* tmc * in patientia vestra habetis animam vestram * tmc *

Dear Reader,

(including all its subsidiary (and/or sister) pages on "coombs.anu.edu.au" server) has permanently ceased its publishing operations on Friday 21st January 2011.

All of the online resources reported here have been thoroughly checked at the time of their listing. However, it is possible that, with the with the passage of time, many of the originally reported materials might have been removed from the Internet, or changed their online address, or varied the scope and quality of their contents.

Fortunately, in several cases it is possible to access many of the older versions of the resources listed in the MONITOR. This can be easily done via the free services of the "The Internet Archive" http://web.archive.org/, a remarkable brainchild of Brewster Kahle, San Francisco, CA.

- with warm regards -

Editor, Dr T. Matthew Ciolek.

Canberra, 21 January 2011.

27 June 2006

Bhutan - Election Commission website


23 Jun 2006

Election Commission, Thimphu, Bhutan

Supplied note:
"[T]his will be the principal site for documents, laws, rules and regulations, reports, and detailed statistics for the projected parliamentary elections to be held in Bhutan in early 2008 (the date as not yet been announced but will be before mid-2008, as 'the new parliament' is to have the task of approving Bhutan's Tenth Five-Year Plan at that time (the Ninth FYP has been extended by one year to end in June 2008).

The Election Commission website at present contains a translation of King Jigme Singye Wangchuck's kasho establishing the Commission (in accordance with the 2nd public draft of Bhutan's proposed constitution), a proposed organisation chart for the Commission, and an interactive map of Bhutan and its districts which will be the basis for more detailed data (eg electoral district boundaries) in the months to come. Citizens, when registered on the forthcoming electoral roll, will also be able to check the roll on-line.

A formal Electoral Act is to be discussed and adopted by Bhutan's National Assembly at its projected 86th session in November 2006. - bcs."

Site contents:
* Home; * Rules; * Elections; * Maps; * Voters; * Faq; * Forms; * Kasho from His Majesty; * Message from the CEC; * Organization (Proposed Structure, Staff In Positions, News, Announcements, Links, Orders & Notification, Press Release, Photo Gallery).


Internet Archive (www.archive.org)
[the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]

Link reported by:
Brian C. Shaw (bcjshaw--at--hkucc.hku.hk)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Corporate Info./Documents
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 -
under 1,000 - under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 300

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

Asian Journal of Comparative Law (ASJCL)


21 Jun 2006

The Berkeley Electronic Press, Berkeley, CA, US

Supplied note:
"The Asian Journal of Comparative Law is a definitive new peer-reviewed journal for Asian perspectives on the law and legal perspectives on Asia. An initiative of the Asian Law Institute, an association of thirteen leading law schools in Asia, the journal's editors and authors come from top institutions across the Asian-Pacific region and South Asia. The journal publishes articles from scholars with intimate knowledge of local practices that offer unique insight into how legal solutions are tailored to local culture and circumstance. Recent topics include Korean corporate governance, the political culture of blogging in Malaysia, and Asian discourses on legal education. The Asian Journal of Comparative Law is an invaluable resource for scholars of comparative and international law as well as scholars of Asian area studies. - i.p."

