Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC)

29 Nov 2006
Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC)
COAC, Subang Jaya, Malaysia.
Self-description: "This site is committed to information and commentary on the Orang Asli, the indigenous minority peoples of Peninsular Malaysia. We are still fine-tuning the site and uploading base content. As such, we welcome suggestions to improve the portal. [...] The Center for Orang Asli Concerns was established in 1989 to advance the cause of the Orang Asli -- whether via the greater dissemination of Orang Asli news and views, assisting in court cases involving Orang Asli rights, or in developing arguments for lobbying and advocacy work. That is to say COAC functions primarily as a center to facilitate Orang Asli initiatives at self-development and in defense of their rights, and to support those who want to promote such initiatives."
Site contents:
* Info and Current Issues (Current News and Opinions, Basic Data on Orang Asli, Introduction to the Orang Asli); * Papers on the Orang Asli (Biodiversity, Local Livelihoods & Politics, Indigenous Spirituality and Governance, Remaining Indigenous, Acting on the Knowledge, Orang Asli Land Rights Upheld, Integration and Modernization of the Orang Asli, Orang Asli and Education, Health Care for the Orang Asli, Mahathir and the Invisible Minority, Stories of a People, Orang Asli and the Bumiputera Policy, Natural Resource Laws and the Orang Asli, Who Can Protect the Forests Better?, The Malaysian Timber Industry Celebrates, Certifying the Oil Palm Plantation Business, For the Good of All: Indigenous Peoples and Biodiversity, Biodiversity, Indigenous Knowledge and the Orang Asli, Affidavit of Expert Witness in Sagong Tasi case, Orang Asli Leadership, Orang Asli Resource Politics, On Community Organizing, Orang Asli as Stakeholders in the Management of Protected Areas, and earlier articles written before 2000); * Orang Asli Initiatives (Community Projects, Orang Asli Voices); * Image Galleries; * COAC Publications [incl. * Adela Baer, Karen Endicott, Rosemary Gianno, Signe Howell Barbara S. Nowak, Cornelia van der Sluys (2006) Orang Asli Women of Malaysia: Perceptions, Situations & Aspirations. ISBN 983-43248-0-4 * CPA, PACOS TRUST, COAC, ANTHROWATCH (2005) Indigenous Peoples and Local Government: Experiences from Malaysia and the Philippines. ISBN: 87-91563-06-2 / ISSN: 0105-4503 * Alberto G. Gomes (2004) Looking for Money: Capitalism and Modernity in an Orang Asli village. Co-published with Trans Pacific Press, Melbourne].
Internet Archive (
[the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
Link reported by:
Timothy Pwee (, forwarded by H-Net Discussion List on History and Study of Southeast Asia (
* Resource type [news/comments - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 30
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at