* tmc * in patientia vestra habetis animam vestram * tmc *

Dear Reader,

(including all its subsidiary (and/or sister) pages on "coombs.anu.edu.au" server) has permanently ceased its publishing operations on Friday 21st January 2011.

All of the online resources reported here have been thoroughly checked at the time of their listing. However, it is possible that, with the with the passage of time, many of the originally reported materials might have been removed from the Internet, or changed their online address, or varied the scope and quality of their contents.

Fortunately, in several cases it is possible to access many of the older versions of the resources listed in the MONITOR. This can be easily done via the free services of the "The Internet Archive" http://web.archive.org/, a remarkable brainchild of Brewster Kahle, San Francisco, CA.

- with warm regards -

Editor, Dr T. Matthew Ciolek.

Canberra, 21 January 2011.

21 January 2011

The Electronic Anthropologist: on sources of information, strategies, techniques and timing of online research [A Farewell Gift]

21 Jan 2011

www.ciolek.com - Asia Pacific Research Online, Canberra, Australia.

"With 5,869 reviews of the Asian Studies internet resources successfully dispatched, the time has come to say goodbyes -

(1) So, thank you, all my 9,260 wonderful online- and off-line collaborators, colleagues and friends.
(2) It was your steadfast love of information that has sparked and guided my electronic labours.
(3) Now I take my egret-plumed hat off, and lower it to the flagstones with a mighty sweep.
(4) I bow to You All most deeply. I promise to answer (alas, inevitably with a delay) all your private messages that have reached me in these last days. I bow to You again and present a compact, 43KB, parting gift (below). Have fun with it, if/when so inclined.

(5) Now, My Unforgettable Monitorians, au revoir: I am signing off for good - tmc."

"Information of relevance and value to social scientists is scattered - as individual items as well as clusters and collections - across three vast and vastly different habitats of knowledge. The first of them is formed by the overlapping networks of interconnected, data-swapping computers. There the information is stored as electronic bits. The second habitat is a great planetary labyrinth of interacting and competing museums, archives, and libraries. This is the physical world where information is stored as tangible objects - books, manuscripts, microfilms, artifacts - and kept on shelves, or in vaults. Finally, there is the boundless archipelago of groups and clusters of people themselves. Researchers, experts, archivists, journalists, court-clerks, shamans, interested laymen, students, librarians, managers, and so forth form the third habitat of knowledge. There the information is stored in biological form, either etched in the memories of people, or created by them afresh.
This article is concerned with research uses of the first of those three informational environments, that is, with quests for digital pointers and digital contents that are available via the Internet. It represents an abridged extract from an extensive 2009 work [approx. 145KB] entitled 'The logistics of effective online information seeking,' a research paper with a number of technical appendices, now available online at http://www.ciolek.com/PAPERS/logistics-of-online-information-seeking.html address.

[The article evaluates] methods of electronic investigation that people can undertake within the domain of the Internet. Therefore, the questions posed by this paper are not 'what are the best ways to obtain information online?', or 'what are the best sources of electronic information?', but rather - 'under what methodological circumstances is our online research most likely to succeed?' So it is not an enumeration of tools and opportunities, but rather a meta-assessment of these."

Site contents:
1. Introduction
(# The habitats of scholarly information, # Earlier studies of information-seeking practices);

2. Internet, The Electronic Environment of Information
["Two things about the Internet, the electronic environment of information, are immediately apparent to any observer: its dire lack of organization and its enormous physical size. The Internet is a highly unpredictable and confused place, and the materials it carries are of very uneven quality."];

3. The Logistics of Online Information Seeking
(# The First Logistical Element: Research Strategy [Confirm, Link, Deliver, Chase, Form, Match, Explore, Mull], # The Second Logistical Element: Online Resources [Databases, Search engines, Online directories, Repositories, "Flowing" websites, "Frozen" websites, Collaborative environments, Gatherings, Feeds], # The Third Logistical Element: Work Schedules [Urgent, Standard, Long-term], # The Fourth Logistical Element: Data-Gathering Techniques [Ask, Query, Search, Browse, Track, Comb, Monitor, Collect input, Trigger input, Invite input]);

4. Six Constraints of Information Seeking
["None of the above four logistical aspects of online research - the strategies, online resources, work schedules, and data-gathering techniques - ever occurs alone. On the contrary - they always work in concert, as a dynamic system. Together they form six unique combinations, in some of which these variables seem to 'work together especially well', that is, when they appear to be supportive of each other, and appear (in the experience of this author) to be productive."];

5. Conclusions
["[W]hile at the surface level the Internet appears to be defined mostly by our interactions with the disembodied, cold-headed technology, ultimately the full research value of the Net is best realised through multifaceted intellectual relationships that we can form with other human beings that are contactable online. Seen from this point of view, the modern Internet becomes a virtual bridge which links the three habitats of information. Firstly, the Internet almost instantaneously connects the researcher with the online containers of digital information he or she seeks. Secondly, it spans the gap between a researcher and the pointers to the masses of analogue data preserved in libraries, archives, historical monuments, and museums. Thirdly, the Net is a superb tool for the closure of the gap between a researcher and the wealth of skills and wisdom of his or her colleagues, no matter who they are, and where they work."];

6. Acknowledgments;

7. Bibliography [43 specialist publications from the years 1995-2008, including online research notes of that mysterious, motley and seminal man himself, Francesco Vianello, aka Fjalar Ravia (1952-2009)].

URL http://www.ciolek.com/PAPERS/e-anthropologist.html

Internet Archive (web.archive.org) [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]

Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (tmciolek--at--coombs.anu.edu.au)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
rating not available

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

The Ricksha Arts of Bangladesh

21 Jan 2011

www.artsricksha.com, USA

"This website is dedicated to celebrating one of Bangladesh's unique popular arts, the paintings and decorations on the three-wheeled cycle ricksha -- or "rickshaw", as spelled in English dictionaries. This site is based on my anthropological field visits to Bangladesh between 1975 and 1998, when I traveled about, took photos, and interviewed people. Ricksha arts cannot be assigned to any static "genre". They are popular as opposed to "fine" arts. They appropriate multiple forms which include folklore, classical art elements, and commercial forms. They also reflect the economic globalization process, which is occurring all over the world today, in their fascination with movie stars and narratives, with US disco during the seventies, with foreign travel scenes and fancy red sports cars."
Supplied note: "My CD-ROM, titled 'Transports of Delight. The Ricksha Arts of Bangladesh. A CD-ROM' was published earlier this year by Indiana University Press. [...] Joanna Kirkpatrick, [2003], 'Transports of Delight: The Ricksha Arts of Bangladesh' (CD-ROM) CD-ROM 0-253-34148-5
A colorful multimedia exploration of folk art, culture, and religion [with] more than 1,000 brilliantly colored photographs, videos, music, and text. - jk."

Site contents:
* Map [Regions and Ricksha Art Styles];
* Views;
* CD-ROM [System requirements: PC system with display set for 16 bit color at 800x600 resolution, 4x or better CD-ROM drive, Apple QuickTime 4 or better, Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher. Video segments require Pentium II Processor. Mac computers with Windows can run this CDR];
* Image Gallery (Old Indian Decorated Conveyance -- the Palki, or Palanquin, Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Pabna, Artists and Mistris, ## Poster Prints, Dhaka, 1998: 142nd Birthday of Tagore, Bangladesh National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam's 104th birth anniversary, ## Conveyance Arts Beyond Bangladesh: Pakistan Trucks, Afghan Truck before 1976, Hongkong Rickshaws, Japanese Rickshaws, Haitian Tap Taps, Philippines jeepneys, Kerala, India, Truck Arts, India Conveyances, various, Japanese Truck Art, Jakarta, Indonesia -- cycle rickshas or becaks, Durban Rickshas -- South Africa);
* Readings [incl. the 53KB strong 'Selected Bibliography on Ricksha Arts and Related Studies' - ed.];
* Links.

[Both a specialist virtual library and a feast for the eyes - ed.]

URL http://www.artsricksha.com

[Earlier versions:
Internet Archive http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.webpak.net/~ricksha/index.htm
Internet Archive http://web.archive.org/web/*/www.ricksha.org - ed.]

Internet Archive (web.archive.org) [the www.artsricksha.com was not archived at the time of this abstract]

Link reported by: Joanna Kirkpatrick (jkirk--at--spro.net)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Documents/Study/Online Guide
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

20 January 2011

Trade Routes Resources Blog [an electronic notebook]

20 Jan 2010

www.ciolek.com - Asia Pacific Research Online, Canberra, Australia

Supplied note:
"The blog 'Trade Routes Resources' has been constructed in Nov 2005. It started its existence as a test of efficacy of blogs as shared electronic notebooks. Since then I can wholeheartedly confirm that a public blog with a disabled comments' section [to protect it from inanities of 'idiots electroniques sans frontieres'] is indeed a handy and reliable data-management tool. Such an online device, used as a one- or a multi-person tool, keeps a good track of scores of randomly collected notes, formats them consistently, stores images and hyperlinks, and retrieves half-forgotten scribbles with zest. Moreover, it effortlessly shares all those notes with other potentially interested readers - tmc."

"A collection of online resources of use to dromography, or the comparative study of organisation, history, geography, and logistics of movement, transportation and communication networks. This site is a part of the Old World Traditional Trade Routes (OWTRAD) Project (www.ciolek.com/owtrad.html)."

