Australia Mekong Resource Center (AMRC)

31 May 2007
AMRC, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Supplied note:
"On 26-27 September 2007, the Australian Mekong Resource Centre and AusAID will co-host an international conference on regional integration, integrated water resource management and development in the Mekong titled: "A Greater Mekong? Poverty, Integration and Development" [...] Participants and speakers at the conference will come from academic, government, NGO, international organisation and community backgrounds, from around Australia, from Mekong countries and elsewhere. The conference will include keynote speakers, case studies, panel discussions and breakout sessions. There is no fee for the conference, however prior registration is required to assist with catering and conference planning. [...] Yours sincerely, Philip Hirsch, Director, Australian Mekong Resource Centre."
"AMRC is a resource centre based at the School of Geosciences, University of Sydney. The Centre promotes research, discussion and debate on development and environment issues in the Mekong Region. Established in 1997, AMRC focuses on the role Australia plays in the region as a near neighbour, donor and major trading partner. The Centre is a focal point for information, dialogue and activities in support of an equitable and sustainable development path for the Region. [...]
What's new at the AMRC? AMRC-AusAID conference: "A Greater Mekong? Poverty, Integration and Development", September 2007 Conference Preliminary Announcement (pdf) []" "
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