A to Z Photo Dictionary of Japanese Sculpture & Art

27 May 2010
www.onmarkproductions.com, Kamakura, Japan.
"This photo library and dictionary [est. 1995] is a labor of love. After moving to Kamakura in 1993, I [= Mark Schumacher] became intrigued by the many deities and faces of Japanese Buddhism and Shintoism. There are dozens of temples and shrines near my home, many dating from the 8th to 13th centuries, many open to the public. There are 400+ deities in this dictionary, and 4,000+ photos of statuary from Kamakura, Nara, Kyoto, and elsewhere in Japan. Any mistakes or omissions are my responsibility."
Site contents:
* Home (Preface, Timeline, About The Site Author, About My Sources, Technical Matters, Caveats, Apologies, What This Site "Is Not", What's New);
* Search A-to-Z;
* Quick Start (Home: What's New, Buddha's Teachings, History & Timeline, Historical Buddha, Student's Guide, Teacher's Guide);
* Deity Guides (Who's Who, Buddha, Bodhisattva, Myo-o, Shinto Kami, Shugendo, Stars & Planets, Tenbu (Deva));
* Other Guides (Bibliography, Buddhism in Japan, Busshi Glossary, Carving Techniques, Cycle of Suffering, Drapery/Robe Guide, Mandala Guide, Mudra Guide, Objects Guide, Pilgrimage Guide, Shinto Guide, Statues by Artist, Statues by Era, Symbols Guide, Terminology);
* A to Z Index ( 3 Element Stele, 3 Monkeys, 4 Bosatsu, 4 Celestial Emblems, 4 Heavenly Kings, 5 (Number Five), 5 Elements, 5 Tathagata, 5 Tier Pagoda, 5 Wisdom Kings, 6 Jizo, 6 Kannon, 6 Realms, 6 Nara Schools, 7 Lucky Gods, 7 Nara Temples, 8 Legions, 8 Zodiac Patrons, 10 Kings of Hell, 12 Devas, 12 Generals, 12 Zodiac Animals, 13 Butsu (Funerals), 28 Legions, 28 Constellations, 33 Kannon, Agyo, Aizen, Amano Jyaku, Amida Nyorai, Apsaras, Arakan (Rakan), Arhat (Rakan), Ashuku Nyorai, Asuka Era Art Tour, Asura (Ashura), Bamboo, Benzaiten (Benten), Bibliography, Big Buddha, Birushana Nyorai, Bishamon-ten, Bodhisattva, Bosatsu Group, Bosatsu of Mercy, Bosatsu on Clouds, Buddha (Historical), Buddha Group, Buddha Statues, Busshi (Sculptors), Calligraphy, Celestial Emblems, Celestial Maidens, Children Patrons, Classifying, Color Red, Confucius, Contact Us, Daibutsu, Daijizaiten, Daikoku-ten, Dainichi Nyorai, Daruma (Zen), Datsueba (Hell Hag), Deva (Tenbu), Donations, Dosojin, Dragon, Drapery (Robes), Early Buddhism Japan, Ebisu, Eight Legions, En no Gyoja, Estores, Family Tree, Footprints of Buddha, Fox (Oinari), Fudo (Fudou) Myoo, Fugen Bosatsu, Fujin (Wind God), Fukurokuju, Gakko & Nikko, Gardens, Gigeiten, Godai Nyorai, Goddess of Mercy, Goddesses, Gongen, Gravestones, Hachi Bushu, Hachiman, Hands (Mudra), Hell (10 Judges), Hell Hag (Datsueba), Hell Scrolls, Henge, Holy Mountains, Ho-o (Phoenix), Hotei, Idaten, Ishanaten, Ishidoro (Ishidourou), Jikokuten, Jizo Bosatsu, Jocho Busshi, Juni Shi, Juni Shinsho, Juni Ten, Junrei (Pilgrimage), Jurojin, Juuzenji, Jyaki or Tentoki, Kaikei Busshi, Kankiten, Kannon Bosatsu, Kappa, Kariteimo (Kishibojin), Karura, Karyoubinga, Kendatsuba, Kichijouten, Kitchen Gods, Kishibojin (Kariteimo), Kitsune (Oinari), Kokuzo Bosatsu, Koujin (Kojin), Komokuten, Koushin, Lanterns (Stone), Links, Making Statues, Mandara (Mandala), Maneki Neko, Marishiten, Miroku Bosatsu/Nyorai, Monju Bosatsu, Monkeys, Moon Lodges, Mother Goddess, Mudra (Hands), Myoken (Pole Star), Myo-o, Nara Era Art Tour, Newsletter Sign Up, Nijuhachi Bushu, Nikko & Gakko, Ninpinin, Nio Protectors, Nyorai Group, Objects & Symbols, Oinari (Fox), Phoenix (Ho-o), Pilgrimage Guide, Pottery, Protective Stones, Raigo Triad, Raijin (Thunder God), Rakan (Arhat), Red Clothing, Reincarnation, Robes (Drapery), Rock Gardens, Sanbo Kojin, Sanno Gongen, Sarutahiko, Sculptors (Busshi), Seishi Bosatsu, Sendan Kendatsuba, Seven Lucky Gods, Shachi, Shachihoko, Shaka Nyorai, Shape Shifters, Shichifukujin, Shijin (Shishin), Shinra Myoujin, Shinto Concepts, Shinto Main Menu, Shinto Shrines, Shishi (Lion), Shitenno, Shoki, Shomen Kongo, Shotoku Taishi, Shrines, Shugendo, Siddhartha, Six States, Star Deities, Stone Gardens, Stone Graves, Stone Lanterns, Stones (Top Menu), Suijin (Water Kami), Symbols & Objects, Tamonten, Taishakuten, Tanuki, Temples, Temple Lodging, Tenbu Group, Tengu, Tennin & Tennyo, Tentoki or Jyaki, Terminology, Tibetan Carpets, Tibet Photos, Tibetan Tanka, Transmigration, Ungyo, Unkei Busshi, Water Basin, Weapons, Wheel of Life, Yakushi Nyorai, Yasha (Yaksha), Zao Gongen, Zen (Daruma), Zen Art Tour, Zodiac Calendar, Zochoten);
* Buddhist-Artwork & Buddhist Statuary [An online store Est. 2006, with quality hand-carved wood Buddha statues and Bodhisattva statuary from Japan, China, and SE Asia, http://www.buddhist-artwork.com/ - ed.]
URL http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/buddhism.shtml
Internet Archive http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/buddhism.shtml
Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (tmciolek--at--coombs.anu.edu.au)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Study/ Documents/ Online Guide
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: over 3,000 [in fact, over 10,400
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

27 May 2010
www.onmarkproductions.com, Kamakura, Japan.
"This photo library and dictionary [est. 1995] is a labor of love. After moving to Kamakura in 1993, I [= Mark Schumacher] became intrigued by the many deities and faces of Japanese Buddhism and Shintoism. There are dozens of temples and shrines near my home, many dating from the 8th to 13th centuries, many open to the public. There are 400+ deities in this dictionary, and 4,000+ photos of statuary from Kamakura, Nara, Kyoto, and elsewhere in Japan. Any mistakes or omissions are my responsibility."
Site contents:
* Home (Preface, Timeline, About The Site Author, About My Sources, Technical Matters, Caveats, Apologies, What This Site "Is Not", What's New);
* Search A-to-Z;
* Quick Start (Home: What's New, Buddha's Teachings, History & Timeline, Historical Buddha, Student's Guide, Teacher's Guide);
* Deity Guides (Who's Who, Buddha, Bodhisattva, Myo-o, Shinto Kami, Shugendo, Stars & Planets, Tenbu (Deva));
* Other Guides (Bibliography, Buddhism in Japan, Busshi Glossary, Carving Techniques, Cycle of Suffering, Drapery/Robe Guide, Mandala Guide, Mudra Guide, Objects Guide, Pilgrimage Guide, Shinto Guide, Statues by Artist, Statues by Era, Symbols Guide, Terminology);