Site contents:
* Recent Posts
(# Crossroads - Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World [New E-journal] Jan/11/2011; # Journal of Asian History on Trade in/with Asia Nov/25/2010; # Strabo Route as a Part of the Great Silk Road Jul/5/2010; # Tang Shipwreck [from the Maritime Silk Route] Jul/1/2010; # Trade networks in the Inner-East-Southeast Asian borderlands Jun/23/2010; # Piracy and trade on the western coast of India (AD 1-250) Jun/17/2010; # Dutch Slavery and Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean in the Seventeenth Century Jun/1/2010; # Application of Geo-Informatics to the Study of the Royal Road from Angkor to Phimai May/31/2010; # Islam and Tibet: Cultural Interactions along the Musk Routes Apr/20/2010; # BOOK: Casale, G. 2010. The Ottoman Age of Exploration. Oxford U. Press USA. Apr/16/2010; # Networks of Trade in the Caucasus, 1750-1925 Apr/15/2010; # [Online] Publications on Indo-Portuguese History and Culture Apr/1Feb/2010; # The Silk Road e-journal Jan/Feb/18/2009; # The Asian Spice/Ceramics Trade in Pre-European Era. Dec/7/2009; # Marine Insurance in the Late Middle Ages Dec/6/2009; # Via Egnatia: An Ancient Roman Road Through The Balkans Nov/6/2009; # Kitab - History and Culture of Southern Uzbekistan Aug/31/2009; # Charles Wheeler, "A Maritime Logic to Vietnamese History? Littoral Society in Hoi An's Trading World c.1550-1830." Jul/23/2009; # The Virtual Encyclopaedia of Portuguese Expansion / A Enciclopedia Virtual da Expansao Portuguesa Jun/3/2009; # Inde-Asie centrale : routes du commerce et des idees May/12/2009; # Maharashtra District and State Gazetteers, India Mar/31/2009; # Silk Road, Cotton Road or . . . Indo-Chinese Trade in Pre-European Times Jan/16/2009; # The Great [China-Russia 19th c.] Tea Route Jan/15/2009; # Discussion group "Amber Road" Dec/1/2008; # Baltic Connections 1450-1800 Oct/30/2008; # Trade Routes: four new references Oct/21/2008; # Trading Places - the East India Company and Asia 1600-1834 Oct/13/2008; # The export trade in silk and brocade during the Ming dynasty Oct/8/2008; # Tibet's tea trade with Szechuan and other regions in the Ch'ing dynasty Oct/8/2008; # 4 books on Trade and Trade Routes in Ancient India Sep/26/2008; # History of Postal Communications in India Sep/26/2008; # Historic Camel Photos Sep/16/2008; # The Economics of Inland Transport in in Late Medieval Bavaria Aug/28/2008; # Indo-Persian Travels in the Age of Discoveries, 1400 -- 1800 Aug/7/2008; # Routing the Commodities of Empire through Sikkim (1817-1906) Aug/6/2008; # Army Logistics - A Short History Aug/2/2008; # Dutch Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean in the 17th c. Jun/19/2008; # Centro de Historia de Alem-Mar / The Centre for Overseas History (CHAM) May/27/2008; # [Electronic] Historical Atlas of South India May/3/2008; # Georeferenced locations of historical Chinese and Japanese temples Apr/22/2008; # Spice Ports: The Nutmeg and Pepper Trade [bibliography] Mar/31/2008; # Ports of the Arabian Peninsula : a guide to the literature Mar/31/2008; # Arabian Trade and Pilgrimage Routes - 2003 lectures Mar/31/2008; # Transportation Modes, Costs and Infrastructure in the 17th c. Mar/24/2008; # Trade Routes and Distances by Existing Lines and by the Panama Canal Authority [map] Mar/24/2008; # Islamic Region: Major Trade Routes from 10th to 15th century Mar/24/2008; # India - District Gazetteer - Nasik District: Trade Routes Mar/24/2008; # Ecology and Empire Along the Ancient Silk Roads Mar/24/2008; # Tea-Horse Road, or Cha Ma Gu Dao Mar/24/2008; # The ancient city of Gerha = Qariyat Al-Fau Feb/20/2008; # Amber Routes Feb/16/2008; # Jorvik's (York's) possible Trade Routes beyond the British Isles. Feb/15/2008; # Miscellaneous articles on routes in Central Asia Feb/2010/2008; # 19th c. trade between Sudan and Egypt Jan/11/2008; # Introduction to Kharga Oasis [Arab slave trade] Jan/2010/2008; # The Darb el-Arbein - The Forty Days Road [Arab slave trade] Jan/2010/2008; # Riding the Forty Days' Road [Arab slave trade] Jan/9/2008; # The Cistercian Way [of Pilgrimage] [monasteries, pilgrimage, Wales] Jan/8/2008).

* Monthly Archives
(Feb 2002 [= the blog also stores several notes collected prior to its launch in Nov 2005] - Jan 2011).
* Search this blog.

URL http://trade-routes-resources.blogspot.com/

Internet Archive (web.archive.org) [the site is not archived by web.archive.org]

Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (tmciolek--at--coombs.anu.edu.au)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Online Guide
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
rating not available

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

Asianart.com - The on-line journal for the study and exhibition of the arts of Asia

20 Jan 2011

Asianart.com, Santa Fe, NM, USA / Kathmandu, Nepal.

"Asian Arts, the on-line journal for the study and exhibition of the arts of Asia. [The site, est. early 1996, is an official Associate of the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library, http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVL-AsianStudies.html - ed.].
Asianart.com is dedicated to all aspects of Asian art. It is our ambition to offer a forum for scholars, museums and commercial galleries. We display highlights of exhibitions in public and private institutions and galleries; present new discoveries by scholars and connoisseurs; and, by providing space for private galleries to present their works, offer the visitor a selection of fine Asian art worldwide. [...]
We welcome and encourage color photographs in material submitted for publication. We also welcome letters and requests for information from scholars visiting the site. [...] Please feel free to post letters on any subject; we particularly welcome enquiries with photos of objects you wish to have more information on. [...]

# Ian Alsop, editor; # Sameer Tuladhar, Production Manager; # Michael Farrell, Assistant editor, Business Manager; # Jane Casey Singer, advisor, Arts of Tibet; # Lobsang Lhalungpa, editor, Tibetan culture and language."

Site contents:
* Site Index;
* Message Board
(Incl.: ## Group of Chinese paintings - help w/ Period & ID - Tim - Jan 18, 2011; ## Iron chinese bowl - zevach - Jan 18, 2011; ## Help identifying artist - Scurvy - Jan 18, 2011; ## Chinese Four Seasons Jar - Help w/ period / style - Tim - Jan 16, 2011; # Re: Chinese Four Seasons Jar - Help w/ period / style - Bill H - Jan 18, 2011; ## Painting signed CHAT - Charles Lennon - Jan 15, 2011; # Re: Painting signed CHAT - Stan - Jan 16, 2011; ## Chinese Plate With Nonsense Mark - wendy - Jan 15, 2011; # Chinese Plate With Nonsense Mark - wendy - Jan 16, 2011; # Re: Chinese Plate With Nonsense Mark - Bill H - Jan 18, 2011; # Re: Chinese Plate With Nonsense Mark - Arjan - Jan 18, 2011; ## Antique Chinese painting on silk - Paul - Jan 15, 2011; # Antique Chinese painting on silk - rat - Jan 16, 2011; # Antique Chinese painting on silk - Paul - Jan 16, 2011; # Antique Chinese painting on silk - rat - Jan 18, 2011; ## Cloisonne Vase - Susan - Jan 15, 2011; ## Cloisonne Vase - Susan - Jan 15, 2011; # Re: Cloisonne Vase - Bill H - Jan 15, 2011; # Re: Re: Cloisonne Vase - Susan - Jan 15, 2011);

* Subscribe [Subscription to "periodic letters from Asianart.com informing you of major updates."];

* [Sites hosted by asianart.com] Associations
(The British Museum Diploma in Asian Art; Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust; KU Department of Music; Tibet Heritage Fund; The Patan Museum; China Exploration: Research Society; The Shalu Association);

* [Notes by asianart.com] Exhibitions
[by date, most recent first] (# Buddhist Sculptures in Tibet; # The Colours of Silence; # London: The Fall Season 2010; # Tradition Transformed: Tibetan Artists Respond; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2010; # Confucius: His Life and Legacy in Art; # New York: Asia Week 2010; # Tracing the Past, Drawing the Future: Master Ink Painters in 20th--Century China; # Emerald Cities: Arts of Siam & Burma, 1775--1950; # The Ring of Fire; # London: The Fall Season 2009; # Lungta -- The Windhorse; A Painting Exhibition by Maureen Drdak; # Lords of the Samurai; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2009; # Tibetan Visions: Contemporary Painting from Tibet; # The Dragon's Gift: The Sacred Arts of Bhutan; # New York: Asia Week 2009; # Marvels of the Malla Period: A Nepalese Renaissance 1200?1603; # London: The Fall Season 2008; # Power and Glory: Court Arts of China's Ming Dynasty; # From the Land of the Gods: Art of the Kathmandu Valley; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2008; # Condensation: Five Video Works by Chen Chieh--jen; # Erasing Borders 2008: Exhibition of Contemporary Indian Art of the Diaspora; # Drama and Desire: Japanese Paintings from the Floating World 1690--1850; # New York: Asia Week 2008; # Mukti Singh Thapa; # Waves on the Turquoise Lake: Contemporary Expressions of Tibetan Art; # London: The Fall Season 2007; # Wutaishan: Pilgrimage to Five Peak Mountain; # Lhasa Nights; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2007; # Awakenings: Zen Figure Painting in Medieval Japan; # Celebrating the Next Generation of Japanese Bamboo Artists; # Masters of Bamboo; # New York: Asia Week 2007; # Tibetan and Himalayan Portraits: Nomads of Tibet and Bhutan; # Chimera: Paintings and Drawings by Julie Rauer; # London: The Fall Season 2006; # Lhasa Train; # Tibet: Treasures from Tibetan Monasteries; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2006; # Warriors of the Himalayas: Rediscovering the Arms and Armor of Tibet; # New York: Asia Week 2006; # Myths and Rituals: Myth and ritualism in art from India to China; # London: The Fall Season 2005; # Edge of Desire: Recent Art in India; # Little Boy: The Arts of Japan's Exploding Subculture; # Cast for Eternity: Bronze Masterworks from India and the Himalayas; # Magic & Mystery in Taos; # Tibetan Portraits; # Brussels Oriental Art Fair 2005; # Providing For the Afterlife: ÔBrilliant Artifacts' From Shandong; # The Kingdom of Siam: The Art of Central Thailand; # New York: Asia Week 2005; # Morning in the Barkhor: Photographs of Tibet; # When Gold Blossoms: Indian Jewelry; # In the Realm of Gods and Kings: Arts of India; # Japanese Season in the Israel Museum; # Splendors of China's Forbidden City; # London: The Fall Season 2004; # Contemporary Painting from Tibet; # Kailas: Manasarovar & Tibet; # Sanyu: l'ecriture du corps; # Sadhus: The Great Renouncers; # Paradise Now? Contemporary Art From the Pacific; # New York: Asia Week 2004; # Goryeo Dynasty: Korea's Age of Enlightenment, 918 to 1392; # body.city -- New Perspectives from India; # London: The Fall Season 2003; # Focus: Asia -- a collection of 19th century photographs; # Tibet: Treasures from the Roof of the World; # Quiet Beauty; # Recent Works by Zao Wou--Ki at Marlborough New York; # New York: Asia Week 2003; # Window of the Sacred World: Marcel Nies; # Lay Figures, Divine Images: Renzo Freschi; # London: The Fall Season 2002; # Tibet: Mountains and Valleys, Castles and Tents; # Court to Caravan: Chinese Tomb Sculptures; # Tang Haywen: Paths of Ink; # New York: Asia Week 2002; # Desire and Devotion; # Netsuke: from the Toledo Museum; # Khumb Mela 2001; # London: the fall season 2001; # China:One Hundred Treasures; # The Legacy of Absence; # Taoism and The Arts of China; # The Theyyams of Malabar; # South Asian Diaspora in North America; # Peace of Mind -- Marcel Nies; # Behind The Himalayas -- Robert Powell; # Hirado Porcelain of Japan; # Family Ties in Asian Textiles; # Paintings of Ladakh: Simon Pierse; # Sacred Visions: Early Paintings from Central Tibet; # Maitres De L'Encre: masters of ink; # The Sculptural Heritage of Tibet; # An exhibition of Tibetan Calligraphy; # Chang Dai--chien in California; # Earth Door, Sky Door -- Robert Powell; # Survival of the Spirit -- Nancy J. Johnson; # Himalayan Visions -- Philip Sugden; # Treasures of the Chinese Scholar; # Tibet: Tradition and Change; # The Patan Museum; # Janakpur Women's Development Center; # Kathmandu Portfolio + 1.; # The Tharu of the Tarai; # The Splendors of Imperial China; # Guardians of the Sacred Word; # Kathmandu Valley Paintings -- Robert Powell; # Mustang -- Thomas Laird & R. Powell; # Sculpture from a Sacred Realm; # Lhasa Barkhor -- Amina Tirana; # Lao Textiles Revisited -- Carol Cassidy; # Mongolia: The Legacy of Chinggis Khan; # Heavens' Embroidered Cloths; # Early Tibetan Mandalas);

