Files of the Communist Party of Japan: free online inventory in Comintern online

IDC Publishers, Leiden, the Netherlands
Supplied note:
"The Files of the Communist Party of Japan (CPJ) cover the period 1919-1941 and include extensive documentation on the relations between the Soviet Communist party and its counterparts in Japan, the Far East, Europe and America. The collection Files of the Communist Party of Japan includes materials on:
* Labor history, trade unions and youth organizations in Japan * Foreign policy of the USSR in the Far East * Japanese military occupation of China * History of the Communist Party of Japan * History of Communist groups in USA and China * Collection of periodicals and newspapers - wl."
Site contents:
Details of files of the Communist Party of Japan (CPJ), The Comintern Archives in the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (RGASPI), Moscow,* 616 files from Fond 495, Opis' 127, Delo 1-616 * 132 microfilm reels.
Internet Archive*/
Link reported by:
Willemijn Lindhout (
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