OGEL (Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence) - Global Energy Law & Regulation Portal

18 Nov 2009
www.ogel.org, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
"Oil, Gas, Energy Law Intelligence (OGEL, ISSN 1875-418X) [journal] started publishing in January 2003 and has since gained popularity with a large number of (international) energy companies, governmental organisations, law firms (mainly those with a claim to special competence in international oil, gas and energy regulation), international agencies, academic and think-tank institutions in the field of energy policy and various NGOs."
Site contents:
* About (About OGEL, Founding Editor T.W. Waelde, Editorial team, Contributing Authors, Subscriptions);
* Journal [free Abstracts, Full articles by subscription only - ed.]
(Browse Issues, Articles by Category (Incl.: Context & Culture (2 articles), Geopolitics of Energy (50), Global Oil Markets: A Strategic Interpretation (6), International Law & Regulations / Law of the Sea (22), Middle East with a focus on Buy Back Contracts (20), Pipelines (65), Russian Disputes (34), Special Feature on Eurasian Energy (20), Special Feature: Asian Energy Law and Policy (20), Special Feature: China's Energy and Environmental Challenges (40)) , Articles by Author, Advance publication (Incl.: Role of Investment Law in Regulating Relations in the Sphere of Subsoil Use in the Republic of Kazakhstan (5 Oct 2009), Participation of Indigenous Peoples in Natural Resource Development in Australia (18 Sep 2009), Fueling Reform in China (8 Apr 2009), Turkmenistan's New Petroleum Law: A Primer for Foreign Investors (14 Jan 2009), Ownership of the Oil and Gas Resources in the Caspian Sea: Problems and Solutions - International Arbitration and Contractual Clauses (7 Jan 2009), Specials, Search);
* Legal & Regulatory docs [Access by subscription only - ed.]
(L&R by Country (incl. Afghanistan (5 documents), Armenia (1), Australia (39), Azerbaijan (21), Bangladesh (26), Brunei Darussalam (3), Cambodia (9), China (7), Georgia (16), Hong Kong (8), India (73), Indonesia (32), Iran (9), Iraq (19), Israel (1), Japan (8), Jordan (6), Kazakhstan (11), Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (1), Korea, Republic of (13), Kuwait (12), Kyrgyzstan (10), Laos (3), Lebanon (1), Malaysia (13), Mongolia (15), Myanmar (4), Nepal (15), Oman (1), Pakistan (52), Papua New Guinea (24), Philippines (80), Russian Federation (8), Saudi Arabia (9), Singapore (10), Sri Lanka (6), Syrian Arab Republic (1), Taiwan (6), Tajikistan (4), Thailand (17), Turkey (66), Turkmenistan (7), United Arab Emirates (3), Uzbekistan (4), Viet Nam (10)),
L&R by Category (Awards (other) (1 document), Cases (74), Contracts & Agreements (76), Forms & Model Instruments (87), Guidelines, Codes & Standards (319), International Treaties & Related Instruments (42), Investment Arbitraton Awards (10), Laws & Regulations (2069), Report/Article (67)), Search);
* OGELFORUM (About OGELFORUM, Browse by date / topic, Search, Join);
* News & Events (News, Events);
* OGEL Studies (About OGEL Studies);
* Help (Readers, Subscribers, Authors);
* Alerting services (Alerts via e-mail, Issues (RSS), Advance publication (RSS), News (RSS).
URL http://www.ogel.org/
Internet Archive (web.archive.org) [the existence of the site's archive was unclear at the time of this abstract]
Link reported by: OIS (ois--at--xs4all.nl), forwarded by central-eurasia-l--at--lists.fas.harvard.edu
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Study/ Documents/ Corporate Info./
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 3,000
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

18 Nov 2009
www.ogel.org, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
"Oil, Gas, Energy Law Intelligence (OGEL, ISSN 1875-418X) [journal] started publishing in January 2003 and has since gained popularity with a large number of (international) energy companies, governmental organisations, law firms (mainly those with a claim to special competence in international oil, gas and energy regulation), international agencies, academic and think-tank institutions in the field of energy policy and various NGOs."
Site contents:
* About (About OGEL, Founding Editor T.W. Waelde, Editorial team, Contributing Authors, Subscriptions);
* Journal [free Abstracts, Full articles by subscription only - ed.]
(Browse Issues, Articles by Category (Incl.: Context & Culture (2 articles), Geopolitics of Energy (50), Global Oil Markets: A Strategic Interpretation (6), International Law & Regulations / Law of the Sea (22), Middle East with a focus on Buy Back Contracts (20), Pipelines (65), Russian Disputes (34), Special Feature on Eurasian Energy (20), Special Feature: Asian Energy Law and Policy (20), Special Feature: China's Energy and Environmental Challenges (40)) , Articles by Author, Advance publication (Incl.: Role of Investment Law in Regulating Relations in the Sphere of Subsoil Use in the Republic of Kazakhstan (5 Oct 2009), Participation of Indigenous Peoples in Natural Resource Development in Australia (18 Sep 2009), Fueling Reform in China (8 Apr 2009), Turkmenistan's New Petroleum Law: A Primer for Foreign Investors (14 Jan 2009), Ownership of the Oil and Gas Resources in the Caspian Sea: Problems and Solutions - International Arbitration and Contractual Clauses (7 Jan 2009), Specials, Search);
* Legal & Regulatory docs [Access by subscription only - ed.]
(L&R by Country (incl. Afghanistan (5 documents), Armenia (1), Australia (39), Azerbaijan (21), Bangladesh (26), Brunei Darussalam (3), Cambodia (9), China (7), Georgia (16), Hong Kong (8), India (73), Indonesia (32), Iran (9), Iraq (19), Israel (1), Japan (8), Jordan (6), Kazakhstan (11), Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (1), Korea, Republic of (13), Kuwait (12), Kyrgyzstan (10), Laos (3), Lebanon (1), Malaysia (13), Mongolia (15), Myanmar (4), Nepal (15), Oman (1), Pakistan (52), Papua New Guinea (24), Philippines (80), Russian Federation (8), Saudi Arabia (9), Singapore (10), Sri Lanka (6), Syrian Arab Republic (1), Taiwan (6), Tajikistan (4), Thailand (17), Turkey (66), Turkmenistan (7), United Arab Emirates (3), Uzbekistan (4), Viet Nam (10)),
L&R by Category (Awards (other) (1 document), Cases (74), Contracts & Agreements (76), Forms & Model Instruments (87), Guidelines, Codes & Standards (319), International Treaties & Related Instruments (42), Investment Arbitraton Awards (10), Laws & Regulations (2069), Report/Article (67)), Search);
* OGELFORUM (About OGELFORUM, Browse by date / topic, Search, Join);
* News & Events (News, Events);
* OGEL Studies (About OGEL Studies);
* Help (Readers, Subscribers, Authors);
* Alerting services (Alerts via e-mail, Issues (RSS), Advance publication (RSS), News (RSS).
URL http://www.ogel.org/
Internet Archive (web.archive.org) [the existence of the site's archive was unclear at the time of this abstract]
Link reported by: OIS (ois--at--xs4all.nl), forwarded by central-eurasia-l--at--lists.fas.harvard.edu
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Study/ Documents/ Corporate Info./
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 3,000
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com