* [Papers hosted by asianart.com] Articles
(# Allinger, Eva: Manuscript from the Yarlung Museum; # Alsop, Ian: Licchavi Caityas of Nepal; # Alsop, Ian: Phagpa Lokes'vara of the Potala; # Alsop, Ian: The Metal Sculpture of the Khasa Mallas; # Bagchee, S: M.F. Husain; # Baker, I.A: a hidden temple in Tibet; # Bartholomew, T.T: Art of Mongolia; # Batton, S.S: Conservation of a Buddhist Manuscript; # Bell, J: Baiya Monastery; # Bellezza, J.V: Archaelogical discoveries; # Bellezza, J.V: The Ancient Rock Art of Upper Tibet; # Bellezza, J.V: Thogchags; # Bellezza, John V.: Changthang Circuit Expedition; # Bellezza, John V.: Metal and Stone Vestiges; # Bharne, V. & Shimomura, I.: Wood and Transience; # Boyer, M & Terrier, J.M.: Thangka Restoration and Conservation; # Bunker, Emma C.: Tantric Hinduism in Khmer Culture; # Burkert, C., Gleason, T.: The Tibet Artisan Initiative; # Cesarone, B.: Pata-Chitras of Orissa; # Church, M. and Wiebenga, M., : A four-fold Vairocana in the Rinchen Zangpo tradition; # Coburn, B: A New Ceiling for the Roof of the World; # Cole, Thomas: A Voyage to Kanchipuram; # Conservation and Digitisation of Rolled Palm Leaf Manuscripts in Nepal; # Davies, Stevan: The Miniature Paintings of Mongolian Buddhism; # Deekshithar, Raja: Indra's Ratha in Melakkadambur, a Chola Masterpiece; # Deekshithar, Raja: Mysterious Pavilion 2, The wonder continues; # Deekshithar, Raja: Mysterious Pavilion: Document in stone of astronomical events; # Deekshithar, Raja: Nageshvara Nataraja; 885; # Deekshithar, Raja: Sphinxes in Indian Art and Tradition; # Dr Ghysels, Marc: CT Scans in Art Work Appraisal; # Drdak, Maureen: The Lungta Collaborative: The Living Blessings of Lo; # Fast, Adrienne: Exaggerated Enmity in Early Modern Indonesian Painting; # Gach, Gary: Hidden Meanings: Symbolism in Chinese Art; # Ganguly, Waltraud: Snake earrings of India; # Guta, Thomas L.: Snowlions Dancing on Clouds; # Guta, Thomas L.: The Weavers of Tradition; # Hagmuller, G.: Darkness and Light; # Hanbury-Tenison, William: A Rarity in Chinese Contemporary Art; # Heimsath, Kabir M.: Untitled Identities: Contemporary Art in Lhasa; # Heitmann, Annette L.: A note on a disputed Khmer sculpture; # Heller, Amy.: The Silver Jug of the Lhasa Jokhang; # Heller, Amy: The Lhasa gtsug lag khang: Observations on the Ancient wood Carvings; # Heller, Amy: Tracing the Reception and Adaptation of Foreign esthetic elements in Tibetan sculpture; # Henss, Michael: Tibet -- Monasteries Open Their Treasure Rooms; # Hoffman, Eric J.: Chinese Thumb Rings: From Battlefield to Jewelry Box; # Hoffman, Eric J.: Old Chinese Jades: Real or Fake?; # Houseal, J.: Vanishing Dances of Ladakh; # Kerin, Melissa: Reflections on Amy Heller's Early Himalayan Art; # Kirkpatrick, J: Ricksha Art; # Knirck-Bumke, Krista: Stripes and Patterns; # Knirck-Bumke, Krista: Victorious Durga; # Landsberg, S: An Indian Musical Instrument Maker; # Lequindre, C. & Petit, M.: Shamans, Ancestors and Donors: A look at tribal arts and cultures in old Asia; # Li, J: Images of Earth & Water; # Li, J: Tsakli; # Logan, P: Tibetan Art & Architecture; # Malla, Kamal P.: The Repousse Images from Pharping ; # Markel, S: Correlating Paintings of Indian Decorative Objects; # Markel, Stephen: Mughal Jades - A Technical and Sculptural Perspective; # McCue, G.: Tashi Kabum; # Minissale, G: The Synthesis of European and Mughal Art; # Murray, T: Masks of the Himalayas; # Pal, Pratapaditya: A Painted Book Cover from Ancient Kashmir; # Pannier, Francois: Soma, Offertory and Elixir; # Paniker, Ana: Oriental Sacred Art and the Art of Collecting in the West; # Pritzker, T: An Early stone fragment; # Rauer, Julie: Fathomless Skin; # Rauer, Julie: Klee's Mandalas; # Rauer, Julie: Organic Avatar; # Rauer, Julie: The Last Feast of Lady Dai; # Rauer, Julie: Through the Jalis; # Refojo, Karla: West meets East: Making a Murti in Kathmandu; # Rubin, N.A: Ghosts, Demons and Spirits in Japanese Lore; # Rubin, N.A: Whiff of Luxury; # Sardar, H: Trance-Dancers of the Goddess Durga; # Shimkhada, Deepak: The Future of Nepal's 'Living' Goddess: Is Her Death Necessary?; # Shrotriya, Alok and Xue-ying, Zhou: A Visit to the Artistic treasures of Maiji Mountain caves; # Singer, J.C: a Taglung Lama; # Singer, J.C: Early Portrait Painting in Tibet; # Singer, James: Contemporary Japanese Ceramics; # Slusser, Mary S. & Giambrone, James. A: Kuber Singh Shakya ; # Slusser, Mary S.: Conservation Notes on Some Nepalese Paintings; # Slusser, Mary S.: Seeing, Rather Than Looking At, Nepalese Art: The Figural Struts; # Slusser, Mary S.: Steaming Down the Mekong; # Slusser, Mary S.: The Lhasa gTsug lag khang ('Jokhang'); # Smith, R: Wangden Meditation Weaving; # Stiles, D.: Ivory Carving in Myanmar; # Stiles, Daniel: Ivory Carving in Thailand; # Tamot, K & Alsop, I: an AD 185 sculpture; # Temple, T & Nguyen, L: Giant Thangkas; # Theophile, E.: The 'Art' of Conservation; # Tracing the History of a Mughal Album Page in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art; # Vajracharya, Gautama V.: Elements of Newar Buddhist Art; # Vajracharya, Gautama V.: The Creatures of the Rain Rivers, Cloud Lakes; # Vora, Swapna: Amisha Mehta: Rainbow Girl; # Vora, Swapna: Amitava: Days and seasons of the self; # Vora, Swapna: Anish Kapoor: Stone Fire, Black Flame; # Vora, Swapna: Anti matter? Kausik M's universe; # Vora, Swapna: Antonio Puri and The Tenth Door; # Vora, Swapna: Ayesha Durrani: The girl next door; # Vora, Swapna: Caught in crosshairs: Pakistan's Muhammad Zeeshan; # Vora, Swapna: Chiru Chakravarty: Every day, judgment day; # Vora, Swapna: Conversations with Raza at eighty five; # Vora, Swapna: Found in translation, an interpreter of human maladies; # Vora, Swapna: Jayashree Chakravarty: Herstory: Palimpsests of the maps of memory; # Vora, Swapna: Kanwal Dhaliwal: Immigration; # Vora, Swapna: Mahendra Mistry: Once upon a time; # Vora, Swapna: MF Husain: In some of his own words; # Vora, Swapna: Natvar Bhavsar's cosmos; # Vora, Swapna: Om Soorya: Random Mirrors; # Vora, Swapna: Once we were one; # Vora, Swapna: Padmanabh Bendre; # Vora, Swapna: Padmaputra Ashok Shah: Saraswati's son; # Vora, Swapna: Prasanta Sahu: Pushing the envelope; # Vora, Swapna: Prema Murthy: Weaving the Web; # Vora, Swapna: Raza's runes: Visions of the self; # Vora, Swapna: Shelly Jyoti and Mithila: The joy of decoration; # Vora, Swapna: Tenzin Rigdol's mandala: Particles of prayers; # Vora, Swapna: The Baldly Beautiful 108 Dabbas of Bose Krishnamachari; # Vora, Swapna: Unclaimed Territories; # von Schroeder, U. & Karsten, J.G.: The Silver Jug of the Lhasa Jokhang: a Reply; # WAAC: Tibetan Thankas; # Wegner, G.M: KU Department of Music; # Weldon, David: On recent attributions to Aniko; # Worcester, Ted: Auspicious Carpets: A Tibetan View of Aesthetics);

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URL http://asianart.com/

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Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (tmciolek--at--coombs.anu.edu.au)

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Online Guide / Study / News
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* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

19 January 2011

WWW Hmong Homepage [17 years online!]

19 Jan 2011

Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center, Saint Paul, MN, USA.

"The WWW Hmong Homepage, first made available on the Internet in March, 1994 [Happy forthcoming 17th birthday! - ed.], is a volunteer effort bringing together a collection the Internet-based resources related to Hmong news and current-events, issues, history, publications, and culture. This site is an official Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library Associate site [http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVL-AsianStudies.html]. The WWW Hmong Homepage was created by Craig D. Rice and Robin Vue-Benson in response to their shared interest in Hmong people and concerns and to personal encounters with Hmong repatriation and resettlement issues. Craig developed and managed the site from its inception in March, 1994 to August 2004. [...]
Since August, 2004, the WWW Hmong Homepage content has been edited by Dr. Mark E. Pfeifer. Dr. Mark E. Pfeifer is editor of the Hmong Studies Journal and the Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center (www.hmongstudies.org) [est. Oct 2001 - ed.]."