* A to Z Index ( 3 Element Stele, 3 Monkeys, 4 Bosatsu, 4 Celestial Emblems, 4 Heavenly Kings, 5 (Number Five), 5 Elements, 5 Tathagata, 5 Tier Pagoda, 5 Wisdom Kings, 6 Jizo, 6 Kannon, 6 Realms, 6 Nara Schools, 7 Lucky Gods, 7 Nara Temples, 8 Legions, 8 Zodiac Patrons, 10 Kings of Hell, 12 Devas, 12 Generals, 12 Zodiac Animals, 13 Butsu (Funerals), 28 Legions, 28 Constellations, 33 Kannon, Agyo, Aizen, Amano Jyaku, Amida Nyorai, Apsaras, Arakan (Rakan), Arhat (Rakan), Ashuku Nyorai, Asuka Era Art Tour, Asura (Ashura), Bamboo, Benzaiten (Benten), Bibliography, Big Buddha, Birushana Nyorai, Bishamon-ten, Bodhisattva, Bosatsu Group, Bosatsu of Mercy, Bosatsu on Clouds, Buddha (Historical), Buddha Group, Buddha Statues, Busshi (Sculptors), Calligraphy, Celestial Emblems, Celestial Maidens, Children Patrons, Classifying, Color Red, Confucius, Contact Us, Daibutsu, Daijizaiten, Daikoku-ten, Dainichi Nyorai, Daruma (Zen), Datsueba (Hell Hag), Deva (Tenbu), Donations, Dosojin, Dragon, Drapery (Robes), Early Buddhism Japan, Ebisu, Eight Legions, En no Gyoja, Estores, Family Tree, Footprints of Buddha, Fox (Oinari), Fudo (Fudou) Myoo, Fugen Bosatsu, Fujin (Wind God), Fukurokuju, Gakko & Nikko, Gardens, Gigeiten, Godai Nyorai, Goddess of Mercy, Goddesses, Gongen, Gravestones, Hachi Bushu, Hachiman, Hands (Mudra), Hell (10 Judges), Hell Hag (Datsueba), Hell Scrolls, Henge, Holy Mountains, Ho-o (Phoenix), Hotei, Idaten, Ishanaten, Ishidoro (Ishidourou), Jikokuten, Jizo Bosatsu, Jocho Busshi, Juni Shi, Juni Shinsho, Juni Ten, Junrei (Pilgrimage), Jurojin, Juuzenji, Jyaki or Tentoki, Kaikei Busshi, Kankiten, Kannon Bosatsu, Kappa, Kariteimo (Kishibojin), Karura, Karyoubinga, Kendatsuba, Kichijouten, Kitchen Gods, Kishibojin (Kariteimo), Kitsune (Oinari), Kokuzo Bosatsu, Koujin (Kojin), Komokuten, Koushin, Lanterns (Stone), Links, Making Statues, Mandara (Mandala), Maneki Neko, Marishiten, Miroku Bosatsu/Nyorai, Monju Bosatsu, Monkeys, Moon Lodges, Mother Goddess, Mudra (Hands), Myoken (Pole Star), Myo-o, Nara Era Art Tour, Newsletter Sign Up, Nijuhachi Bushu, Nikko & Gakko, Ninpinin, Nio Protectors, Nyorai Group, Objects & Symbols, Oinari (Fox), Phoenix (Ho-o), Pilgrimage Guide, Pottery, Protective Stones, Raigo Triad, Raijin (Thunder God), Rakan (Arhat), Red Clothing, Reincarnation, Robes (Drapery), Rock Gardens, Sanbo Kojin, Sanno Gongen, Sarutahiko, Sculptors (Busshi), Seishi Bosatsu, Sendan Kendatsuba, Seven Lucky Gods, Shachi, Shachihoko, Shaka Nyorai, Shape Shifters, Shichifukujin, Shijin (Shishin), Shinra Myoujin, Shinto Concepts, Shinto Main Menu, Shinto Shrines, Shishi (Lion), Shitenno, Shoki, Shomen Kongo, Shotoku Taishi, Shrines, Shugendo, Siddhartha, Six States, Star Deities, Stone Gardens, Stone Graves, Stone Lanterns, Stones (Top Menu), Suijin (Water Kami), Symbols & Objects, Tamonten, Taishakuten, Tanuki, Temples, Temple Lodging, Tenbu Group, Tengu, Tennin & Tennyo, Tentoki or Jyaki, Terminology, Tibetan Carpets, Tibet Photos, Tibetan Tanka, Transmigration, Ungyo, Unkei Busshi, Water Basin, Weapons, Wheel of Life, Yakushi Nyorai, Yasha (Yaksha), Zao Gongen, Zen (Daruma), Zen Art Tour, Zodiac Calendar, Zochoten);
* Buddhist-Artwork & Buddhist Statuary [An online store Est. 2006, with quality hand-carved wood Buddha statues and Bodhisattva statuary from Japan, China, and SE Asia, http://www.buddhist-artwork.com/ - ed.]
URL http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/buddhism.shtml
Internet Archive http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/buddhism.shtml
Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (tmciolek--at--coombs.anu.edu.au)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Study/ Documents/ Online Guide
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: over 3,000 [in fact, over 10,400
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com
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