Ames Library of South Asia

30 Jun 2010
University of Minnesota Libraries, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
"THE BOOK THAT STARTED IT ALL . . . taken by Charles Lesley Ames as reading material on a trip to England in 1907, W. H. Fitchett's The Tale of the Great Mutiny so impressed its reader that he spent the rest of his life building a library on the British-Indian interaction.
In 1961, after more than 50 years of dedicated collecting, Ames gave his library to the University of Minnesota. The gift of over 25,000 titles, including manuscripts, photographs, maps, prints and drawings, immediately established the University as having one of the pre-eminent libraries for the study of South Asia in the western world.
COLLECTION FOCUS - The main focus of the collection is the British-Indian interaction. Particularly noteworthy are the holdings of: * Military and regimental histories; * Administration of India (including many manuscripts of Viceroys and Governors-General); * Travel and description; * Histories and accounts of wars and battles; * Official publicatons;
Current collecting for the Ames Library relates to all aspects of the humanities and social sciences. A Department of Education Title IIC grant provided funding for the cataloging of rare books, pamphlets, tracts and manuscripts in the collection.
ADDITIONAL GIFTS - Several others have followed Mr. Ames' example and have given their libraries to enrich the Ames Library: * The Abdus Salam Collection of Persian and Urdu materials, * The Long Beach Collection of Bengali materials, * The Trois Johnson Collection of Portuguese materials,
DEFINING SOUTH ASIA - South Asia includes: * Afghanistan, * Bangladesh, * Bhutan, * Ceylon / Sri Lanka, * India, * Nepal, * Pakistan.
The Ames Library also collects material related to Burma / Myanmar and Tibet, due to prior historical and political involvement with Inda.
PL480 PROGRAM - The Public Law 480 Program of the Library of Congress added over 100,000 volumes of scholarly materials from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka to the Ames Library of South Asia. This program allows the Ames Library to acquire works in the vernacular languages of South Asia, particularly in Bengali, Hind, Marathi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telegu, and Urdu. Additional materials related to South Asia are held in many other collections within the University of Minnesota Libraries. Search MNCAT, the online catalog of the University of Minnesota Libraries. You may also wish to consult the James Ford Bell Library, a division of Rare Books and Special Collections that focuses on expansion of western commerce and civilization from the 14th to 18th century."
Site contents:
* About Ames;
* Ames Hours;
* Research Guides: South Asia (# South Asia Subject Guides - General Resources for South Asian Studies, India: Development, Globalization and Contestation, # Searchable Special Databases - Travelers Accounts of the Cities of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burma, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, Writings by and about Women in Pre-Independent India);
* New Titles in Ames [Monthly Accessions Lists];
* Web Sites Worth Considering (Afghanistan, Agriculture, Bangladesh, Children, Business, Development Sites, Education and Research Institutes, Environment, Human Rights, Labor, Newspapers, Political Groups, Scholarly Institutes);
* Travellers' Accounts of Cities [a database of travel accounts from 1760-1999 in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Swedish - ed.].
* Women in Pre-Independent India;
* South Asia at the U of MN (# Consortium for the Study of the Asias (CSA) - News and Events, # Department of Asian Languages and Literatures - Hindi/Urdu Language Program, South Asian Literary and Cultural Studies, # India Center - Study abroad programs and resources, Travel resources, Resources for South Asian students and scholars, # Institute for Global Studies - Undergraduate regional concentration in South Asia);
* Quick Links (incl. MNCAT Classic, E-Journals, Indexes, RefWorks: Citation Manager);MAGE SHOWCASE
* Ames Digital Image Database (Afghanistan--History; Afghanistan--Maps; Assam (India)--Maps; Atlases, French; Canals--India; Canals--India; Clothing and Dress--Afghanistan; Colonial infrastructure projects--India; Colonial Posts and Telegraphs--India; Colonial water projects--India; Dams--India; Disaster relief--Pakistan--Quetta; Drainage--India; Earthquakes--Pakistan--Quetta--1935; Eastern Hemisphere--Maps; Flood control--India; Ganges River (India and Bangladesh)--Maps; Hooghly River (India)--Maps; Hydroelectric Power Plants--India; Irrigation--India; Kabul (Afghanistan)--History; Maps--Early works to 1800; Postal Service--India; Railroads--India; Telecommunication Equipment Industry--India; Telegraph--India; Telephone--India; Water supply--India; Waterways--India--Bengal; Women Construction Workers--India; Yamuna River (India)--Maps);
* Stereoscopic Armchair travel in India c1900 [103 pairs of stereoscopic photographs from 19/20th c. India];
* Ames Library Exhibitions (Images from the rare book collection: # The First Afghan War, 1839-1842; # Records from the Age of Sail; # The British in the 19th C Afghanistan; # Views of South India; # Kashmir Mystery!; # Jinnah: Creator of Pakistan; # Royal Visits to India; # Women's Clothing; # Missionaries in India; # The Opening of Tibet; # Wedding Invitations!; # 19th C Illust. of the Peoples of India; # Muslim Tombs; # Tara Colburn-Photography, Peoples in India; # 19 C Illust. of the Fauna of India; # Agra!; # Illust. Sporting Life, 19th C India; # Cabinet of Curiosities; # Along the Frontier; # Ceylon; # The Great Game; # Bhutan and the British During the 19th C; # Britain, Burma, and India).
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