Site contents:
* Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center (* Hmong Studies Journal [1996-present, http://hmongstudies.org/HmongStudiesJournal.html]; * Hmong Studies Newsletter [2001-present, http://hmongstudies.org/HmongStudiesNewslettersindex.html]; * Hmong Studies Research Bibliographies; * Research Paper Library; * Order Hmong Studies Publications; * Learn about Hmong Multicultural Education Website; * Tutorial on Accessing Hmong Census Data; * 2000 Hmong Census Publication; * 2008 American Community Survey Data (Hmong/Southeast Asian Americans); * 2007 Asian American Community Survey Data (Hmong/Southeast Asian Americans); * 2006 American Community Survey Data (Hmong); * 2005 American Community Survey Data (Hmong); * Vietnamese Studies Internet Resource Center; * Vietnamese Studies Research Newsletter; * Vietnamese American 2000 Census Data; * Vietnamese American Data from the 2007 American Community Survey; * Vietnamese Bibliographies; * Cambodian Bibliographies; * Cambodian American Bibliographies; * Cambodian American 2000 Census Data; * Lao Bibliographies; * Lao American Bibliographies; * Lao American 2000 Census Data);

* Hmong Studies Research Message Board;
* Hmong Studies Journal Facebook Page;
* Hmong Studies Journal Twitter Feed;
Current Events and Announcements (Incl.: # Hmong Studies Journal Publishes Volume 11 Online - posted on Dec 20, 2010, # Re: Anthropology student seeking informal interviews - posted on Dec 20, 2010, # Conference - posted on Nov 22, 2010, # Anthropology student seeking informal interviews - posted on Nov 14, 2010);
* Hmong Books & Publications (# Links to titles in amazon.com, Other Hmong Publications, More Hmong Publications);
* Resources for Students and Researchers;
* General Information About Hmong People, History and Culture (Incl.: # "Hmong 101 Presentation" from Hmong Cultural Center's Learn about Hmong Website, # Hmong folk arts clips from Hmong Cultural Center's Learn about Hmong Website, # The Hmong Experience in Asia and the United States);
* Hmong Organizations;
* Hmong Culture and Traditions (Hmong Music and Songs, Hmong Videos, Hmong Language, Pa'ndau: Hmong Storycloths, Hmong Performances/Theater, Hmong Creative Works);
* Special Projects;
* Community Resources (Incl.: # Hmong Health Website (WI), # Southeast Asia Resource Action Center, # Refugee Health Information);
* Online Discussion, Media and News Resources; * Hmong History (Incl: # The Hmong Experience in Asia and the United States, # Dega Photos SEAsian Indigenous Peoples);
* Hmong/Lao Human Rights Resources;

* Full Text Scholarly Articles and Reports about the Hmong (Incl.: # A Bibliographic Guide to Hmong Studies Research 2005-2008 # Hmong 2000 Census Publication (Hmong Cultural and Resource Center and Hmong National Development) # Hmong-Related Research: Past, Present, and Future Directions (Bibliographic Essay));

* [Full Text] Hmong Studies Journal Articles 1996-2010 [http://hmongstudies.org/HmongStudiesJournal.html]
** Volume 11, 2010: (# The Hmong Come to Southern Laos: Local Responses and the Creation of Racialized Boundaries - by Ian G. Baird; # Acculturation Processes of Hmong in Eastern Wisconsin - by John Kha Lee and Katherine Green; # Access to Adequate Healthcare for Hmong Women: A Patient Navigation Program to Increase Pap Test Screening - by Penny Lo, Dao Moua Fang, May Ying Ly, Susan Stewart, Serge Lee and Moon S. Chen Jr.; # A Hmong Birth and Authoritative Knowledge: A Case study of choice, control, and the reproductive consequences of refugee status in American childbirth - by Faith Nibbs; # Parental Influences on Hmong University Students' Success - by Andrew J. Supple, Shuntay Z. McCoy and Yudan Wang; # Gran Torino's Hmong Lead Bee Vang on Film, Race, and Masculinity: Conversations with Louisa Schein, Spring 2010 # Perspectives on Hmong Studies: Speech - by Dr. Nicholas Tapp on Receiving the Eagle Award at the Third International Conference on Hmong Studies, Concordia University, Saint Paul, April 10, 2010; # The Hmong and their Perceptions about Physical Disabilities: An Overview and Review of Selected Literature - by Grace Hatmaker, Helda Pinzon-Perez, Xong Khang and Connie Cha; # Patterns of Change: Transitions in Hmong Textile Language - by Geraldine Craig); ** Volume 10, 2009; ** Volume 9, 2008; ** Volume 8, 2007; ** Volume 7, 2006; ** Volume 6, 2005; ** Volume 5, 2004-05; ** Volume 4, 2003; ** Volume 3, 2000; ** Vol. 2, No. 2, 1998; ** Vol. 2, No. 1, 1997; ** Vol. 1, No. 2, 1997; ** Vol. 1, No. 1, 1996 (Incl.: # Upon Meeting the Ancestors: The Hmong Funeral Ritual in Asia and Australia - by Catherine Falk; # Cultural Identity In Post-Modern Society: Reflections on What is a Hmong? - by Gary Yia Lee; # Visualizing Change Through Interactive Photography: Transforming Identities, Transforming Research" - by Sharon Bays; # Recent Research and Publications on the Hmong (1994-1996) - by Anne Frank; # Introduction to Hmong Studies Journal - by Robin Vue-Benson));

URL http://www.hmongnet.org

Internet Archive http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.hmongnet.org

Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (tmciolek--at--coombs.anu.edu.au)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Online Guide / Study
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

18 January 2011

Mapping Buddhist Monasteries 200-1200 CE Project

18 Jan 2011

monastic-asia.wikidot.com, Ann Arbor: Center for South Asian Studies, University of Michigan, USA; Canberra: www.ciolek.com - Asia Pacific Research Online, Australia; & Newton, MA: Lasell College, USA.

"GORDON, Stewart, T. Matthew Ciolek & Lizabeth H. Piel, Work in progress, 2009-present, Mapping Buddhist Monasteries 200-1200 CE Project. [...]

The Project aims to:
* catalogue,
* crosscheck, verify and interrelate the collected data,
* georeference and, finally,
* map online (using KML markup & Google Maps technology)
details of communication, contacts and affinities between as many as possible of the Buddhist monasteries and convents known to have operated in South Asia, SE Asia, Central Asia, and East Asia from approx. 200 CE till approx. 1200 CE.

[...] From its North Indian origins Buddhism expanded across much of Asia, including Southern India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Central Asia and Tibet, Southeast Asia, China, Korea and Japan. In contrast to studies of 'Chinese' Buddhism or 'Vietnamese' Buddhism, this project focuses on the early medieaval monastic institutions across the entire Buddhist world.
During the first 18 months of work conducted via the Internet from three different time-zones in the USA and Australia, we have constructed a freely accessible online database of easily correctable information on over 500 Asian monastic institutions. The data include their: (1) exact geographical coordinates; (2) official and variant names; (3) probable doctrinal affiliations; (4) architectural form; (5) probable organizational characteristics; (6) probable chronology and dating. Each monastery is linked directly to its position in GoogleEarth, allowing an overall or close up view of the site. Many sites have embedded photos of architectural features.
In September 2010 we have now begun the second phase of the project: recording evidence of bilateral connections between monasteries, such as the longstanding links between Sri Lankan monasteries and Nalanda.
What, however, were the overall Asian patterns? How did long-distance flows of students, teachers, relics, books, sculpture, paintings and donations influence intellectual, religious, artistic, even economic and political developments? What were the main types and styles of inter-monastic Buddhist communications [= exchanges of information, in oral and written formats], contacts [= flows of personnel] and affinities [= political, doctrinal, intellectual and artistic links and parallels]? Did they significantly vary with changes to their geographical, cultural, political, or temporal contexts?
In other words, the project systematically documents, maps and explores the intimate contours of a closely interlinked and mutually influential Buddhist world.
We invite interested scholars to critique our efforts so-far, to contribute new data or refinements, and to join our online team."

Site contents:
* Bibliography page [in mid-Jan 2011 it listed over 180 printed and/or electronic publications];
* Chronologies page (Arabian Peninsula, Burma, Byzantium, Cambodia, Central Asia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Persia, Afghanistan and Transoxiana, Vietnam [Annam, Nam Viet, Dai Viet], Vietnam [Champa]);
* Map scales [from 1:22M to 1:15K] & amp; measurements page;
* Methodology page [under construction];
* Sanskrit fonts (cut & paste);
* Monasteries A to Z [In mid-Jan 2011 the site recorded details of over 510 individual monasteries and monastic clusters. Data format: # Raw data, # Final data (and their sources): A. Lat/Long coordinates' accuracy [to the nearest 200m, 2km, 20km], B. General location of the monastery in question, C. Google Map link, 1. Monastery's name, 2. Monastery's modern country & province, 3. Monastery's alternative/historical names, 4. Monastery's lat/long coordinates [in decimal degrees], 5. Other known nearby Buddhist monasteries, 6. Modern name of the known nearest city, town, or village, 7. The settlement's alternative/historical names, 8. The settlement's coordinates [in decimal degrees], 9. Monastery's major Buddhist tradition, 10. Monastery's Buddhist sub-tradition, 11. Date-early, 12. Date-intermediate, 13. Date-late, 14. Details of contacts with other monasteries, 15. Type of evidence regarding the monastery, 16. Additional notes [missing data (incl. details of the size of the monastic population)], 17. Corrections & addenda to this page were kindly provided by ..., #Page tags.];
* Electronic Atlas [http://www.ciolek.com/GEO-MONASTIC/geo-monasteries-home.html, using GoogleEarth and the KML files]
(Map A. Monasteries North-West (= areas between Lat 39.0 - 60.0 N and Long 55.0 - 99.9 E),
Map B. Monasteries North-East (= areas between Lat 39.0 - 60.0 N and Long 100.0 - 150.0 E, incl. today's Korea & Japan),
Map C. Monasteries Central-West (= areas between Lat 26.0 - 38.99 N and Long 55.0 - 99.9 E),
Map D. Monasteries Central-East (= areas between Lat 26.0 - 38.99 N and Long 100.0 - 150.0 E),
Map E. Monasteries South-West (= areas between 10.0 S - 25.99 N and Long 55.0 - 99.9 E),
Map F. Monasteries South-East (= areas between 10.0 S - 25.99 N and Long 100.0 - 150.0 E));
* Unidentified Places [a list of highly problematic sites];
* How to edit pages?;
* Recent changes;
* Raw & temporary data;
* Access pages by tags: (200m, 20km, 2km, a, afghanistan, apparatus, b, bangladesh, c, cave, central-asia, chan/zen, charted, china, cluster, d, e, east-asia, f, fahien, g, h, hoko, hosso, hua-yen, huichao, i, india, indonesia, j, japan, k, kashmir, kegon, korea, kyrgyzstan, l, lokottaravada, m, mahasanghika, mahayana, mahayana?, mapped, monastery, monastery?, mt., muro-ha, myanmar, myogen, n, nanzan, nepal, nunnery, o, p, pagoda, pakistan, q, r, redirect, ritsu, s, sammitiya, sanron, sarvastivada, shingon, shokannon, shotoku, south-asia, south-east-asia, spot, sri-lanka, stupa, sungyun, swat-valley, t, tajikistan, tantra, template, tendai, thailand, theravada, theravada?, tibet, tradition?, turkmenistan, u, uncharted, university, unmapped, uzbekistan, v, vajrayana, vajrayana?, vietnam, vinaya, w, western-china, x, xuanzang, y, yijing, z);
* Recent posts & comments [under construction];
* 20 most recently created pages [incl.: # Sensoji monastery, (in) Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture, JP; # Kitain monastery, (in) Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture, JP; # Hwangnyongsa monastery, (in) Kyongju, Gyeongsanguk-do, KR; # Kizil monastery, (near) Kizil, Xinjiang, CN; # Qumtura monastery, (towards) Kuqa, Xinjiang, CN; # Singim monastery, (near) Singim, Xinjiang, CN; # Yulin monastery?, (near) Guazhou, Gansu, CN];
* Central Asia (Central Asia - all, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Western China);
* East Asia (East Asia - all, China, Japan, Korea);
* South Asia (South Asia - all, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan [under construction], India, Kashmir, Nepal, Pakistan, Sikkim [under construction], Sri Lanka, Swat, Tibet);
* South-East Asia (SEAsia - all, Cambodia [under construction], Indonesia, Laos [under construction], Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam);
* Aspects of data (Monastic clusters, Cave sites, Pagoda sites, Stupa sites, University sites);
* Abstract;
* Citation format;
* Contact;
* Search this site.

