Asia Policy Point (APP)

22 Dec 2010
Asia Policy Point (APP), Washington DC, USA.
"Asia Policy Point is an independent, U.S. nonprofit [501(c)(3)] research center that meets the practical needs of executives, scientists, engineers, educators, policymakers, and journalists. Professionals learn to integrate both Japanese information and U.S.-Japan technology and economic policies in their research and strategic planning.
Founded in 1991, Asia Policy Point (formerly Japan Information Access Project) # Organizes meetings that bring together experts and policymakers on Japanese and Western science, technology, industrial, and public policy # Researches critical and emerging issues affecting the economic and scientific relations between Japan and the West. Research areas include: semiconductors, electronics, multimedia, biomedical technologies, chemicals and materials, aerospace, telecommunications, financial services, manufacturing, environment, intellectual property, economic development, Internet, security, and trade and technology policies # Publishes the Asia Policy Calendar (APC), a Monday e-mail focused on upcoming hearings, events, news, reports, and opinion relevant to the Northeast Asian policy watcher. # Asia Policy Point is funded by its membership dues and American universities and foundations. Funding is neither received nor solicited from Japanese organizations."
Site contents:
* Who We Are;
* Newsletters [about two APP's newsletters: Asia Policy Calendar (APC) and Asia Policy Weekly (APW)];
* Commentary and Reports (Commentary, Morse Target [written 1996-2006 by Dr. Ronald Morse], Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea, North Korea, Asia, Science &Technology, Other);
* Programs (# Japan Information Access Project (JIAP), # Asian Science and Technology Forum (AST), # Asia Group, # Resources for Researchers);
* Events [under construction in Dec 2010];
* Resources for Researchers [under construction in Dec 2010];
* Join;
* Members only [under construction in Dec 2010];
* APP News [News of APP staff and members];
* Hot Topics (incl.: # Comfort Women, # Air Force Programs, # Japan's Conservative Nationalists Project);
* Featured Releases (New web postings of APP documents, incl.: # International S&T Cooperation As A Critical Instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy # Statement for the Record to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for a Hearing on Violence Against Women: Global Costs And Consequences);
* APP Blog [ The site includes a number of web links: # Asian Points (From: Asia Pacific Voices, Asia Times, Asia Unbound (CFR), Asia-Pacific Journal (Japan Focus), Asian Correspondent, Asian Security, Association of Japanese Business Studies, BarentsObserver, BBC Asia, To:, Taiwan Matters, Taiwan Security Research, Tokyo Digital Journalism, Tokyo Notes, The China Beat, The View from Taiwan, Twisting Flowers, What Japan Thinks, Yebisu Post), # Washington Points (From: Aid Effectiveness, American Society of International Law, Arms Control Wonk, Brookings CNAPS, Bureau of East Asian & Pacific Affairs (State Dept.), C-Span, To: Washington Post, Washington Wire (WSJ), White House, Who Runs Gov, Wilson Center, World Bank, World Public Opinion), # Economic Points (APEC, ASEAN, Asia Economic Institute, Asia Economic Monitor, Asian Development Bank Asian Regional Integration Center, Asia Source (Federal Reserve), Bank for International Settlements, East Asian Bureau of Economic Research, East Asian Integration Studies, Federal Reserve, G-20, International Energy Agency (IEA), IMF, Institute for International Economics, Japan Center for International Finance, OECD, Research Institute of Economy, Trade & Industry, Roubini Global Economics-Asia, Samsung Economic Research Institute, UNCTAD, UNESCAP, WIPO, World Bank, World Bank Data, WTO, Triple Crisis), # S&T Points (ASEAN Science & Technology Network, Asia Competitiveness Institute, Center for Science, Technology & Security Policy (AAAS), Innovation Policy Blog, Japan Science & Technology Agency, National Science Council (Taiwan), National Science Foundation (US), NISTEP (Japan), OECD Science & Innovation, Office of Science & Technology Policy (White House), Science & Technology Policy Institute (Korea), STI Program (Wilson Center), The National Academies, UNESCO, USPTO, WIPO), # Asia History Points (From: Asian Women's Fund,, Australian War Memorial, BACEPOW, Bataan Commemorative Research Project To:, USS Missouri, U.S.-Japan Dialogue on POWs, Visualizing Cultures (MIT), Women's Active Museum, Yasukuni Shrine)
* APP Blog - Recent Entries (incl.: # The Big Picture, # APP Members in Print, # Maybe Hatoyama is down for the count);
* Contact;
* Privacy Policy;
* Site Map.
Internet Archive*/
Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Study / Online Guide / News / Corporate Info.
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
V. Useful
Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at