Asian Classics Input Project (ACIP) Release 6

28 Apr 2008
ACIP (, New York, NY, US
Self-description: "This is our first major text release in five years. During this time, we have concentrated largely on accumulating new materials, much of which is slated to be released in the near future. The new material on this release includes more than 100,000 catalog entries of works held at the libraries in St. Petersburg; 35,000 catalog entries of works held in libraries in Mongolia; as well as some of the newly qualified and catalogued Tengyur works, listed by volume. Finally for the first time, this release includes English translations of some of the texts, for the benefit of our supporters who don't yet understand the Tibetan language. In future releases, we hope to expand this effort to include all of the languages into which our staff has translated this material."
Site contents:
* User Manual [a PDF file 6.8 MB]
* Search Programs;
* Using Tibetan Fonts;
* ACIP Master Catalog;
* Texts in Romanized Tibetan: (Texts by Subject, Kangyur by Title, Tengyur by Title or Volume, Sungbum by Author);
* Texts in Tibetan Script: (Kangyur by Title, Tengyur by Title or Volume, Sungbum by Author or Title, Reference Texts);
* English Educational Courses;
* Selected Texts from the ACIP Collection, in English
(# Analysis of the Art of Interpretation by Kedrup Tenpa Dargye (1493-1568), # The Garland of White Lotuses, the Essence of Eloquence, being an Overview of Dependent Origination by Kedrup Tenpa Dargye (1493-1568), # The Lamp for Those of Clear Minds, being an Overview of the Great Classical Commentary known as Entering the Middle Way, and an Illumination of the True Thought of The Illumination of the True Thought by Kedrup Tenpa Dargye (1493-1568), # The Jewel of the True Thought, a Commentary on Valid Perception by Geshe Yeshe Wangchuk, # Sunlight on the Path to Freedom by Choney Lama Drakpa Shedrup (1675-1748), # The Key to a Zillion Places, the Open Jaws of the Five-Faced Lion who Destroys the Elephant of Mistaken Opponents, a Guide through the Gate to Every Knowable Thing, The Logic Primer of Rato by Master Chok-hla U-ser (c. 1500), # The Key that Opens the Door to the Excellent Path, being Notes of an Explanation Granted when the Holder of the Diamond, the Good and Glorious Pabongka, Granted Profound Teachings upon The Three Principal Paths by Pabongka Rinpoche (1878-1941), # Part Three of The Lovely Jewel for the Mountain Peak of the Teachings of the Able One, being a Survey of the Schools of Philosophy by Master Changkya Rolpay Dorje, # Brief Notes Taken on the Occasion of Profound Teachings upon The Source of All My Good by Pabongka Rinpoche (1878-1941), # An Explanation of the Steps to the Path for Entering into the Precious Teachings of Those Who Have Gone to Bliss by Kadampa Geshe Drolungpa (c. 1100 AD), # Instructions on Developing the Good Heart, in Eight Verses by Dorje Senge of Langri Tang (1054-1123) [...]);
* Coming Attractions; * ACIP Directors and Advisers.
Internet Archive*/
Link reported by: Kramer Benjamin (
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]: Essential
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 30
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at

28 Apr 2008
ACIP (, New York, NY, US
Self-description: "This is our first major text release in five years. During this time, we have concentrated largely on accumulating new materials, much of which is slated to be released in the near future. The new material on this release includes more than 100,000 catalog entries of works held at the libraries in St. Petersburg; 35,000 catalog entries of works held in libraries in Mongolia; as well as some of the newly qualified and catalogued Tengyur works, listed by volume. Finally for the first time, this release includes English translations of some of the texts, for the benefit of our supporters who don't yet understand the Tibetan language. In future releases, we hope to expand this effort to include all of the languages into which our staff has translated this material."
Site contents:
* User Manual [a PDF file 6.8 MB]
* Search Programs;
* Using Tibetan Fonts;
* ACIP Master Catalog;
* Texts in Romanized Tibetan: (Texts by Subject, Kangyur by Title, Tengyur by Title or Volume, Sungbum by Author);
* Texts in Tibetan Script: (Kangyur by Title, Tengyur by Title or Volume, Sungbum by Author or Title, Reference Texts);
* English Educational Courses;
* Selected Texts from the ACIP Collection, in English
(# Analysis of the Art of Interpretation by Kedrup Tenpa Dargye (1493-1568), # The Garland of White Lotuses, the Essence of Eloquence, being an Overview of Dependent Origination by Kedrup Tenpa Dargye (1493-1568), # The Lamp for Those of Clear Minds, being an Overview of the Great Classical Commentary known as Entering the Middle Way, and an Illumination of the True Thought of The Illumination of the True Thought by Kedrup Tenpa Dargye (1493-1568), # The Jewel of the True Thought, a Commentary on Valid Perception by Geshe Yeshe Wangchuk, # Sunlight on the Path to Freedom by Choney Lama Drakpa Shedrup (1675-1748), # The Key to a Zillion Places, the Open Jaws of the Five-Faced Lion who Destroys the Elephant of Mistaken Opponents, a Guide through the Gate to Every Knowable Thing, The Logic Primer of Rato by Master Chok-hla U-ser (c. 1500), # The Key that Opens the Door to the Excellent Path, being Notes of an Explanation Granted when the Holder of the Diamond, the Good and Glorious Pabongka, Granted Profound Teachings upon The Three Principal Paths by Pabongka Rinpoche (1878-1941), # Part Three of The Lovely Jewel for the Mountain Peak of the Teachings of the Able One, being a Survey of the Schools of Philosophy by Master Changkya Rolpay Dorje, # Brief Notes Taken on the Occasion of Profound Teachings upon The Source of All My Good by Pabongka Rinpoche (1878-1941), # An Explanation of the Steps to the Path for Entering into the Precious Teachings of Those Who Have Gone to Bliss by Kadampa Geshe Drolungpa (c. 1100 AD), # Instructions on Developing the Good Heart, in Eight Verses by Dorje Senge of Langri Tang (1054-1123) [...]);
* Coming Attractions; * ACIP Directors and Advisers.
Internet Archive*/
Link reported by: Kramer Benjamin (
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]: Essential
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 30
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at