URL http://monastic-asia.wikidot.com/

Internet Archive (web.archive.org) [the site is not archived by web.archive.org]

Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (tmciolek--at--coombs.anu.edu.au)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
rating not available

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

14 January 2011

Digital Atlas of Indonesian History [by Robert Cribb] [an interlinked CD-WWW edition]

14 Jan 2011

NIASPress, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen, Denmark.

"Welcome to the 'Digital Atlas of Indonesian History' by Robert Cribb. This work is based on the author's landmark 'Historical Atlas of Indonesia' (published in 2000) [Historical Atlas of Indonesia Robert Cribb, Curzon Press, 2000, 266 pp., 327 maps, Hbk, 978-0-7007-0985-4 Co-published by the University of Hawai'i Press (Honolulu) and New Asian Library (Singapore) - ed.] but has been expanded and updated with over 150 new maps, a new chapter, and other revisions and corrections.

The result is a wide-ranging reference work for Indonesian history [published in 2010 - ed.], consisting of a concise history of the archipelago in six chapters and a collection of nearly 500 maps saved in different formats suitable for use in classroom teaching (e.g. using Powerpoint) and for royalty-free reproduction by scholars in their own publications. In addition, the atlas offers reproductions of some historical maps, links to a wide range of other archival material and a printed user guide.
We hope that you find the Digital Atlas a powerful explanation of Indonesian political, social and economic history and a fascinating companion to your own studies of the archipelago.

[...] Please note that there are differences between the atlas DVD and its companion website. The most important of these are: # The DVD is delivered as a finished work whereas over time the website will be updated with new material. # Launching the DVD is all that is required to access all of its features whereas access to the secure, fully featured section of the website first requires registration and then login (as well as access to the Internet, of course). # A Google custom search can be made of the website but not of the DVD. Otherwise, the contents of the DVD and website should be exactly the same."

Site contents:
* Home (Welcome, Preface, Acknowledgements, Inside the Digital Atlas, Detailed Contents, System Requirements, Website vs DVD, How to Order, About the Author, About the Historical Atlas, About NIAS Press);

* Guide (Introduction, Getting Started, Features and Navigation, Searching the Atlas, Finding Maps, Working with Maps, Conditions of Use, Registration, Logging On and Off, Backup and Restore, FAQ, Additional Help);

* Chapters
(INTRODUCTION: Maps of the Past, Earlier Atlases, Terminology and Spelling, Basic Geographical Information;
1. LANDSCAPE AND ENVIRONMENT: Moving Continents and Fiery Mountains, Earth, Wind and Water, Ecological Change;
2. PEOPLES: The Origins of Ethnic Diversity, - Language, - Literacy, - World Religions, Migration and Ethnicity, Cities and Urbanization, Population;
3. STATES AND POLITIES UNTIL 1800: The Earliest States, - Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, - Java, - Bali and Nusatenggara, - Borneo (Kalimantan), - Sulawesi and Maluku (The Moluccas), - Imagining the Archipelago, Europeans in the Archipelago;
4. THE NETHERLANDS INDIES, 1800-1942: Conquest and Annexation, - Java, - Sumatra, - Borneo, - Eastern Indonesia, Administration, Government, Society and the Rise of a National Consciousness;
5. WAR, INDEPENDENCE AND POLITICAL TRANSFORMATIONS, 1942-1998: Occupation and Revolution, Tension and Conflict in the Republic, 1950-1966, The New Order, The End of the New Order, Foreign Relations, East Timor, Maritime Boundaries;
6. THE REFORM ERA, 1999 TO THE PRESENT: Elections, Decentralization and Secession, Ethnic and Religious Conflict, Natural Disasters, Borders);

* Maps
(# About the Maps, # Finding Maps, (# Working with Maps, # Editing Maps, # Search Indexes: (by place name A-Z, e.g.: Baa, Baah, Babad, Babah Nipah, Babar, Babar Islands, Babar-eilanden, Babat, Babelan, Babi, Babi Mandi, Babian - See Also Bawean, Baburiwa, Bacan - See Also Batjan, Bachian, Bada, Badak, Badung, Bagan Siapiapi, Bagelen - See Also Bagleen, Bagi, Baginda, Bagleen - See Also Bagelen, Bagoh, Baham, Bahau, Bahontehu, Bajabang, Bajawa, Bajeng, Bajo, Bajongbong, Bakongan, Bakumpai [...],
by topic [A-Z, e.g.: A Famosa fort, Abui language, Aceh War, Acehnese, Acehnese language, Act of Free Choice, Adabe language, Adam Air, adat, adatrecht [...]],
by date [1 CE - 1000 CE, 1000 - 1500, 1500 - 1600, 1600 - 1700, 1700 - 1800, 1800 - 1850, 1850 - 1875, 1875 - 1900, 1900 - 1910, 1910 - 1920, 1920 - 1930, 1930 - 1940, 1940 - 1950, 1950 - 1960, 1960 - 1970, 1970 - 1980, 1980 - 1990, 1990 - 1995, 1995 - 2000, 2000 - 2005, 2005 ?] by map title [A-Z incl.: Aceh administrative divisions, 1999, Administrative divisions in Dutch Sumatra 1873-1906, Adult literacy, 1990, Airlangga's kingdom, 11th century, Bomb explosions in Kuta, Bali, October 2002, DPRD election results for 2009, North Sumatra, Dutch conquest of northern Sumatra, 1837-1907, Europeans in Java, 1920, Extinction of the Java Tiger, Family planning acceptors, 1985, Federal Indonesia as proposed in the Linggajati Agreement, Majapahit's empire on Java, Majapahit's overseas empire, Major destructive earthquakes in Indonesian history, Major destructive volcanic eruptions in Indonesian history, 1006-1996, Major home regions of Chinese migrants to Indonesia, Oil and gas working areas, 1974, Opium consumption and registered opium users, 1932, Pilgrims to Mekka as a proportion of the indigenous population of each gewest, 1927, Rijklof van Goens' description of main roads in Mataram, 1648-1654, Salt monopoly in 1881, Sarekat Islam membership, 1912-1916, Scenes of religious conflict in northern Halmahera, Scenes of religious conflict in northern Halmahera, Sites of hominid remains in Java, Slaving in the Indonesian archipelago, 16th-18th centuries, States and courts in the archipelago, ca A.D. 550, Towns with population greater than 10,000, Java, 1920, Tsunami damage in the Acehnese capital, Banda Aceh, Vernacular newspapers and periodicals in the Netherlands Indies, 1875-1900, Western New Guinea, 1942-1944: Japanese invasion, Dutch resistance and Allied re-occupation, Yogyakarta administrative divisions, 2007, Yogyakarta earthquake, 2006]),
# Spelling Issues);

* Extras
(# Printable base maps of Indonesia and Southeast Asia that users may freely adapt for their own use. # Scanned images from the 10th edition of W. van Gelder's Schoolatlas van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie. # A directory of stable internet links to historical maps of the Indonesian archipelago available online);

* Updates ["[...] as Indonesia's history unfolds, it may well be that the author wishes to offer new maps responding to other developments. (Nothing is promised, of course.) In addition, despite extensive 'road testing', it would not be surprising if someday an atlas user finds an error or omission (a missed interrelationship between maps, for instance); this - and all sorts of other feedback from users of the Digital Atlas - is very welcome. For these reasons, changes to what is published here on this atlas DVD are inevitable." # Entry Page, # Feedback, # Keeping Updated);

* Search.

URL http://www.indonesianhistory.info/

Internet Archive (web.archive.org) [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]

Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (tmciolek--at--coombs.anu.edu.au)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com


History of Chinese science and technology - printed and online works by Don Wagner

14 Jan 2011

Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Supplied note:
"Hello - Trying to get in there before the deadline. Here are three more www-articles. I think you may already have seen the first.

* Cast iron in China and Europe.
Revised web version of a talk at the one-day Symposium on Cast Iron in Ancient China, in Beijing, 20 July 2009.
* Some ironfounding cupola furnaces in Asia and Europe.
Poster for ArchaeoMetallurgy Conference: Joint conference in honour of Dr Gerry McDonnell and the HMS Research in Progress Meeting, University of Bradford, 10-12 November, 2009.
* Den traditionelle jernindustri i Kina og dens moderne skaebne, 22. november 2010.
This last, 'The traditional iron industry in China and its modern fate', is a web version of a small book that I published for use in courses in the history of technology in the Danish Gymnasium. It tries to put the Great Leap Forward in better perspective. Regards and good wind - Don Wagner."

"PUBLICATIONS BY DON WAGNER. These publications concern Chinese science, technology, history, archaeology, and language. Books, Articles, Reviews and short notices, Web publications."

Site contents:
* Guide to East, Southeast, and Central Asian library collections in Scandinavia. Compiled by a group of students at the East Asian Institute, University of Copenhagen. Ed. by Nina Ellinger and DBW. Publ. by the Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen, January 1976. 75 pp.
* Survey of PRC literature on science and technology. Compiled by Erik Baark, Roar Jonsen, and DBW. Publ. by Research Policy Program, University of Lund, and Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen, 1977. 46 pp. (Catalogue of a specialised library collection.)
* Union catalogue of East Asian materials in Scandinavian libraries: Preliminary Chinese and Japanese title catalogues. Zug, Switzerland: Inter Documentation Company, 1981. 98 microfiches. [online Publisher's blurb.]
* Dabieshan: Traditional Chinese iron-production techniques practised in southern Henan in the twentieth century. (Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies monograph series, no. 52). London & Malmö: Curzon Press, 1985. 113 pp. [online Publisher's blurb.]
* Pattern and loom: A practical study of the development of weaving techniques in China, Western Asia, and Europe. By John Becker, with the collaboration of Donald B. Wagner. Copenhagen: Rhodos, 1987. 2 vols., 316+80 pp. [2nd edition, 2009 - free download. http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Pattern-and-Loom.html]
* Toward the reconstruction of ancient Chinese techniques for the production of malleable cast iron. (East Asian Institute occasional papers, 4). Copenhagen: East Asian Institute, University of Copenhagen, 1989. 72 pp. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Toward2pp.pdf]
* Oslo University Library: Catalogue of older Chinese books. (UBO Skrifter, 22). Oslo: University Library, 1992. 78 pp. [html version. http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Oslo/Oslo.html] || [copy of original. http://www.duo.uio.no/sok/work.html?WORKID=85672〈=en] || [supplement. http://www.duo.uio.no/sok/work.html?WORKID=85673]
* Iron and steel in ancient China (Handbuch der Orientalistik, IV:9). Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1993. 589 pp. [online Publisher's blurb.]
* The traditional Chinese iron industry and its modern fate. With a preface by Peter Nolan. Copenhagen & London: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies & Curzon Press, 1997. 128 pp. [online Publisher's blurb.] || [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Fate/Fate.html]
* A Classical Chinese reader: The Han shu biography of Huo Guang, with notes and glosses for students. Richmond, Sussex: Curzon Press, 1998. 208 pp. [Web sampler. http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/TB/TB.html]
* The state and the iron industry in Han China. Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, 2001. 160 pp. [online Publisher's blurb.]
* A Mencius reader: For beginning and advanced students of Classical Chinese. Copenhagen: NIAS Press (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies), 2004. 160 pp. [online Publisher's blurb.]
* Science and civilisation in China. Vol. 5: Chemistry and chemical technology. Part 11: Ferrous metallurgy. Cambridge University Press, 2008. 512 pp. [Table of contents and introductory matter. http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/SCC36c-prelims.pdf] || [online Publisher's blurb.]
* Den traditionelle jernindustri i Kina og dens moderne skæbne. Odense: Erhvervsskolernes Forlag, 2008. 40 s. [Forlagets reklame. http://ef.dk/?pagetype=book&vareid=71136-1&refid=topic,F09.005.45]