Site contents:
[Vol.1 Iss. 1, 2006] ARTICLES: Foreword - Alexander Loke; Cross-Border Gambling and Betting Services Under WTO Disciplines - Mitsuo Matsushita and Aya Iino; Institutions of International Law and the Development of Regional Forum for Peaceful Dialogue in South Asia - Javaid Rehman; The Next Stage of Reforms: Korean Corporate Governance in the Post-Asian Financial Crisis Era - Joongi Kim; An Analysis of China's System of Protecting Geographical Indications - Lanye Zhu; The Right to Collective Bargaining in Malaysia in the Context of ILO Standards - Rabiu Sani Shatsari and Kamal Halili Hassan; Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom: Digital Speech in Malaysia - Hang Wu Tang; Comparative Legal Traditions - Introducing the Common Law to Civil Lawyers in Asia - Margaret Fordham; The Dangers of the United Nations' "New Security Agenda": "Human Security" in the Asia-Pacific Region - Ben Saul; Legal Education in Asia - Cheng Han Tan, Gary Bell, Xuan Hop Dang, Joongi Kim, Keang Sood Teo, Arun Thiruvengadam, V. Vijayakumar, and Jiangyu Wang Legal Education Reform in Indonesia - Hikmahanto Juwana; Possible Reform for Legal Education in Taiwan: A Refined "J.D. System"? - Chang-fa Lo; The Importance of Understanding and Teaching Islamic Law in Asia - Nik Ahmad Kamal Nik Mahmod; Designing a Legal Skills Curriculum For an Asian Law School: Lessons in Adaptation - Eleanor Wong; Developing Active Learning of Skills in Professional Legal Education in Hong Kong --- From Theory to Ethnography - Wilson W.S. Chow, Richard W.S. Wu, and Felix W.H. Chan; Towards A Comparative Rhetoric of Argument: Using the Concept of "Audience" as a Means of Educating Students about Comparative Argument - Helena Whalen-Bridge. BOOK REVIEWS: Review of Islamic Banking & Finance in South-East Asia: Its Development and Future - Jolene Lin; Review of Reforming Corporate Governance in Southeast Asia: Economics, Politics, and Regulations - Jiangyu Wang.


Internet Archive (www.archive.org)
[the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]

Link reported by:
Irene Perciali (iperciali--at--bepress.com)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 -
under 1,000 - under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 30

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

20 June 2006

The China and Eurasia Forum (CEF) Quarterly, May 2006 - Terrorism issue


20 Jun 2006

The Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Washington DC, US / The Silk Road Studies Program, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.

Supplied note:
"The May 2006 (Terrorism) issue of the CEF Quarterly is online at [the URL below]. The PDF version of the entire issue is available at: http://www.silkroadstudies.org/new/docs/CEF/Quarterly/May_2006.pdf

The CEF Quarterly is published by the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program (Johns Hopkins University (SAIS)/Uppsala University) and is devoted to analysis of the current issues facing China and Eurasia. Focusing primarily on Sino-Central Asian, Sino-Russian, and Sino-Caucasian relations, the aim of the CEF Quarterly is to foster discussion and information sharing between a geographically distant community that recognizes the significance of China's emergence in this important part of the world. In this issue we focus on terrorism, and how terrorism affects the security situation in China and the Greater Central Asia region. We are confident that the articles in this issue will shed some light on the current status of terrorism and its implications for security and counter-terrorism.

Full contents:
1. Central Asia in Al-Qaeda's Vision of the Anti-American Jihad, 1979-2006, p. 5-10 Michael Scheuer. [...] 2. Terrorism in Eurasia: Enhancing the Multilateral Response, p.11-17 Richard Weitz. [...] 3. East Turkestan Terrorism and the Terrorist Arc: China's Post-9/11 Anti-Terror Strategy, p. 19-24. Pan Guang. [...] 4. Nuclear Smuggling, Rogue States and Terrorists, p. 25-32 Rensselaer Lee. [...] 5. Reevaluating the Risks of Terrorist Attacks Against Energy Infrastructure in Eurasia, p.33-38 Pavel Baev. [...] 6. The Phenomenology of "Akromiya": Separating Facts from Fiction, p.39-48 Alisher Ilkhamov. [...] 7. Perception and Treatment of the "Extremist" Islamic Group Hizb ut-Tahrir by Central Asian Governments, 49-54 Saule Mukhametrakhimova. [...] 8. An Al-Qaeda Associate Group Operating in China?, p. 55-61 Rohan Gunaratna and Kenneth Pereire. [...] 9. Will Kazakh Authorities Avoid Extremist Pitfalls?, p-63-67 Marat Yermukanov. [...] 10. Cross Border Terrorism Issues Plaguing Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations, p. 69-74 Rizwan Zeb. [...] 11. Confronting Terrorism and Other Evils in China: All Quiet on the Western Front?, p. 75-87 Chien-peng Chung. [...] 12. Fact and Fiction: A Chinese Documentary on Eastern Turkestan Terrorism, p. 89-108 Yitzhak Shichor. [...] 13. Strategic Surprise? Central Asia in 2006, p.109-130 Stephen Blank. [...] 14. Counterinsurgency, Counterterrorism, State-building and Security Cooperation in Central Asia, p.131-151 Michael Mihalka. [...] 15. Multilateralism, Bilateralism and Unilateralism in Fighting Terrorism in the SCO Area, p. 153-169 Farkhod Tolipov. [...]

