ASIEN: German Journal for Politics, Economy and Culture

23 Aug 2006
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Asienkunde (DGA), Hamburg, Germany
Supplied note:
"ASIEN, the refereed journal of the German Association for Asian Studies, has published a special issue on "The State of Political Reform in Contemporary China" in the English language. Guest editors of this issue (April 2006/No. 99) are Thomas Heberer and Gunter Schubert.
Here are the articles:
# Thomas Heberer/Gunter Schubert: Political Reform and Regime Legitimacy in Contemporary China # Thomas P. Bernstein: Village Democracy and Its Limits # Jean-Pierre Cabestan: More Power to the People's Congresses? Parliaments and Parliamentarianism in the People's Republic of China # Nora Sausmikat: More Legitimacy for One-Party Rule? The CCP's Ideological Adjustments and Intra-Party Reforms # Shih Chih-yu: Reforming China's Anti-Poverty Policy from Below ? Experiences from Western Hunan
The issue can be ordered by the German Association for Asian Studies, Ms Christine Berg, M.A., editorial manager, Rothenbaumchaussee 32, D-20148 Hamburg, Germany, Fax: +49-(0)40-4107945, E-Mail: For further information see: - gs."
"Since 1981, the Association [Die Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Asienkunde (DGA), German Association of Asian Studies - ed.] has been publishing the quarterly journal "ASIEN: German Journal for Politics, Economy and Culture", to improve the dissemination of information on Asia. The journal covers the region comprising the countries of Pakistan and India in the West to China, Japan, and the South Pacific in the East. It is concerned with contemporary issues and problems of the regions. It has a circulation of 1,000 copies. On an average, every issue consists of 180 pages and contains around 4 scholarly articles. Compared with other journals, ASIEN clearly stands out because of its meticulously detailed information sections on conference reports, research projects, book reviews, new literature as well as the biannually published complete list of all academic lectures and seminars on Asia in the German speaking countries."
Other freely downloadable ASIEN articles written in English include:
ASIEN 98 Gunter Schubert: Towards the End of a Long Journey: Assessing the Debate on Taiwanese Nationalism and National Identity in the Democratic Era (pdf, 323 kb); ASIEN 96 Elena Barabantseva: Trans-nationalising Chineseness: Overseas Chinese Policies of the PRC's Central Government (pdf, 421 kb); ASIEN 96 Martin Brendebach: Public Opinion - a New Factor Influencing the PRC Press (pdf, 500 kb); ASIEN 96 Carmen Schmidt: Japan's Circle of Power: Legitimacy and Integration of a National Elite (pdf, 491 kb); ASIEN 94 Gunter Schubert: Reforming Authoritarianism in Contemporary China. Reflections on Pan Wei's Consultative Rule of Law Regime (pdf, 187 kb); ASIEN 94 Heiko Schrader: Thrift and Credit Groups and Community Development: the Hope Project in New Delhi/India (pdf, 122 kb); ASIEN 94 Rahul Peter Das: What the Indian Election Results Could Mean for Germany (pdf, 67 kb); ASIEN 92 Michael Waibel: The Ancient Quarter of Hanoi ? A Reflection of Urban Transition Processes (pdf, 475 kb); ASIEN 92 Elena Meyer-Clement: Institutional Change Under the Impact of an Evolving Private Sector in the PRC - The Case of Opening the Party to Private Entrepreneurs (a research note); (pdf, 123 kb); ASIEN 89 Gunter Schubert: Becoming Engaged? The European Union and Cross-Strait Relations (pdf, 237 kb); ASIEN 88 Werner Pascha and Frank Robaschik: East Asian Studies in Russia (pdf, 149 kb); ASIEN 87 Michele Schmiegelow: Which "Recipe" for the Japanese Economy? (pdf, 78 kb); ASIEN 87 Guenter Spreitzhofer: From Farming to Franchising: Current aspects of transformation in post-crisis Metro-Jakarta (pdf, 135 kb); ASIEN 85 Rainer Heufers: The Politics of Democracy in Malaysia (pdf, 214 kb); ASIEN 85 Juergen Rueland: The Contribution of Track Two Dialogue towards Crisis Prevention (pdf, 129 kb); ASIEN 84 Florian Coulmas, Peter Backhaus, Ayako Shikama: Monolinguistic Assumptions under Pressure - Perspectives on