* "Liu Hui and Tsu Keng-chih on the volume of a sphere", Chinese science, 1978, 3: 59-79. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/SPHERE/SPHERE.html]
* "Doubts concerning the attribution of Liu Hui's commentary on the Chiu-chang suan-shu", Acta Orientalia, 1978, 39: 199-212. [Screen copy (700 Kbytes) http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/LiuHui/LiuHui.html] || [Printing copy (5 Mbytes) http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/LiuHui/LiuHui.pdf]
* "An ancient Chinese derivation of the volume of a pyramid: Liu Hui, third century A.D.", Historia mathematica, 1979, 6: 164-188. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Pyramid/Pyramid.html]
* "Gongyuan san shiji Liu Hui guanyu zhuiti tiji de tuidao", tr. by Guo Shuchun and Mei Rongzhao, Kexueshi yicong (Beijing), 1980.2: 1-15. [Translation of preceding.]
* "Selected lumber from The forest of laughter", Orientaliska studier, Feb. 1979, 33/34: 29-35.
* Hsia Nai, "Bibliography of recent archaeological discoveries bearing on the history of science and technology", tr. by DBW, Chinese science, Sept. 1980, 4: 19-52.
* "Archaeological sources for the history of science, technology, and medicine: Some supplementary references", ibid., pp. 53-60.
* "Silk weaving techniques of Han China: The monochrome patterned weaves", by John Becker and DBW. Bulletin de liaison du Centre Internationale d'Étude des Textiles Anciens, 1981, 53: 21-43. Errata, 54: 11-14.
* Contributions to Geometry and algebra in ancient civilisations, by B.L. van der Waerden, Berin etc.: Springer-Verlag, 1983. Ca. 15 pp.
* "Some traditional Chinese iron-production techniques practiced in the 20th century", Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society, Sept. 1984, 18.2: 95-104.
* "A proof of the Pythagorean theorem by Liu Hui (third century A.D.)", Historia mathematica, 1985, 12: 71-73. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Pythagoras/Pythagoras.html]
* Abbreviated translations of 10 articles in Chinese archaeological journals, Chinese archaeological abstracts,vol. 2-4, ed. by Albert E. Dien, Jeffrey K. Riegel, and Nancy T. Price, Los Angeles: Project for the Study of Chinese Archaeological Material, 1986. 94 pp.
* "Swords and ploughshares, ironmasters and officials: Iron in China in the third century B.C.", pp. 174-192 in Analecta Hafniensia: 25 years of East Asian studies in Copenhagen, ed. by Leif Littrup, London: Curzon Press, 1988.
* "The dating of the Chu graves of Changsha: The earliest iron artifacts in China?", Acta Orientalia, 1987, 48: 111-156. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Changsha/Changsha-TX.html]
* "Ancient Chinese copper smelting, sixth century B.C.: Recent excavations and simuation experiments", Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society, 1986, 20.1: 1-16. Extensive errata list, 1987, 21.1: 51.
* "The transmission of the blast furnace from China to Europe: Some notes to complement Prof. Tylecote's paper", pp. 50-60 in Medieval iron in society II: Papers and discussions at the symposium in Norberg, May 6-10, 1985. Stockholm: Jernkontoret & Riksantikvarieämbetet, 1986.
* "Støbejerns metallurgi og lidt om kinesisk støbejern", 53 pp. in Jern: Fremstilling, nedbrydning og bevaring. Fortryk af forelæsninger til Nordisk Videreuddannelse af Konservatorer, København, 17-28 august 1987. København: Nationalmuseet, Bevaringssektionen, 1987. ("The metallurgy of cast iron, with some notes on Chinese cast iron", two lectures for museum conservators). [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/kons/kons.html]
* "Ancient carburization of iron to steel: A comment", Archeomaterials, 1990, 4.1: 111-117; erratum, 4.2: 118. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/REHD/REHD.html]
* "The language of the ancient Chinese state of Wu", East Asian Institute occasional papers (University of Copenhagen), 1990, 6: 161-176. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Wulang/wulang.pdf] (pdf, 150 dpi, 3 Mbytes).
* "Jern og stål i oldtidens Kina", Polhem: Tidskrift för teknikhistoria, 1990, 8.1: 2-37. ("Iron and steel in ancient China"). [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/kons/kons.html]
* "The cast iron lion of Ts'ang-chou", Needham Research Institute newsletter, no. 10, June 1991, pp. 2-3. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/CANGZHOU/CANGZHOU.html]
* "China: Iron: Early", article in The dictionary of art, London: Macmillan, 1996. 1500 words. [online Publisher's blurb.]
* "Monumentaler Eisenguss in China", pp. 123-130 in China, eine Wiege der Weltkultur: 5000 Jahre Erfindungen und Entdeckungen, hrsg. v. Arne Eggebrecht, Mainz am Rhein: von Zabern, 1994. (Exhibition catalogue.) Translation of "Chinese monumental iron castings", below. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Wiege-bl/Wiege-bl.html]
* "The traditional Chinese iron industry and its modern fate", Chinese science,1995, 12: 138-161. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/cs12-6-wagner.pdf]
* "Copperworks no. 2 in Kaifeng, China", Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society,1995, 29.2: 113-116. [online Published 1997]. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Kaifeng/Kaifeng.html]
* "The earliest use of iron in China", pp. 1-9 in Metals in antiquity,ed. by Suzanne M. M. Young, A. Mark Pollard, Paul Budd, and Robert A. Ixer (BAR International series,792), Oxford: Archaeopress, 1999. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/EARFE/EARFE.html]
* "Chinese monumental iron castings", Journal of East Asian archaeology, 2000, 2.3/4: 199-224 [Illustrations. http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/monfig/monfig.html]
* "Aspetti tecnologici: La metallurgia del ferro", tr. by Fabrizio Pregadio, in Storia della Scienza [Encyclopedia of the History of Science], vol. II:  Cina, India, Americhe, ed. by Karine Chemla, in cooperation with Francesca Bray, Fu Daiwie, Huang Yi-Long, and Georges Métailié. Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2001. [Technology as seen through the case of ferrous metallurgy in Han China. http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/EncIt/EncIt.html]
* "Blast furnaces in Song-Yuan China", East Asian science, technology, and medicine, 2001, 18: 41-74. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/SongBF/SongBF.pdf]
* "The administration of the iron industry in eleventh-century China", Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient, 2001, 44.2: 175-197. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/SongAdmin/SongAdmin.pdf]
* "The earliest use of iron in China", Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (Stockholm), 75:127-169. [Revision of 1999 version, above.]
* "Chinese blast furnaces from the 10th to the 14th century", Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society, 2003, 37.1: 25-37. Abridged version of "Blast furnaces in Song-Yuan China", above.
* "Iron cannons of China", Indian journal of history of science, 2005, 40.4: 437-449. [Abridgement of "Chinese monumental iron castings", above.]
* "The state ironworks in Zunhua, Hebei, 1403-1581", Late Imperial China, 2005, 26.2: 68-88. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Zunhua/Zunhua.html]
* "Iron production in three Ming texts: Tie ye zhi, Guangdong xinyu, and Tian gong kai wu", pp. 172-188 in Studies on ancient Chinese scientific and technical texts: Proceedings of the 3rd ISACBRST, March 31 - April 3, 2003, Tübingen, Germany, ed. by Hans Ulrich Vogel, Christine Moll-Murata, and Gao Xuan, Zhengzhou: Elephant Press, 2006. [Third International Symposium on Ancient Chinese Books and Records of Science and Technology]. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/MingFe/MingFe.html]
* "Song Yingxing's illustrations of iron production", pp. 615-632 in Graphics and text in the production of technical knowledge in China: The warp and the weft, edited by Francesca Bray, Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann, and Georges Métailié, Leiden: Brill, 2007. Extract from "Iron production in three Ming texts", above.
* "Chinese steel making techniques, with a note on Indian wootz steel in China", , 2007,3: 289-318.
* "Zhongguo gudai de daxing zhutieqi", tr. by Li Yuan, in Wenwu keji yanjiu ("Scientific and technical research on cultural heritage"), vol. 5, Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe, 2007, pp. 68-82 + colour plates 10-15. Tr. of "Chinese monumental iron castings", above. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Daxingzhutie-150dpi.pdf] (8.5 Mbytes)

* Review of Wolfgang Ruppert: Mathematik in China,Wien 1976, The China quarterly,June 1978, 74: 430-431.
* "The stone drums of Qin" (essay review of G. L. Mattos: The stone drums of Ch'in,Nettetal 1988), Acta Orientalia,1990, 51: 241-256. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/MATTOS/MATTOS.html]
* Review of William Rostoker and Bennet Bronson: Pre-industrial iron: Its technology and ethnology,Philadelphia 1990, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (Leiden), 1993, 36: 304-308. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/RB/RB.html]
* "The beginning of iron in China", EAANnouncements (East Asian Archaeology Network), Autumn 1995, no. 17, p. 6. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/EAAN-EARFE/EAAN-EARFE.html]
* "The 7th International Conference on the the History of Science in China, Shenzhen, 16-20 January 1996", Bulletin of the International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine,1.2: 11-12. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/ICHSC7/ICHSC7.html]
* "Thirteenth-century Chinese pelletising kilns? Ha Law Wan, Hong Kong", HMS news (Historical Metallurgy Society), Spring 1996, no. 36, pp. 6-8. Abridged version in EAANnouncements (East Asian Archaeology Network), 1996, no. 19, p. 17. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/HMS-HK/HMS-HK.html]
* Review of Peter Golas: Science and civilisation in China, vol. 5, part 13: Mining, Cambridge University Press 1999, East Asian science, technology, and medicine (Tübingen), 2002 (publ. 2003), 19: 116-119. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Golas/Golas.html]
* Review of Martha Lamberg-Karlovsky (ed.): The breakout: The origins of civilization, Cambridge, Mass.: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, 2000, Journal of World History, 2003, 14.4: 551-553. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Breakout/Breakout.html]
* Review of H. T. Huang: Science and civilisation in China, vol. 6, part 5: Fermentations and food science, Cambridge University Press 2000, British Journal for the History of Science, 2005, 38.1: 103–4. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/HTrev/HTrev.html]
* Review of Karine Chemla and Guo Shuchun: Les neuf chapitres: Le classique mathématique de la Chine ancienne et ses commentaires, Centaurus, 2006, 48.4: 319-322. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Chemla-rev/Chemla-rev.pdf]
* Review of Michael Loewe: The Government of the Qin and Han Empires: 221 BCE - 220 CE, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Series 3, 2007, 17.4: 389-406. [http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Loewe/Loewe.html]
* Review of Jianjun Mei and Thilo Rehren (eds): Metallurgy and Civilisation: Eurasia and Beyond, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys (BUMA VI). Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society, 2010,.1: 59-61.