The journal and individual articles can also be downloaded from our webpage [at the URL below]
Subscription inquiries and requests for hard copies should be addressed to: The China and Eurasia Forum, The Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, 1619 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20036, United States or The China and Eurasia Forum, The Silk Road Studies Program, Uppsala University, Box 514, SE-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden. E-mail: nnorling--at--silkroadstudies.org or call +46 - 18 - 471 71 16."


Internet Archive (www.archive.org)
[the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]

Link reported by:
Christopher Len (SRSP) (clen--at--silkroadstudies.org)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000
- under 1,000 - under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: over 100

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

CA&CC Press(R) AB Publishing House (Sweden)


19 Jun 2006

Institute for Central Asian and Caucasian Studies, Lulea, Sweden

"The CA&CC Press(R) AB / Central Asia & Central Caucasus Press AB site is the joint home page of the Institute for Central Asian and Caucasian Studies in Sweden and the Institute of Strategic Studies of the Caucasus in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The site contains information, periodicals, monographs, annuals, and other publications prepared by these institutes.

Site contents:
* About; * Central Asia and The Caucasus [Journal] (Editorial Staff, Editorial Board, TOCs for issues: 1 (31) 2005, 2 (32) 2005, 3 (33) 2005, 4 (34) 2005, 5 (35) 2005, 6 (36) 2005, 1 (37) 2006, 2 (38) 2006); * Central Eurasia Annual (Scientific Editorial Board, TOCs for the year 2006); * Caucasus and Globalization [Journal] (Editorial Council, Editorial Board); * Database [full-text papers] (Murad Esenov: The Anti-Terrorist Campaign and the Regional Security System, Murad Esenov: Turkmenistan and Central Asian regional security, Murad Esenov: Nobody Knows the Central Asian Situation Better than We., Archive of the Central Asia Journal, Lena Jonson, Murad Esenov: Political Islam and Conflicts in Russia and Central Asia, Lena Jonson, Murad Esenov: Chechnya: the International Community and Strategies for Peace and Stability, Ali Abasov, Haroutiun Khachatrian: Variants for a Solution of the Karabakh Conflict: Concepts and Reality, Gulnara Shalpykova: Water Disputes in Central Asia: The Syr Darya River Basin, Paul A. Goble: Back on the Map: the Geopolitics of Central Asia, Sergei Gretskyi: Russia's Policy toward Central Asia, Paul B. Henze and Wimbush S. Enders: American Middle East Policy Need for New Thinking, Paul B. Henze: Dagestan in October 1997 Imam Shamil Lives!, Ashurboi Imomov, Harold H. Saunders, Gennady Chufrin: The Inter-Tajik Dialogue within the Framework of the Dartmouth Conference, Lena Johnson: Russian Policy and Tajikistan, James MacDougall: A New Stage in U.S. - Caspian Sea Basin Relations, Keith Martin: 'Welcome to the Republic of Leninabad'?, Odil Ruzaliev: Turkistan: Consolidating Factors for Its People, Borys Parakhonsky: Central Asia: Geostrategic Survey, Irina Zviagelskaya: The Russian Policy Debate on Central Asia, Irina Zviagelskaya: The Tajik Conflict, Noelle Quenivet: The Rule of Law in the Russian Federation - Case Study: Filtration Camps in Chechnya, Olga Belova: Did Russian Membership in the Council of Europe Make a Difference in the Second Chechen Conflict?, Christopher Hare: External Assistance to Secession Struggles: Could Afghan Recognition of Chechnya Legally Have Gone Further?, Marat Kengerlinsky: Displaced Persons from the Chechnya Crisis: a Legal View).