the languages of Tokyo from the points of view of the economics of language and social psychology (pdf, 111 kb); ASIEN 84 Jiri V. Neustupny: Comment (pdf, 17 kb); ASIEN 84 Karen A. Shire: Stability and Change in Japanese Employment Institutions: The Case of Temporary Work (pdf, 101 kb); ASIEN 84 Heidi Gottfried: Comment (pdf, 29 kb); ASIEN 84 Thomas Feldhoff: Japan's Construction Lobby Activities - Systemic Stability and Sustainable Regional Development (pdf, 75 kb); ASIEN 84 Jeffrey Broadbent: Comment (pdf, 37 kb); ASIEN 84 Gunter Schubert: Stability through more participation? - Local direct elections and their impact on Communist rule in present-day China (pdf, 97 kb); ASIEN 84 Lianjiang Li: Comment (pdf, 31 kb); ASIEN 84 Markus Taube: Stability in Instability. China's TVEs and the Evolution of Property Rights (pdf, 84 kb); ASIEN 84 Sonja Opper: Comment (pdf, 19 kb); ASIEN 84 Doris Fischer: Stability and Commercial Information - An Economic Approach and a Look at China (pdf, 80 kb); ASIEN 84 Margot Schueller: Comment (pdf, 28 kb); ASIEN 83 Gunter Schubert: Where to go from now? - Taiwan's Political Landscape and Sino-Taiwanese Relations after the December 2001 Legislative Elections (pdf, 45 kb); ASIEN 81 Dirk Bronger: "Civilization" and "Development": some critical reflections on the understanding of terms - Case of India (pdf, 106 kb); ASIEN 81 Andreas Oberheitmann: WTO and implications for the Chinese environment policy (pdf, 114 kb); ASIEN 79 Reinhard Drifte: The Perry Report and US-North Korea Relations (pdf, 153kb); ASIEN 79 Alexander L Vuving: The References of Vietnamese States and the Mechanisms of World Formation (pdf, 142 kb).
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Link reported by:
Dr. Guenter Schucher (, forwarded by
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* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
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* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
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23 Aug 2006
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Asienkunde (DGA), Hamburg, Germany
Supplied note:
"ASIEN, the refereed journal of the German Association for Asian Studies, has published a special issue on "The State of Political Reform in Contemporary China" in the English language. Guest editors of this issue (April 2006/No. 99) are Thomas Heberer and Gunter Schubert.
Here are the articles:
# Thomas Heberer/Gunter Schubert: Political Reform and Regime Legitimacy in Contemporary China # Thomas P. Bernstein: Village Democracy and Its Limits # Jean-Pierre Cabestan: More Power to the People's Congresses? Parliaments and Parliamentarianism in the People's Republic of China # Nora Sausmikat: More Legitimacy for One-Party Rule? The CCP's Ideological Adjustments and Intra-Party Reforms # Shih Chih-yu: Reforming China's Anti-Poverty Policy from Below ? Experiences from Western Hunan
The issue can be ordered by the German Association for Asian Studies, Ms Christine Berg, M.A., editorial manager, Rothenbaumchaussee 32, D-20148 Hamburg, Germany, Fax: +49-(0)40-4107945, E-Mail: For further information see: - gs."
"Since 1981, the Association [Die Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Asienkunde (DGA), German Association of Asian Studies - ed.] has been publishing the quarterly journal "ASIEN: German Journal for Politics, Economy and Culture", to improve the dissemination of information on Asia. The journal covers the region comprising the countries of Pakistan and India in the West to China, Japan, and the South Pacific in the East. It is concerned with contemporary issues and problems of the regions. It has a circulation of 1,000 copies. On an average, every issue consists of 180 pages and contains around 4 scholarly articles. Compared with other journals, ASIEN clearly stands out because of its meticulously detailed information sections on conference reports, research projects, book reviews, new literature as well as the biannually published complete list of all academic lectures and seminars on Asia in the German speaking countries."