* "Early iron in China, Korea, and Japan". Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Los Angeles, 25-28 March 1993. 14 pp. typescript, unpublished. [http://staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/KoreanFe/KoreanFe.html]
* "The casting of iron woks in Guangdong, China, in 1840". Poster presentation, Founders, smiths and platers: International Conference on metal forming and finishing from the earliest times, Oxford, 20-24 September, 1999. [http://staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/wok/wok.html]
* Klassisk kinesisk læsebog: Li Guangs biografi i Shi ji, med noter og gloser for studerende. 92 s. [http://staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Shiji/Shijidwnld.html]
* "Some Chinese steelmaking methods". Poster presentation, Metallurgy - a touchstone for cross-cultural interaction, British Museum, London, 28-30 April 2005. Screen copy, [http://staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/BM/BM.html,] (570 Kbytes) || Printing copy, [http://staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/BM/BM.pdf] (3.2 Mbytes)
* A Classical Chinese Reader: The 'Memoir on the Eastern Barbarians' in Hou Han shu, with notes and glosses for students of Chinese and Korean. Draft, 14 March 2007. [http://staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/HHS/HHS.pdf] (7.3 Mbytes).
* Annotated bibliography on the Great Wall of China. Draft, 26 March 2007. [http://staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/gwb/gwb.htm]
* Chinese tinkers. 17 August 2009. [http://staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/tinkers/tinkers.html]
* Cast iron in China and Europe. Revised web version of a talk at the one-day Symposium on Cast Iron in Ancient China, in Beijing, 20 July 2009. [http://staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/cice/cice.html]
* Some ironfounding cupola furnaces in Asia and Europe. Poster for ArchaeoMetallurgy Conference: Joint conference in honour of Dr Gerry McDonnell and the HMS Research in Progress Meeting, University of Bradford, 10-12 November, 2009. [http://donwagner.dk/Bradford.pdf]
* Steelmaking in a tiny open furnace, 3 September 2010. [http://staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/tiny.html]
* Den traditionelle jernindustri i Kina og dens moderne skæbne, 22. november 2010. [http://staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/MS/ModerneSkaebne.html]

URL http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/

Internet Archive http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/

Link reported by: Donald B. Wagner (dwag--at--alum.mit.edu)

* Resource type [news/comments - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

Labels: , , , ,

13 January 2011

China Agricultural Economics Group (CAEG)

13 Jan 2011

School of Integrative Systems, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

"[I]t has been excellent to look at the [Monitor] posts and [reported] sites over the years. As you [= tmciolek] suggest, we'd like to take the last opportunity to be a part of it, so could you please post the following resource, for the China Agricultural Economics Group - sw."

"The CAEG is an informal research grouping within the School of Integrative Systems at the University of Queensland engaged in collaborative agricultural economics research with various Chinese research units."

Site contents:
* CAEG personnel (CAEG personnel, CAEG collaborating institutions in China, CAEG visiting scholars)
* CAEG Picture Gallery (Galleries: Beef in China, China's Livestock Revolution, Chinese Wool Industry, Modernizing China's Industries, Regionalisation and Integration in China, Research Team in Action, Sustainable Development in China);
* CAEG Projects [descriptions of] (# Major CAEG projects: Tibet cropping-dairy project, Gansu forages-livestock project, Grasslands project, Sheep meat project, Wool projects (4), Cattle and beef projects (3), # Other projects and activities: The marketing of ruminant products in Western China, Rural development strategies, Agricultural economics research and training development, Melons project, Neem project, Sugarcane project, # Student projects and research (15));
* CAEG Publications (# Publications by year [includes links to unpublished reports] English language, Chinese language,
Ê # Publications by subject [includes links to unpublished reports] Cattle & beef (30 titles), Grasslands, resources & the environment (33), Institutions, laws & policies (44), Livestock more generally (24), Markets, agribusiness & agro-industry (44), Publications by year - Chinese language (66), Publications by year - English language (99), Regional integration & international trade (18), Rural development (31), Sheep, wool & sheep meat (35))
* Contact Details.

[A bi-lingual (EN, CN) site - ed.]

URL http://www.uq.edu.au/sis/caeg

Internet Archive (web.archive.org) [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]

Link reported by: Scott Waldron (scott.waldron--at--uq.edu.au)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Corporate Info. / Study
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

12 January 2011

El Centro de Estudios de Asia y Africa (CEAA) / Center for Asian and African Studies

12 Jan 2011

El Colegio de Mexico (COLMEX), Tlalpan, D.F., Mexico.

" I was sad to hear that you will soon be stepping down from your post as the administrator of the Asian Studies WWW Monitor: a web resource which has been exceedingly useful to our faculty and students here in the Center for Asian and African Studies. Given the fact, however, that you have stated that the database will be archived at the end of this month, I wanted to send you a [...] note [below] regarding our center in order to have that information become a permanent part of this valuable resource. [...]
With sincere gratitude, Aaron Louis Rosenberg

'Estimados profesores: Les escribo para avisarles que debemos enviar a CONACYT [Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia - ed.] la informacion sobre nuestras actividades individuales de investigacion como miembros del CEAA correspondientes al presente ano. [...]
Aqui va adjuntado la lista completa de los profesores del CEAA en donde pueden incluir la informacion requerida.
I. Enfoques socio-culturales a los textos historicos, religiosos y literarios de Asia y Africa:
Incluye estudios de historia, lengua, literatura, religion y pensamiento. Ejemplificada por los siguientes dos cuerpos academicos actuales [...]:
(1) Cultura y Sociedad en la Historia de Asia
David Lorenzen (Coordinador, Profesor-investigador de planta, Sur de Asia), Flora Botton (Profesora-investigadora de planta, China), John Marston (Profesor-investigador de planta, Sureste de Asia), Uma Thukral (Profesora-investigadora de planta, Sur de Asia),
(2) Cultura, Tradicion y Literatura en Asia y Africa
Benjamin Preciado (Coordinador, Profesor-investigador de planta, Sur de Asia), Rasik V. Joshi (Profesor-investigador de planta, Sur de Asia), Hilda Varela (Profesora-investigadora de planta, Africa), Yong Chen (Profesor-investigador, China), Maina Mutonya (Profesor-investigador, Africa),
II. Enfoques criticos a las formas sociales, artisticas y ritualistas de Asia y Africa:
Incluye estudios de identidad, genero, estratificacion de la sociedad y subalternidad en el contexto de la historia, la antropologia social, la cultura visual y las tradiciones de las artes escenicas. Ejemplificada por estos dos cuerpos academicos actuales [...]:
(1) Sociedad, Politica e Identidad en Asia y Africa Modernas
Saurabh Dube (Coordinador, Profesor-investigador de planta, Sur de Asia), Ishita Banerjee (Profesora-investigadora de planta, Sur de Asia), Michiko Tanaka (Profesora-investigadora de planta, Japon), Arturo Saavedra (Profesor-investigador de planta, Africa),
(2) Cultura Material, Visual y Textual en Asia y Africa
Amaury A. Garcia (Coordinador, Profesor-investigador, Japon), Satomi Miura (Profesora-investigadora, Japon), Carlos Mondragon (Profesor-investigador, Sureste de Asia y del Pacifico), Aaron L. Rosenberg (Profesor-investigador, Africa), Luis O. Gomez (Investigador asociado, Estudios Budistas),
III. Enfoques de desarrollo humano y social para los estudios de politicas publicas
Incluyendo ciencias politicas, relaciones internacionales, desarrollo economico, sociologia politica, movimientos transnacionales, derechos y seguridad humana ejemplificada por estos dos cuerpos academicos actuales [...]:
(1) Estudios del Pacifico
Juan Jose Ramirez (Coordinador, Profesor-investigador de planta, Sureste de Asia), Romer Cornejo (Profesor-investigador de planta, China), Alfredo Roman (Profesor-investigador, Japon), Juan Felipe Lopez (Profesor-investigador, Corea),
(2) Movimientos Transnacionales, Conflictos y Seguridad Internacional en Asia
Luis Mesa Delmonte (Coordinador, Profesor-investigador, Medio Oriente), Manuel Ruiz (Profesor-investigador de planta, Medio Oriente), Marisela Connelly (Profesora-investigadora de planta, China), Richard Kraince (Profesor-investigador, Sureste de Asia)' - Aaron L. Rosenberg."

"El Centro de Estudios de Asia y Africa (CEAA) fue creado en 1964, desde entonces, el centro ha construido una vision propia desde America Latina, sobre Asia y Africa, asi como el interes por entender la historia de cada pais, la cultura, la sociedad, la politica, la economia y sus lenguas [...]
In septiembre de 1994 el Centro amplio su programa hacia otras zonas del area asiatica del Pacifico y a partir de 1997 comenzo a impartir estudios de doctorado, lo que ha significado poner un mayor acento en la investigacion, asi como en la estancia de los doctorandos en las regiones en que se especializan. Actualmente los programas de posgrado del CEAA estan integrados por seis areas de especializacion: Africa, Medio Oriente, China, Japon, Sur de Asia, y Sureste de Asia."

Site contents:
*Informacion general (Presentacion, Historia, Objetivos, Directorio, Organizacion);
* Informacion academica (Programas academicos, Maestria en estudios de Asia y Africa, Doctorado en estudios de Asia y Africa, Planta docente y de investigacion);
* Publicaciones (Venta de libros, Revista Estudios de Asia y Africa, Novedades editoriales, Base de datos de publicaciones del CEAA, Lista de publicaciones del CEAA, Boletin CEAA, Base de Datos de Asia y Africa);
* Agenda (Noticias Actividades de las semanas siguientes, Boletin de Difusion COLMEX Eventos externos);
* Recursos electronicos (# Recursos electronicos internos [Videoteca], # Recurosos electronicos externos [Asociaciones colaboradoras, ALADAA, SMER, Estudios Coreanos en America Latina Bibliotecas], # Diarios [Africa, Asia, Corea, China, India, Japon, Medio Oriente, Sudeste Asiatico], # Diccionarios [Japones, Swahili], # Multimedia, # Publicaciones, # Recursos de informacion [Africa, Asia, Asia y Africa, Asia Central, Asia del Este, Asia del Sur, Asia del Sureste, Asia-Pacifico, China, Corea, India, Japon, Medio Oriente] # Servicios de informacion, # Unidades de estudio);
* Micrositios (Area de Africa Area de Japon Revista Base de Datos de Asia y Africa);
* Biblioteca.

