Economic and Ecological Restructuring of Land and Water Use in the Region Khorezm (Uzbekistan)

22 Mar 2007
Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany
Supplied note:
"This project is carried out by the Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, since 1992 and is now entereing its Phase III 2007-2010 on 'Pilot farm, model fine tuning, Decision Support Tool (DST)'. The Project Objectives are (1) to develop concepts for landscape restructuring in Khorezm, an intensively used agricultural region in the Aral Sea basin. The concepts are to contribute to a more effective and ecologically sustainable land and water use; (2) to develop proposals for both legal-administrative and ecological restructuring measures using sustainable natural resource management concepts. At the same time, scientific collaboration based on a close partnership between Germany and Uzbekistan in the field of development research has been established and a joint research station has been established in Khorezm. Here, special attention is given to the training of young scientists. For further details please consult the project web site - hde."
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