Other freely downloadable ASIEN articles written in English include:
ASIEN 98 Gunter Schubert: Towards the End of a Long Journey: Assessing the Debate on Taiwanese Nationalism and National Identity in the Democratic Era (pdf, 323 kb); ASIEN 96 Elena Barabantseva: Trans-nationalising Chineseness: Overseas Chinese Policies of the PRC's Central Government (pdf, 421 kb); ASIEN 96 Martin Brendebach: Public Opinion - a New Factor Influencing the PRC Press (pdf, 500 kb); ASIEN 96 Carmen Schmidt: Japan's Circle of Power: Legitimacy and Integration of a National Elite (pdf, 491 kb); ASIEN 94 Gunter Schubert: Reforming Authoritarianism in Contemporary China. Reflections on Pan Wei's Consultative Rule of Law Regime (pdf, 187 kb); ASIEN 94 Heiko Schrader: Thrift and Credit Groups and Community Development: the Hope Project in New Delhi/India (pdf, 122 kb); ASIEN 94 Rahul Peter Das: What the Indian Election Results Could Mean for Germany (pdf, 67 kb); ASIEN 92 Michael Waibel: The Ancient Quarter of Hanoi ? A Reflection of Urban Transition Processes (pdf, 475 kb); ASIEN 92 Elena Meyer-Clement: Institutional Change Under the Impact of an Evolving Private Sector in the PRC - The Case of Opening the Party to Private Entrepreneurs (a research note); (pdf, 123 kb); ASIEN 89 Gunter Schubert: Becoming Engaged? The European Union and Cross-Strait Relations (pdf, 237 kb); ASIEN 88 Werner Pascha and Frank Robaschik: East Asian Studies in Russia (pdf, 149 kb); ASIEN 87 Michele Schmiegelow: Which "Recipe" for the Japanese Economy? (pdf, 78 kb); ASIEN 87 Guenter Spreitzhofer: From Farming to Franchising: Current aspects of transformation in post-crisis Metro-Jakarta (pdf, 135 kb); ASIEN 85 Rainer Heufers: The Politics of Democracy in Malaysia (pdf, 214 kb); ASIEN 85 Juergen Rueland: The Contribution of Track Two Dialogue towards Crisis Prevention (pdf, 129 kb); ASIEN 84 Florian Coulmas, Peter Backhaus, Ayako Shikama: Monolinguistic Assumptions under Pressure - Perspectives on the languages of Tokyo from the points of view of the economics of language and social psychology (pdf, 111 kb); ASIEN 84 Jiri V. Neustupny: Comment (pdf, 17 kb); ASIEN 84 Karen A. Shire: Stability and Change in Japanese Employment Institutions: The Case of Temporary Work (pdf, 101 kb); ASIEN 84 Heidi Gottfried: Comment (pdf, 29 kb); ASIEN 84 Thomas Feldhoff: Japan's Construction Lobby Activities - Systemic Stability and Sustainable Regional Development (pdf, 75 kb); ASIEN 84 Jeffrey Broadbent: Comment (pdf, 37 kb); ASIEN 84 Gunter Schubert: Stability through more participation? - Local direct elections and their impact on Communist rule in present-day China (pdf, 97 kb); ASIEN 84 Lianjiang Li: Comment (pdf, 31 kb); ASIEN 84 Markus Taube: Stability in Instability. China's TVEs and the Evolution of Property Rights (pdf, 84 kb); ASIEN 84 Sonja Opper: Comment (pdf, 19 kb); ASIEN 84 Doris Fischer: Stability and Commercial Information - An Economic Approach and a Look at China (pdf, 80 kb); ASIEN 84 Margot Schueller: Comment (pdf, 28 kb); ASIEN 83 Gunter Schubert: Where to go from now? - Taiwan's Political Landscape and Sino-Taiwanese Relations after the December 2001 Legislative Elections (pdf, 45 kb); ASIEN 81 Dirk Bronger: "Civilization" and "Development": some critical reflections on the understanding of terms - Case of India (pdf, 106 kb); ASIEN 81 Andreas Oberheitmann: WTO and implications for the Chinese environment policy (pdf, 114 kb); ASIEN 79 Reinhard Drifte: The Perry Report and US-North Korea Relations (pdf, 153kb); ASIEN 79 Alexander L Vuving: The References of Vietnamese States and the Mechanisms of World Formation (pdf, 142 kb).
Internet Archive*/
Link reported by:
Dr. Guenter Schucher (, forwarded by
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Corporate Info./Study
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 300
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at