[A bi-lingual (EN;RU) site - ed.]


Internet Archive
(www.archive.org) [details of the site's archived version are, at the moment, unavailable]

Link reported by:
Murad Esenov (murad.esenov--at--worldmail.se), forwarded by central-eurasia-l--at--lists.fas.harvard.edu

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000
- under 1,000 - under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: over 300

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

Iranian Information & Documentation Center (IRANDOC)


19 Jun 2006

IRANDOC, Tehran, Iran

"IRANDOC main works are research, training and information service. Research on information science, as part of IRANDOC mission is carried out by Research units. These Units work on Library & Information, Information Analysis, Information Systems Management, Terminology & Thesauri and Information Technology. These units are in direct cooperation with experts and members of scientific mission. Also, IRANDOC is the secretariat and a member of National Research Council of I.R. of Iran, and represent Iran in [UNESCO's] ASTINFO [...]. IRANDOC is also a national member of these international bodies: FID, IFLA and ASLIB.

Main Services:
Establishing and maintenance of Persian scientific information database. Supplying foreign scientific information database. Database producing process implementation and consultation. Indexing training course. Training course on "utilizing union list of Latin periodicals". International Document supply. To publish press orders. Media and microform conversion. Special services."

Site contents:
Strategic Plan; Databases [online access (in Persian language) to: 1. Iranian Dissertation Abstracts. 2. Dissertation Abstracts of Iranian Graduates Abroad. 3. Current Research in Iranian Universities and Research Centers. 4. Directory of Scientific Meeting Help In Iran. 5. The Abstract of Scientific Technical and Papers. 6. Iranian Government Report. 7. Index to Latin periodicals available in Iranian special libraries. 8. Iranian Scholars and Experts Database. 9. Education Information. 10. Databank of research projects and scientific documents of water. 11. Khazar Information (Caspian Sea). - ed.]; Publications; Projects; Research Units; Staff.


Internet Archive

Link reported by:
Babaie (babaie--at--irandoc.ac.ir)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Corporate Info./Documents
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: over 3000 [in fact, 23200]

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

09 June 2006

The Wa Language Dictionary, with Burmese (Myanmar), Chinese, and English Glosses


09 Jun 2006

The School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK

"A Dictionary of the Wa Language with Burmese (Myanmar), Chinese, and English Glosses and Internet Database for Minority Languages of Burma (Myanmar).
Wa is a member of the Northern Mon-Khmer language family. More specifically, it is the major language of the Palaungic branch of Mon-Khmer. (See map and chart of Austroasiatic languages, which includes, primarily, the Mon-Khmer family.) Wa is spoken by about one million people in an area on the border between China's Yunnan Province and the Shan State of the Union of Myanmar (Burma). [...] The only Wa dictionaries which exist are a few Wa-Chinese dictionaries which are either limited or out-dated.
The SOAS Wa Dictionary Project is a three-year effort (2003-2006), funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council to produce a high-quality dictionary, translating Wa into Chinese, Burmese/Myanmar and English. The project uses advanced techniques in corpus-based lexicography, centred on a database and Internet resource, which will also be suitable for other languages spoken in Burma/Myanmar besides Wa after the life of the project."

Site contents:
* Dictionary Database; * Corpus of Wa Texts; * Myanmar Minority Language Database; * Resources (including draft documents on: The Wa System for Personal Names, Numbers in Wa, Wa Weights and Measures, and Wa Area Placenames [i.e. http://mercury.soas.ac.uk/wadict/wa_placenames.html, a gazetteer of places and their long/lat coordinates. I commend the document to all serious students of trade routes in the Thai-Yunnan area - ed.])


Internet Archive

Link reported by:
T. Matthew Ciolek (tmciolek--at--coombs.anu.edu.au)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]
: Essential
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 100

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

02 June 2006

Chinese Business History (CBH) Bulletin


01 Jun 2006

History Department, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA, US

"Chinese Business History [Zhongguo Shangye Shi] is the semiannual bulletin of the Chinese Business History Research Group, an affiliate of the Association for Asian Studies. Since 1990, historians of Chinese business and economy have filled its pages with reports on their current research, reflections on theoretical and practical issues in the field, reports on conferences, and notes on archives of primary sources which promise to be useful to scholars."

