded by
Internet Archive ( [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000 - under 300 - under 100 - under 30]:
under 30
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at
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