Books in Chinese Propaganda Posters [1952-1994]

Stefan Landsberger/Hanno E. Lecher, Institute of Chinese Studies, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
"'To Read Too Many Books is Harmful' (Mao Zedong) Books in Chinese Propaganda Posters: Objects of Veneration, Subjects of Destruction. An exhibition at the Libraries of the Sinological Institute, Leiden University 7 December 2004 - 30 June 2005."
Supplied note:
"The posters are displayed as thumbnail as well as larger jpg-file and include the name of designer, year and place of publication (sometimes with some details about circulation etc.), a translation of the text contained, and some notes on content and context, written by Stefan Landsberger (who also wrote the introduction) - hl."
Site contents:
(1) Introduction; (2) Posters [26 posters, 1952-1994 - ed.]
Internet Archive (
[the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]
Link reported by:
Hanno E. Lecher / Internet Guide for ChinaStudies (h.e.lecher@)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
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* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
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under 30
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