Site contents:
* CBH Bulletin [Current issue; Spring 2006, Volume 16, Number 1]; * Scholar Directory; * Working Papers [in PDF format]; * Submissions; * Links; * Archives [of documents]; * Previous Issues [in PDF format, 2 issues per annual volume, 1992 (vol 2) - 2005 (vol 15)].


Internet Archive (www.archive.org)
[the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]

Link reported by:
Linsun Cheng (lcheng--at--umassd.edu), forwarded by h-asia--at--h-net.msu.edu

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 30

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com

01 June 2006

Research on Taiwan's Position as a US Insular Area (Unincorporated Territory)


01 Jun 2006

www.taiwanadvice.com, Taipei, Taiwan

Supplied note:
"This [site, established in 2002, deals with] new research on the truth of Taiwan's international legal position - rcsl and rwh."

"After taking into account all [available evidence], a full statement of Taiwan's current position under international law can be derived. Based on the SFPT [San Francisco Peace Treaty, effective from April 28, 1952 - ed.], the US Constitution, and the Insular Cases of the US Supreme Court, Taiwan can be classified as 'unincorporated territory under USMG [United States Military Government].' This means that Taiwan is an insular area of the United States."

Site contents:
* Press Releases & Announcements; * The Framework (The Framework for Hartzell & Lin's Research, A new recognition of the United States of America, Are Taiwanese Persons ROC Citizens? -- In Search of a Legal Basis for ROC Citizenship, Cuba after the Spanish American War, Taiwan after WWII, Cuba and Taiwan: Points of Comparison, Three Insular Cases and the Taiwan Status, Does Taiwan Meet the Criteria to Qualify as an "Overseas Territory of the United States"?, FM 27-10 The Law of Land Warfare, Chapter 6: OCCUPATION, paragraph 366, The Fourth Geneva Convention, Military Occupation, and Taiwan, General Background Information, Important Quotations from Downes v. Bidwell, (US Supreme Court, May 27, 1901), Important Remarks on the Interpretation of Treaties, Is Taiwan a Sovereign and Independent Nation under the terms of the Taiwan Relations Act?, The Legal Basis for Taiwan's Qualification as "Unincorporated Territory" of the United States, Name Rectification and a New Constitution without Immediate Independence, Name Rectification in Insular Areas of the United States, On the Subjects of "Conquest" and "Dominion", Our inquiry to the US government -- What are you doing?, Overview of relevant US Supreme Court decisions, Points of Confusion over the Cuba Question and Cuba Sovereignty, Points of Confusion over the Taiwan Question and Taiwan Sovereignty up to the present day, Questions and Answers on the Taiwan status, Questions of Sovereignty -- the Montevideo Convention and Territorial Cession, Quick Summary of the SFPT's Disposition of "Formosa and the Pescadores", Reflections on Taiwan History -- from the vantage point of Iwo Jima, Reflections on the Significance of Oct. 25, 1945, by Taiwanese in N. Calif., USA, The Successor Government Theory and the One China Policy, Taiwan and Occupied West Berlin, Taiwan Status Glossary, Taiwan's Qualification as "Unincorporated Territory" of the United States, Territorial Cession after War and the End of Military Government, The Territorial Cessions of Puerto Rico, Cuba, Philippines, Guam, & Taiwan, Understanding the San Francisco Peace Treaty's Disposition of Formosa and the Pescadores , Unincorporated Territory, Unincorporated Territory under the United States Military Government (USMG), Why Isn't the US Flag Flying over Taiwan?); * Charts and Diagrams; * Published Articles; * Links [to documents]; * Book Introductions; * Petitioning.


Internet Archive (www.archive.org)
[the site was not archived at the time of this abstract]

Link reported by:
Roger C. S. Lin and Richard W. Hartzell (rgroup.tw--at--gmail.com)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000
- under 1,000 - under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 300

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com