[A site in Spanish. Free online Google translation is available (http://translate.google.com/) from SPANISH into: Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swahili, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, Welsh, and Yiddish - ed.]

URL http://ceaa.colmex.mx/

Internet Archive http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://ceaa.colmex.mx/

Link reported by: Aaron L Rosenberg (alrosenberg--at--colmex.mx)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Corporate Info. / Online Guide
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

11 January 2011

Crossroads - Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World [New E-journal]

11 Jan 2011

Ostasien Verlag, Grossheirath-Gossenberg, Germany.

Supplied note:
"The online and print journal 'Crossroads - Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World' [est. 2010, ISSN: 2190-8796 - ed.] is designed as an international forum for contributions related to the history of exchange relations in the East Asian world. With an abstract to every article in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. - dz."

"The 'East Asian World' in this context comprises geographically speaking the regions of China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan (core region) and their neighbours or regions that were considered their 'peripheries' (such as for example Mongolia, Tibet, Vietnam etc.), including relevant predecessors (such as the Ryukyus, Bohai or Manchuria). Exchange relations and interaction with countries and regions beyond this East Asian world, like India, Russia and all the countries on the Eurasian continent, continental and insular Southeast Asia, regions around the Persian Gulf and generally the macro-region of what is designated as the 'Oriental world' - in contrast to 'Occidental Europe' - as well as interaction with for example the American or African continent are also part of the focus, as long as there existed important and/or sustainable contacts to the mentioned regions in East Asia. East Asia is thus treated as an entity made up of different countries and regions with similarities, but also with distinctive differences, concentrating on their interconnectedness and exchange relations, while emphasizing its relations to the macro-regions of Asia, Eurasia and the Orient, but also cross-Pacific interchange. The focus of contributions are both continental (overland) and maritime (overseas) exchange relations of bilateral and multilateral interaction structures. With regard to contents, major emphasis will be placed on the transfer of science and technologies, cultural aspects in their widest interpretation, religions, commodity and product exchange, trade, as well as migration and the organisation of functioning networks.
[...] Readers can choose between payment per article or annual subscription. If you want to subscribe to the Crossroads journal, please refer to the 'Subscriptions' section. If you want to submit an article, please read the 'Policies' and the 'Submission' sections first and then register."

Site contents:
* About the Journal (# People - Contact, Editorial Team, # Policies - Focus and Scope, Section Policies, Peer Review Process, Subscriptions, Author Self-Archiving, Delayed Open Access, # Submissions - Online Submissions, Author Guidelines, Copyright Notice, Privacy Statement, # Other - Journal Sponsorship, Site Map, About this Publishing System);
* Log In;
* Register;
* Search (All, Authors, Title, Abstract, Index terms, Full Text);
* Browse (By Issue, By Author, By Title);
* Current Issue [Open access TOCs and Abstracts. Subscription access to the PDF files with the full text and illustrations] Vol 1, 2010 (Articles: # Crossroads -- An Introduction - Angela Schottenhammer; # The Treaty of Shanyuan ? -- Then and Now: Reflections 1000 Years Later - Christian SCHWARZ-SCHILLING; # From Chen Cheng to Ma Wensheng: Changing Chinese Visions of Central Asia - Morris ROSSABI; # Song China and the multi-state and commercial world of East Asia - John CHAFFEE; # Some Glosses on the Sea Straits of Asia: Geography, Functions, Typology - Roderich PTAK; # A Buddhist Woodblock-printed Map and Geographic Knowledge in 13th Century China - Hyunhee PARK; # 'Brokers' and 'Guild' (huiguan) Organizations in China's Maritime Trade with her Eastern Neighbours during the Ming and Qing Dynasties - Angela SCHOTTENHAMMER; # Some Observations on Cash Metals from the Ryukyus 1664--1874 - Qing WANG);
* Archives of the Past Issues;
* Announcements.

URL http://www.eacrh.net/ojs/

Link reported by: Deike Zimmann (admin--at--eacrh.net)

Internet Archive (web.archive.org) [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

10 January 2011

The South China Sea WWW Virtual Library

10 Jan 2011

Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT, USA.

"An online resource [Est: April 29, 1999. Last update: Dec 3, 2010 -
ed.] for students, scholars and policy-makers interested in South
China Sea regional development, environment, and security issues.
[...] Introduction:
The South China Sea extends from the Strait of Malacca in the
southwest, to the Strait of Taiwan in the northeast. Over 500 million
people in China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei,
Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam live within 100
miles of its coastline. [...] What are the peoples and governments
around the South China Sea doing about these problems in their common
resource? How will they avoid a maritime tragedy of the commons? This
web site provides information and analysis for students, scholars and
policy-makers interested in South China Sea regional development,
environment, and security issues."

Site contents:
* Introduction (Why a South China Sea Website? An Introductory Essay,
Maritime Security in the South China Sea, Sharing the Resources of
the South China Sea);
* Institutions [an online guide] (Governmental, Inter-governmental,
* Maps & Images (# Economy - BP-oil consumption trends, China-oil
imports, Cities of Asia, Containers Handled by Major Ports, Container
Ship Sizes - "Stretching the Fleet", Cost of Ship Security, Crude Oil
Trade Flow, 1993;
# Environment & Geography - Bathymetry, contour increments in meters,
Bathymetric contours of the SSME, Coral Reefs and Potential Threats,
EEZ Ecosystem Resources, Sea Around Us Project, Gographical Setting:
Straits of Malacca & Singapore, Marine Protection Areas in South East
Asia, Maritime Causalities - Malacca Strait;
# Territorial Claims - 9-Dash Line Map - PRC, 9-Dash Line Map -
Taiwan, EEZ Claims and Hydrocarbon Resources, NGS, EEZ Limits in the
Indian Ocean Basin, EEZ Claims and Hydrocarbon Resources, SCS WWW,
Exploration Blocks Offshore Vietnam, Interactive Map of the Spratly
# Legal and Political Maps, 2003 Attacks: Committed & Attempted, Base
Map of the South China Sea, Clashes over fish in Pacific Asia,
Delimitation Line and Joint Fishing Zones (Tonkin Gulf), EEZ Claims
Compared to Land Area, Flags of Convenience, How Pirates Treat Crews;
# All-Alphabetical list [an alphabetical list of Maps and images];
# History, Cheng Ho's Star Atlas:
French-Chinese map of Tonkin Gulf - 1887, India Orientalis, J.
Hondius, 1606, Suarez, 1999, Indies, Petrus Plancius, 1594, J.
Fisscher, 1617, Suarez, 1999, Ming treasure Ship and St. Maria,
Oldest British Map of the South China Sea);
* Online Publications (Websites, Periodicals, E-Journals, Articles);
* Photos [South China Sea Photo Album];
* Key Terms (Place Names, Acronyms and Abbreviations);
* Search;
* Research Guide (Background Information, Current News & Analysis,
Indexes & Full-Text Databases, Statistics);
* About this Site.

[A part of the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library
(http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVL-AsianStudies.html - ed.]

URL http://www.southchinasea.org/

Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (tmciolek--at--coombs.anu.edu.au)

Internet Archive http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.southchinasea.org/
and http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://community.middlebury.edu/~scs/

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Study/Documents/Online Guide
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

AsiaPacific Films.com - An Asia Pacific Online Film Library

10 Jan 2011

iFilm Connections Asia & Pacific, Honolulu, HI, USA.

Supplied note:
"Dear Matthew [...] By now you must have received many warm and appreciative comments from readers across the globe about your contribution to our collective knowledge about Asian resources to be found on the Internet. In honor of your services, I'd like to offer your readers free access to over 500 culturally and historically important films made by Asians and Pacific Islanders.
Usually people subscribe for $8.99 a month. However your readers can stream them for free for two months on "www.AsiaPacificFilms.com" by using this following login and password:

LOGIN: cioleks-gift@asiapacificfilms.com
PASSWORD: thankyou

You and your users can cancel subscription at anytime.

The website is designed to take credit card information because that is how people normally subscribe to our service at $8.99 a month for unlimited views. Although we can offer two months free to all those who use the password, it does have to go through this step of giving a credit card. However people can cancel at any time by emailing us at info@AsiaPacificFIlms.com

I hope you will check AsiaPacificFilms.com out by streaming some films for your own enjoyment [... for instance, you might] enjoy A SONG of TIBET, directed by the master Chinese filmmaker, Xie Fei.

Here are some other film suggestions: http://www.idaconcpts.com/email/AsiaPacificFilms-January.html This link is to an advance copy of a newsletter we are sending out this Friday [i.e. 8 Jan 2001 - ed.] to subscribers. [...]
Jeannette Paulson Hereniko, President, AsiaPacficiFilms.com "

"What are we?
AsiaPacificFilms.com streams culturally and historically significant films from Asia and the Pacific that entertain, educate and inspire viewers to think beyond boundaries. With the latest streaming technology, subscribers have unlimited access to our films in DVD quality.

Who are we?
We are an experienced team of Asia and Pacific film programmers working in concert with notable scholars, critics, and curators who carefully select our films. Our curators and AsiaPacificFilms.com's president Jeannette Hereniko are members of the Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema (NETPAC), a well-respected international organization. Every year NETPAC awards prizes at major international film festivals."

Site contents:
* Search;
* Login;
* Explore Film Catalog (Browse By #Theme [All Themes, Aging & Mortality, Animals, Art & Music, Communication & Media, Ecology & the Environment, Ethnicity & Cultural Identity, Family & Relationships, Gender & Sexuality, Globalization & Modernization, Health & Disease, History, Human Rights, Law, Politics & Government, Mental Health & Psychology, Philosophy & Ethics, Religion, Social & Economic Issues, War & Military, Youth & Coming of Age] , # Genre [All Genres, Action, Animation, Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Drama, Experimental, Experimental, Fantasy, Horror, Mokumentary, Romance, Sci-Fi, Short, Thriller, Suspense, Youth, Children], # Filmmaker [there were 402 films listed in Jan 2001], # Country [All countries, Australia, China, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, South Korea/Japan, South Korea/Kazakhstan, South Korea/Singapore, South Korea/Thailand, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, United States, Vietnam]);
* About Us;
* Featured Film Festival;
* Sign Up Benefits;
* Contact Us;
* Copyright Information;
* Privacy Policy;
* Legal Statement.

[A very fine and rich site indeed - ed.]

URL http://www.AsiaPacificFilms.com

Internet Archive (web.archive.org) [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]

Link reported by: Jeannette Hereniko (jhereniko--at--asiapacificfilms.com)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Documents / Online Guide
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
[Essential, regardless of presence/absence of this most generous gift to t.m. ciolek and other readers of the MONITOR]

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com