Selected Online Papers by Hans-Dieter Evers

29 Jun 2007
Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany.
Site contents:
* Benjamin Loh, Ai Chee Tang, Thomas Menkhoff, Yue Wah Chay, Hans-Dieter Evers. (2005) "Challenges and Prospects of Applying Knowledge Management in University Research: The Case of the Singapore Management University"; * Evers, H-D. (2005). "Global Knowledge: the Epistemic Culture of Development"; * Evers, H-D. (2004). "The Global Context of Development Anthropoly: Social and Cultural Dimensions of Market Expansion"; * Evers, H-D and Solvay Gerke. (2003). "Local and Global Knowledge. Social Science Research on Southeast Asia"; * Evers, H-D. (2003). "Transition towards a Knowledge Society: Indonesia and Malaysia in Comparative Perspective"; * Evers, H-D, Markus Kaiser, Christine Mueller. (2003). "Entwicklung durch Wissen - eine neue globale Wissensarchitektur"; * Evers, H-D. (2001). "Towards a Malaysian Knowledge Society"; * Evers, H-D. (2001). "Poder e influencia en la politica de desarrollo. Nuevas contribuciones a la teoria de los grupos estrategicos"; * Evers, H-D and Ozay Mehmet. (1994). "The Management of Risk: Informal Sector Trade in Indonesia"; * Evers, H-D. (1987). "The Bureaucratization of Southeast Asia"; * Evers, H-D, Ruediger Korff and Suparb Pas-Ong. (1987). "Trade and State Formation: Siam in the Early Bangkok Period"; * Evers, H-D. (1965). "Magic and Religion in Singhalese Society"; * Evers, H-D. (1968). "Kinship and Property Rights in a Buddhist Monastery in Central Ceylon"; * Evers, H-D. (1969). "Monastic Landlordism in Ceylon: a Traditional System in a Modern Setting"; * Evers, H-D. (1975). "Urbanization and Urban Conflict in Southeast Asia"; * Evers, H-D. (1968). "Buddha and the Seven Gods: The Dual Organization of a Temple in Central Ceylon"; * Evers, H-D. (1966). "The Formation of a Social Class Structure: Urbanization, Bureaucratization and Social Mobility in Thailand."
[Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Evers is a Senior Fellow at the ZEF - Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany - ed.]
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