Asia-Pacific Economic Update 2007

24 Aug 2008
U.S. Pacific Command, Camp Smith, Hawaii, HI, US
[The Asia-Pacific Economic Update (APEU) is a comprehensive study of the Asia-Pacific economies. It is published at the official Unclassified military website of the U.S. Pacific Command, and is provided in PDF format - ed.]
Site contents:
Asia-Pacific Economic Update 2007
Volume I File size: 5.6 MB
1-00 Executive Summary, 1-01 Global Context, 1-02 Asian Context, 1-03 U.S. and Asia, 1-04 China Strong or Weak?, 1-05 Shared Prosperity in Greater China, 1-06 China Chapter, 1-07 Japan Chapter, 1-08 Russia Chapter, 1-09 Republic of Korea Chapter, 1-10 North Korea Chapter, 1-11 Mongolia Chapter.
Volume II File size: 4.9 MB
Executive Summary, Chapter 1: Bangladesh, Ch. 2: India, Ch. 3: Nepal, Ch. 4: Sri Lanka, Ch. 5: Brunei, Ch. 6: Burma (Myanmar), Ch. 7: Cambodia, Ch. 8: Indonesia, Ch. 9: Laos, Ch. 10: Malaysia, Ch. 11: Philippines, Ch. 12: Singapore, Ch. 13: Thailand, Ch. 14: Vietnam, Ch. 15: East Timor, Ch. 16: Australia, Ch. 17: Fiji, Ch. 18: Guam, Ch. 19: Tonga, New Zealand - See Volume I, Ch. 2, Asian Context : Financial Turmoil for New Zealand Case Study.
Volume III File size: 3.6 MB
Ch. 1: The Global Economic Role of the Asia-Pacific Region, Ch. 2: The U.S. Economic Stake in Asia, Ch. 3: The U.S. & Japan and the Energy "Rise" of China & India, Ch. 4: Environmental Security and Regional Stability, Ch. 5: Hydro-Politics in South Asia: The Domestic Roots of Interstate River Rivalry, Ch. 6: Creating Sustainable Socio-Economic Conditions to Maintain Stability, Ch. 7: Consideration of Gender in Economic Development & Counterterrorism Strategy, Ch. 8: Can Hollywood Help Counter Radical Ideology Abroad?, Ch. 9: Russia and the Asia-Pacific: Trends, Threats, and Common Threads, Ch. 10: Southeast Asian Receptiveness to Japanese Maritime Security Cooperation, Ch. 11: Influence of Economics on U.S. Maritime Security Efforts in Asia.
Previous Economic Updates: * Asia-Pacific Economic Update 2005; * Asia-Pacific Economic Update 2002; * Asia-Pacific Economic Update 2000.
Internet Archive ( [the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
Link reported by: Dr. Leif Rosenberger (
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